News & ACTION ITEMS - 03/06/24 ~ IDAHO & Beyond. Cloud Threats, Idaho Bills to Support & Nix, Informed Consent, Freedom in Jeopardy
Idaho & Beyond: Headlines; Covid Tyranny; Spying, War & More + Health. Apologies for the flurry of posts. Things are moving soooo fast! The challenge is vast.
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🗣️”Turn your attention to France right now. In the dead of night, a new law slipped through the General Assembly that would make it a crime to criticize mRNA shots. Critics call it the Pfizer law. It calls for fines of up to 45,000 euros and possibly three years in prison for debunking an approved medical treatment.” ~Dr. Robert Malone
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🚫 Do Not Comply with Tyranny!
Noncompliant Movie (1 hr 24 min): Watch
Civil disobedience in Australia, a handy guide (25 min 39 sec): Watch
Government Tyranny in the CovidEra (video 1 min 30 sec): Watch
Resources Quick Index…
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Are You a Liberty Legislator or Candidate? Are You Working with One? Ideas and tips here and here.
1️⃣ Get Informed
TAKE ACTION: Please read and share widely three recent articles about informed consent (or lack thereof), poisoning of the people, and ways to fight back. The first step, of course, is knowing the problem, which is why we must share:
Idaho's County Commissioners Advise Against Gene Therapy Shots. A dedicated team successfully encouraged Commissioners in several Idaho Counties to advise against Gene Therapy Shots pending investigations and full informed consent. You can help! Read
Cloud Seeding Experiment in Idaho. Should state agencies and for-profit companies be given special liability exemptions for experimental projects carried out in an open-air environment? Where there is risk, there must be liability: Read
Informed Consent and Human Health: From mRNA Gene Therapy Injections to Self-Amplifying Vaccines. What is happening & what we must do to avoid tyranny & medical slavery. Latest scary vaccine tech. Important definitions (informed consent, EUA, nullification). 7 Steps to freedom. References & links: Read
IDAHO Headlines
Idaho news and action items. More Idaho Resources
IDAHO.ONE is an excellent aggregator of Idaho-focused conservative news. Please check it often.
Transparent Idaho is a searchable Idaho government website that shows exactly how your tax dollars are being spent at the state, city, county, and local district level. Courtesy of the Idaho State Controller’s Office, this website provides a trusted source for state and local financial data.
The People’s Pen is a printed newspaper that will inspire you to become a more informed and engaged citizen: Subscribe for snail mail delivery
🚨 PRIMARIES Matter Most in Idaho! There's NO substitute for meeting candidates face to face. Their legislative actions will affect every Idahoan EVERY DAY. 🚨
ADA COUNTY EVENTS (updated 03/05/24): Read
BOISE COUNTY EVENTS (updated 03/01/24): Read
View the results here or click image above!
Selected articles that mention Idaho’s Republican Caucus (see others here):
See also “IDAHO REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CAUCUS 03/02/24 Noon-1:30pm” above.
Decline to Sign! Learn why ranked choice voting is BAD for Idaho. Share the flyer (downloadable PDF below) | Learn more: Jungle Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ballot Initiative: A Race to the Bottom
Hey everybody! If you see a bill that you especially like, please call the sponsor and give him or her your support. Legislators are HUMAN BEINGS! They can feel marooned and overwhelmed by negative feedback, especially if they never hear from people who actually like what they do. Also, if you DO NOT like a bill, be sure to voice your opinion. Pick up the phone or email! How to find legislators: Read
How a bill becomes law: Read
LEGISLATURE CLASSES from Idaho Freedom Foundation (offered online): Idaho Freedom TV - YouTube | Freedom, Spending, and Education Indexes | Legislature 101 | Legislature 201
👉 Don’t miss the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s 2024 INDEX BILL ANALYSES! Call and write your legislators before they pass a bad bill or to encourage them to pass a good one. Use one of the Bill Trackers to follow your favorite (or least favorite) bills.
Scorecards & Trackers: When evaluating whether a bill reflects conservative or liberal values, consider the bills’ sponsors and their scorecards at Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) | IFF Bill Analyses | Think Liberty Idaho (all Idaho legislator scores in one place) | Session Snapshot - Gem State Chronicle | Idaho GOP Platform Rating (Legislators and Bills) | More Bill Trackers
Idaho Bills By Number, Subject, Enacted Legislation, Vetoed Legislation, Weekly Bill Status:
BIG E Substack Voting Guide: Read
Ask your legislators to support medical liberty in Idaho: Read
It’s an election year, folks. Read what your legislators are doing now. Re-elect the good ones and De-Elect the bad ones. PRIMARIES are most important in Idaho, so study carefully and THEN vote: Voting Guide
To find out the status of many bills, go to Session Snapshot - Gem State Chronicle, 2024 Bill Tracker | Think Liberty Idaho, Inc, or 2024 Legislation – Idaho State Legislature. You also may need to look at various committee agendas. These bills move so fast that it’s difficult to keep up.
Check out bill evaluations at Idaho Freedom Foundation’s 2024 INDEX BILL ANALYSES
To quickly write to a legislative committee or to the entire house, senate, or both, go to Email Idaho. Be sure to customize any scripts we provide; legislators are more likely to heed unique, heartfelt messages.
🔥FISCAL FREEDOM BILLS: See also “FISCAL FRIDAYS: Fiscal freedom on the move: S1296, H585” below.
🔥STOP IDAHO RINOS Newsletter (03/05/24). Note: We provide several scripts for bills mentioned in this newsletter including Good Bills (S1252, H602, H615) and Bad Bills (H653, H683): Read
OPPOSE H653 Pesticides, warning labels: This bill was killed in the Senate, but Representative Megan Blanksma (District 8) brought it to the House. It’s still bad however you recycle it. Go to > Business | Sample Script
OPPOSE H680 Commission On Aging, Appropriations FY25: Go to > Appropriations | Sample Script
OPPOSE H683 - Office of early childhood services: Go to > The Entire House | Sample Script
(This bill is ranked an astounding -8 by Idaho Freedom Foundation and is similar to H636, introduced earlier this session.)OPPOSE SJM102 - Immigration, labor, security. Go to > Agricultural Affairs | Sample Script
SUPPORT Idaho S1252 - Defend the Guard Act. S1252 Defend the Guard Act passed 27-8 on the Idaho Senate floor and has moved to the Idaho House. Go to > Entire House | Sample Scripts
SUPPORT Idaho H602 - NO Taxpayer funds, teachers unions: Go to > House | Sample Script
(This bill is ranked +3 by Idaho Freedom Foundation.)SUPPORT H585 - Digital assets: Go to > Business | Sample Script
(This bill is ranked +4 by Idaho Freedom Foundation)SUPPORT HB615 - Public benefits, lawful presence. Go to > Health & Welfare | Sample Script (NOTE: This bill died in the House Health & Welfare committee in a 7-5 vote and was drawered. Urge the committee to get it out and take another look.)
SUPPORT HJM8 - Biden admin, immigration. Has passed to the House 03/04/24. Go to > The Entire House | Sample Script | Watch Fred Birnbaum Testimony (video 12 min)
SUPPORT Idaho HB464 - Compact, border security. Lets the Governor make a formal deal with other states to secure the borders without needing approval from Congress. It's allowed under a special rule in the Constitution for emergencies, so the Governor can act fast to protect Idaho and other states involved. Go to > State Affairs | Sample Script
Here are the best updates we’ve received recently. We encourage you to subscribe to the newsletters and Substacks listed below to fill in your knowledge and understanding of Idaho Legislative issues.
Newsletter (03/04/24). Topics include Colt M4 Carbine rifle giveaway; S1252 Defend the Guard passes the Idaho Senate (support this bill in the House); Illegal Immigration continues to be a top issue in Idaho (oppose 2024 version SJM102, support HJM8); Constitutional amendment to protect homeschooling and private school (sent for Senate’s amending orders); Who Follows the Idaho Republican Party Platform scorecards?; Rachel Lenney Glock winner: Read
Newsletter (03/04/24). Topics include Idaho House Approves H515 Bill for Death Penalty in Certain Child Sex Crimes; Idaho Legislature passes SJM103 Protecting and Supporting the Columbia-Snake River System; Idaho Works Bill to Revitalize School Facilities (number not specified; probably H521); Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Fentanyl Traffickers (number not specified; probably signed by governor bill H406); Immigration Reform Resolution Passed in the Senate (the pro-cheap-immigrant-labor SJM102); Proposed University of Idaho Purchase of the University of Phoenix (purchase possibly is illegal and violates Idaho Constitution); HCR026 authorizing the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate to act as agents of the Legislature in taking certain actions, including potential legal action received a DO PASS recommendation in House State Affairs.
Defend the Guard. Republished from February 2022 (03/04/24). Published in honor of passing S1252 in the Senate: Read
Coming soon.
FISCAL FRIDAYS: Fiscal freedom on the move: S1296, H585
Niklas Kleinworth discusses two bills dealing with Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and CBDCs (video 4 min 16 sec): Watch
[IFF ANALYST NOTE: H585 is similar to S1296. One difference is that S1296 applies specifically to the digital asset, Bitcoin, while H585 applies to all digital assets. H585 also has additional provisions, not included in S1296, to ban central bank digital currencies.]
S1296 - Bitcoin protection act (sent to 14TH ORDER AMENDMENT) | S1296 | IFF Analysis +3
Statement of Purpose Summary: States that Bitcoin mining brings positive economic value to individuals, corporations and other interests in the state. Prohibits regulations that impose certain requirements on Bitcoin mining. Prohibits the public utilities commission from establishing rate classifications for Bitcoin mining. Prohibits regulations that would impair using Bitcoin for purchasing goods and services. Prohibits special taxes on using Bitcoin as a method of payment in a transaction.H585 - Digital assets (DO PASS RECOMMENDATION; 2nd Reading HOUSE STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE): H585 | IFF analysis +4. This is the broaderof the two digital currency bills. | Sample Script
Statement of Purpose Summary: Protects the right to mine, store and transfer digital assets. Adds definitions and clarifies digital assets as exempt from taxation when used as a form of payment in a transaction. Defines central bank digital currency (CBDC), excludes it from the Idaho Uniform Commercial Code’s definition of money, and prohibits state engagement with the protocol.
Coming soon.
Please visit the websites for your elected representatives and sign up for their newsletters and press releases! We generally will not be including most press or newsletter information in news roundups. Some of these are linked on our Resources page.
Governor Brad Little
"This top priority bill proposes the largest investment ever in school facilities and lowers income taxes even further. It also has the added benefit of long term property tax relief because the state is footing the bill for many improvements local property owners would otherwise cover. Thank you, legislators, for putting kids and families first!” Governor Little said.
Joseph Borton appointed to Fourth Judicial District (03/05/24): Read
School facilities funding, tax relief bill nears finish line, advances to full Senate (03/05/24): H521, the school facilities funding and tax relief bill, passed the House of Representatives, passed the Senate Local Government and Taxation Committee, and now goes to the full Senate. Read
Attorney General Raúl Labrador
22 States, Dozens of Groups Support Idaho’s Pro-Life Law (03/03/24) by Press Release. Twenty-two states, 121 Congress members, doctors, and many policy and advocacy groups supported Idaho’s Defense of Life Act by filing friend-of-the-court (amicus) briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court. Idaho’s law protects the lives of women and their unborn children, preventing doctors from performing abortions except to save the life of the mother or in cases of rape or incest: Read
Gordon’s American Patriot Gems (Emmet Mayor)
Words of American wisdom and patriotism from Emmett, Idaho Mayor Gordon Petrie. March 2024 installment on the 1952 nuclear radiation exposure in Idaho: Read
Senators Risch & Crapo
Risch, Crapo, Ernst Protect Lawful Gun Dealers from ATF. U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) introduced the Fighting Irrational Regulatory Enforcement to Avert Retailers’ Misfortune (FIREARM) Act (HR7471) to protect lawful citizens from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives’ (ATF) “zero tolerance” policy. Under current ATF rules, lawful gun dealers could lose their license and their business for a single, minor, clerical error. The FIREARM Act enables lawful gun dealers to report accidental violations without fear of losing their ability to do business: Read | HR7471
National & International Headlines
National news and action items. More National Resources (updated regularly)
The news floods fast and furious. Here are the best updates we’ve received recently (only a smattering of the daily onslaught). Please subscribe to the resources below and here to fill in your knowledge and understanding of National & International issues.
“Currently, the government spends 45 percent of GDP in Britain. You know, that is a pretty astonishing figure. It’s 36 percent in the United States.”
American Thought Leaders: Former Prime Minister Liz Truss: Britain’s Democratic Process Has Been ‘Outsourced’ (02/29/24).The parallels between Britain / UK and America are chilling, making this interview worth hearing (podcast/video 23 min): Listen | Watch
Liz Truss, former conservative UK prime minister and Jan Jekielek discuss government spending, mass immigration, and net-zero climate policy in Britain and how parliamentary powers are being supplanted by unelected bureaucracies. She explains that Brexit was not a clean divorce from the European Union because most of the European laws are still on UK statute books.
Britain reduced carbon emissions only because they are importing from countries (like China) that are building coal-fired power stations. This provides no net benefit to the planet, empowers enemies, and damages UK industry.
Regarding the anti-Israel protests sweeping Britain, and Islamist threats targeting members of Parliament, Truss states that (as in America) there's enormous self-loathing in Britain. Those chanting in favor of Hamas or saying ‘capitalism is evil’ don’t like Britain, the British way of life, or British values. Although many conservatives think this is a normal political fight, it's not. This is an enemy within our own country. Sound familiar?The $175.3 Trillion Doomsday Clock Is Ticking – That Is The Estimated Unfunded Social Security And Medicare Liability. It’s the report that no one in Washington D.C. wants to talk about. By ADAM ANDRZEJEWSKI (03/024/24). The grave cost overruns facing these entitlements, the implications for future generations, and some possible solutions: Read
“Officials with NSF asked the MIT team “to develop ‘effective interventions’ to educate Americans—specifically, those that the MIT researchers alleged ’may be more vulnerable to misinformation campaigns’—on how to discern fact from fiction online.
“In particular, the MIT team believed that conservatives, minorities, and veterans were uniquely incapable of assessing the veracity of content online,” the congressional report noted.” ~ Epoch Times Report
How the Government Used ‘Track F’ to Fund Censorship Tools: Report. The Taxpayer funded National Science Foundation (NSF) spent $39 million on Track F, a program related to censoring, suppressing Americans’ speech. By Mark Tapscott (03/02/24). An NSF spokesman categorically rejected the report’s allegations, but the evidence says otherwise: Read
Congressional News. Censorship, January 6 and an update on political prisoner John Strand. By ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS (03/04/24): Read
NSF censorship also described above. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (MTG) Matthew Lawrence Perna Act of 2024 which protects non-violent protestors by prohibiting detention for nonviolent political protesters; providing fair and speedy trials, limiting government surveillance and investigation, providing consistent sentencing guidelines, and permitting transfer of venue. Political prisoner John Strand was sentenced to federal prison for being a bodyguard to a doctor with a permit to give a medical freedom speech on January 6; he then was slapped with a 32-month felony charge for refusing a plea deal on principle. Article provide links to “real January 6” documentaries.
The Witch Hunt Begins In Pennsylvania - The Thought Police Are Coming For You. By SAM FADDIS (03/04/24): Read
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) believes its mission includes “protecting” America’s “cognitive infrastructure” by censoring free speech and preventing dissemination of ideas or opinions with which DHS disagrees. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has been working with private entities to silence anyone who strays from the official government-approved narrative. Now Pennsylvania Governor has created a new Election Integrity Task Force which will center on cooperation between the Pennsylvania Secretary of State’s office (which oversees elections) and CISA (which runs the DHS censorship program). Shockingly (or maybe not), Pennsylvania’s new censorship framework was brought to the state by Republican lawmakers.
Now They Are Targeting the Amish (again, Pennsylvania). By Jeffrey A. Tucker (03/01/2024): Read
Tucker writes:
"In January, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, raided the Amos Miller Organic Farm, a longtime members-only organic farm in Lancaster County. Government agents took possession of many tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of food that had been produced on the farm for family and friends, people who rely on this farm for high-quality products that avoid factory methods, chemicals, and industrial processes.
Meanwhile, as government goes after raw milk, vast numbers suffer real injury from mRNA shots the government forced on millions of people. Pharma’s stocks continue to trade at high levels while true investigations get little attention by the captured corporate media outlets."
UPDATE: The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture ruled on March 1, 2024, that Miller can produce for his family only, and must get a permit to sell his raw dairy products commercially. No one ever got sick from his products (video 1 min 9 sec): Watch
[ED NOTE: The implications of having state actors with so much power over individuals are chilling, not only for Miller and his customers, but for everyone who cherishes natural rights of life, liberty, property, and pursuit of happiness.]
🔥Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States: “Out of fraud no action arises.” Read Full Report
VOTERS! As the primary and general elections approach, you will be subjected to lies, misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation from traditional media, social media, radio and TV news and ads, slanted flyers, government “official sources,” and even friends and family.
RESIST! Use your own independent thinking skills. Research widely. Get to know candidates in person. DO NOT BE LAZY. DO NOT rely on out-of-context snippets. And DO check out our voting guide for tips on immunizing your brain against washing.
See also “IDAHO REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CAUCUS 03/02/24 Noon-1:30pm,” above.
US Supreme Court Puts Trump Back on Colorado Ballot – UNANIMOUS DECISION 9-0 – Trump Responds. By Cristina Laila (03/04/24): Read
Article 4, Section 4 of the United States Constitution: The Federal Government shall protect each state against invasion. The Constitution also gives the States the right to defend their borders in an invasion.
The open borders plan is not going well for American cities and citizens, leaving the country open to terrorism, widespread violence (like that experienced in several European countries), bankruptcy, drug and human trafficking, and poverty for all.
Several immigration bills (some good, some not) are currently under consideration in Idaho: Support HB615, HJM8, HB464; Oppose SJM102. Please take action and make your voices heard. See also Standing Strong. You are the only defense! By IDAHO FREEDOM CAUCUS (Guest post from Idaho Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld, 02/25/24): Read
[ED NOTE: The “historic crisis” was artificially created. We have laws. We had strong border policies in place. The current administration has lit them on fire, and all of America — and many of the illegal migrants — are paying an immense price. See some of the immigration bills and policies Idaho is proposing, above. Ask your legislators to support the good ones, oppose the bad]
Normally, we wouldn’t cover another state’s Attorney General, but Texas AG Ken Paxton is doing amazing things that affect not only Texas but also the rest of the US. Website | Press Releases
Attorney General Ken Paxton Secures Emergency Relief In Favor of Texas Border Security Law. Hoping for expedited review by US Supreme Court: Read
2️⃣ Take Care of Your Health
Health news and action items. More Health Resources (updated regularly)
COVIDian, Vaccine & Health Tyranny
🔥 Covid Essential Links (updated regularly): Read
Here are the best updates we’ve received recently. We encourage you to subscribe to the newsletters and Substacks listed below to fill in your knowledge and understanding of Covidian, Vaccines & Health Tyranny issues:
🔥🎬 Informed Consent and Human Health: From mRNA Gene Therapy Injections to Self-Amplifying Vaccines. What is happening & what we must do to avoid tyranny & medical slavery. Latest scary vaccine tech. Important definitions (informed consent, EUA, nullification). 7 Steps to freedom. References & links. By BIG E (02/28/24). Please share with anyone who has the power to enact changes: Read
🔥🎬 Idaho’s County Commissioners Advise Against Gene Therapy Shots. You can help! All the details and tools are provided. PLEASE talk with your commissioners. Local support can make all the difference: Read
On behalf of the dead and dying, and those that will die in the future, and for the preservation of the human race, the Petitioner seeks an order of mandamus, requiring the Respondents to immediately prohibit the distribution, promotion, access and administration of COVID-19 injections, mRNA nanoparticle injections, and all mRNA products in the State of Florida. This mandamus also seeks to compel Respondents to seize all vials of Covid 19 injections and all mRNA nanoparticle injections, and conduct a forensic analysis of their contents. ~ Dr. Joseph Sansone
Stop The Damn Shots. Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida needs to "immediately prohibit the distribution, promotion, access and administration of COVID-19 injections." Cross post by JAMES ROGUSKI (03/05/24): Read
Dr. Joseph Sansone filed a Writ of Mandamus with the Supreme Court of Florida seeking to compel Governor Ron DeSantis and Attorney General Ashley Moody to prohibit the distribution of ‘COVID 19 injections’ AKA ‘COVID-19 nanoparticle injections’ or ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ in the State of Florida. We should do the same all across the country.
Bonds for the Win is another way to compel or oust government officials to do the right thing. See comment here.
Idaho's County Commissioners Advise Against Gene Therapy Shots
The Last of The "Big Seven" Fraudulent Ivermectin Trials Has Finally Been Published. Oxford's long delayed PRINCIPLE trial just set a new record for ivermectin research fraud when they silently published it as a negative study despite their data showing profoundly positive impacts. By PIERRE KORY, MD, MPA (03/05/24). This article is a master class on how to read — and how not to read — a research paper. Please share it with any medical professional you know: Read
ICAN Obtains FDA Report Which Shows Shocking Conditions At Moderna Vaccine Factory (03/04/24): Read
Stunning findings include ignored air and temperature alarms, expired materials used in the mRNA vaccines, failure to collect cleaning verification samples, failure to design and control air handling equipment to reduce potential for contamination, and failure to ensure appropriate cleaning of equipment used to manufacture mRNA-1273 drug substance (particularly concerning is lack of test results for bioburden and endotoxin prior to subsequent batch manufacturing).
This Just In: COVID Is Basically the Flu. In related news, fire is hot, water is wet, and the CDC is staffed by criminals. By JENNA MCCARTHY (03/04/24). A humorous but scathing look at how it’s now OK with our government bureaucrats to classify COVID-19 as a flu (or flu-like illness) — something that literally could have gotten you canceled or even jailed just a few short years ago. Now our government agencies are admitting what independent thinkers have known all along. Yet the government push to inject people with “vaccines” for easily treatable illness remains unrelenting: Read
Math is hard. We should leave it to the experts. There are deaths. And then there are “excess deaths.“ The math is exponentially complicated. Here’s why you shouldn’t even attempt to calculate it yourself (03/06/24). Another humorous take on a deadly serious issue that also was covered by The Highwire: Lying with Statistics (and mangy cats): Read | The Highwire clip (video 9 min 49 sec)
The COVID Gene Jab. Inconvenient Truths. Update on current status through my lens. By ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS (03/05/24). An important take on the Censorship Industrial Complex: Read
🔥 Health & Medical Resource Links (updated regularly): Read
Here are the best updates we’ve received recently. We encourage you to subscribe to the newsletters and Substacks listed below to fill in your knowledge and understanding of Other Health issues. Your health is your wealth. Don’t let bad health catch you by stealth.
Cloud Seeding Experiment in Idaho. Should state agencies and for-profit companies be given special liability exemptions for experimental projects carried out in an open-air environment? Where there is risk, there must be liability. Read
World Exclusive: Everything You Wanted to Know About Secret Biolabs in Ukraine, Now Revealed! DOD Operation Warp Speed confirms - pathogens are made in the labs. It's ok when WE do it! It's to save grandma and for warfighter readiness... By SASHA LATYPOVA (03/05/24). Latypova pulls no punches (see also Dr. Malone’s take “The COVID Gene Jab. Inconvenient Truths” above): Read
INSIDERS REPORT EPISODE 361: THE EYE OF THE STORM (03/04/24). Insider’s report includes full episode, episode segments, and links to source information. Sen. Ron Johnson’s Roundtable. Fighting for natural products food freedom in Pennsylvania (Amish Farmer’s Trial coverage by Max Kane). Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the UK Government’s obfuscation on excess deaths, and the vaccine injury pushback. Scientist Judith Curry dispels the myths of climate change. Mikki Willis discusses and shows clips of ‘Plandemic: The Musical’ premiering in Las Vegas in March. Guests: Max Kane, Judith Curry, PhD, Mikki Willis (video 1 hr 58 min): Read | Watch
The Immense Cruelty of Population Control Campaigns. Reviewing the tragic but largely forgotten lessons of the past (03/03/24) ∙ PAID: Disturbing information about past population control atrocities in China, US, and around the world and how they relate to the current COVID-19 gene jab campaign: Read
A New Discovery on What's Causing Itchiness. Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola (03/04/24): Read (PDF)
Key points: Staphylococcus aureus activates sensory neurons that drive the perception of itch (previously thought to be driven by inflammation in the skin). Eczema is not technically an autoimmune disease, but is strongly associated with developing multiple autoimmune conditions, especially disorders of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and connective tissue. Increasing intake of omega-3 fats can reduce inflammation symptoms and atopic dermatitis. Most people can use probiotics, aloe vera gel and virgin olive oil, coconut oil, colloidal oatmeal cream, stress management, and witch hazel to reduce itchiness.
3️⃣ Take Action
Common-sense actions you can take to help save your state and the rest of America.
See Action Items (updated frequently — please take action because many people working together can get things done when just a few cannot)