Idaho & Beyond: Headlines; Covid Tyranny & More + Health; Action Items. Legislature, Education, DEI, Border, Drugs, Health, SHARING & TAKING CONTROL OF YOUR FUTURE. Update 11/01/24
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Take Control of Your Food: Homesteading: Beginning with Chickens. The Do and Don't of laying hens. By ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS (02/03/24). How To’s, tips, and tricks from a couple who have raised chickens for most of their lives: Read
Take Control of Your “Narrative.” Are You a Conspiracy Theorist with Something (Positive) to Say? Submit your best, most compelling and uplifting essay(s) for a chance to be part of my upcoming anthology. By JENNA MCCARTHY (02/06/24): Read
Take Control of Your Property. Financial Rebellion EPISODE 385 - Dangers of Conservation Easements (02/01//24). Anyone who buys, sells, or owns real property and anyone involved in legislation about property should listen to this important video about conservation easements, which can drastically curtail your ability to use your property. Show notes include resource links (video 1hr 2 min). Watch
SUMMARY: “Conservation easements” are contracts between landowners and a third party. Some describe these as “conservation servitudes.” Under these contracts, changes to the land’s use for the owner is nearly impossible unless specified explicitly. In contrast, for public purposes in the name of “Conservation” and “Climate Change Avoidance,” the property can be condemned for implementing such things as windmills or power lines, or taking farmland out of commission.
When public funding becomes involved, private property rights are essentially lost. Also, recent definition changes under the “Inflation Reduction Act” have changed the mission of long-standing previously trusted programs from assistance to control.
Take Control of Your Legislators, Your Food, Health, Technology and Wealth: This Week with Mary + Polly. Episode 54. Fluoride Exposed, New Vaccines + Stark Warnings (02/04/24). In addition to the excellent summary of the week’s news, this episode offers essential advice and tools from Solari Reports for navigating and thwarting the globalist agenda. Start at the 27-minute mark for advice about working with your local legislators to enact change, using cash, considering precious metals, avoiding QR codes and CBDCs, staying out of the digital gulag of surveillance and financial transaction shutdowns, finding locally sourced food, using small local banks and stores, and working within your community. Show notes include extensive links. (Video 1 hr 15 min): Watch
2️⃣ Get Informed
IDAHO Headlines
Idaho news and action items. More Idaho Resources
IDAHO.ONE is an excellent aggregator of Idaho-focused conservative news. Please check it often.
PRIMARIES Matter Most in Idaho! There's NO substitute for meeting candidates face to face. Their legislative actions will affect every Idahoan EVERY DAY.
ADA COUNTY EVENTS (updated 02/08/24): Read
BOISE COUNTY EVENTS (updated 02/09/24): Read
Hey everybody! If you see a bill that you especially like, please call the sponsor and give him or her your support. Legislators are HUMAN BEINGS! They can feel marooned and overwhelmed by negative feedback, especially if they never hear from people who actually like what they do.
Calling in your praise for your legislators' efforts — even if you didn't vote for them or they're not in your district — can build their confidence, bolster their morale, encourage them to work even harder on your behalf, and lead to some great connections. Pick up the phone! How to find legislators: Read
How a bill becomes law: Read
LEGISLATURE CLASSES from Idaho Freedom Foundation (offered online): Idaho Freedom TV - YouTube | Freedom, Spending, and Education Indexes | Legislature 101 | Legislature 201
👉 Don’t miss the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s 2024 INDEX BILL ANALYSES! Call and write your legislators before they pass a bad bill or to encourage them to pass a good one. Use one of the Bill Trackers to follow your favorite (or least favorite) bills.
Scorecards & Trackers: When evaluating whether a bill reflects conservative or liberal values, consider the bills’ sponsors and their scorecards at Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) | IFF Bill Analyses | More Bill Trackers
BIG E Substack Voting Guide: Read
Ask your legislators to support medical liberty in Idaho: Read
It’s an election year, folks. Read what your legislators are doing now. Re-elect the good ones and De-Elect the bad ones. PRIMARIES are most important in Idaho, so study carefully and THEN vote: Voting Guide
🔥IDAHO FREEDOM FOUNDATION: Capitol Clarity Week 5: Ranked Choice Voting - YouTube (02/08/24). With Dorothy Moon, Idaho GOP Chairman and Chad Ennis, Honest Elections Project: Announcement: Watch (1hr) | Related: Jungle Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ballot Initiative: A Race to the Bottom
Here are the best updates we’ve received recently. We encourage you to subscribe to the newsletters and Substacks listed below to fill in your knowledge and understanding of Idaho Legislative issues.
LEADERSHIP CHANGES IN IDAHO HOUSE. House Ousts Blanksma as Majority Leader, Retains Moyle as Speaker. By Ruth Brown (02/08/24). On Thursday, 2/8/24, the House Republican caucus voted to remove Rep. Megan Blanksma, R-Hammett (District 8), as majority leader while Idaho House of Representatives voted unanimously to retain House Speaker Mike Moyle. The House Republican Caucus will pick a new majority leader on 2/12/24. Rep Blanksma’s ouster came after she was the only member of the majority leadership team who voted against the judicial branch maintenance budget: Read
Missing the Point. How one debate on cell phone porn filter bill S1253 shows our broken process. By BRIAN ALMON (02/06/24). This bill is more about “good intentions” than practicality or considering future implications: Read | S1253 | BigE’s opinion here and here
HOUSE BILL 406 – UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES – Adds to existing law to provide for the crimes of trafficking in fentanyl and drug-induced homicide. Passed the Senate Judiciary and Rules Committee and now goes to the floor of the Idaho Senate for debate and a final vote.
Related: See “American Thought Leaders: How Drug Cartels Infiltrated the Prescription Drug Market With Fake Pills” podcast which is relevant to bills such as HB406 and the taxpayer funded Idaho Harm Reduction Project. Details in the NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL - DRUGS & THE LAW section below
HEALTH & WELFARE COMMITTEE (02/06/24) TESTIMONY REGARDING HB 392 HEALTH DISTRICTS – Amends existing law to revise the powers and duties of the district board of health.
This bill was a much-needed attempt to rein in the power of Idaho’s health districts, which took draconian measures during COVID and have considerable control over the lives and health of Idahoans. Several people testified, including bill sponsors Sen. Brian Lenney and Rep. Jacyn Gallagher, two from Health Freedom Idaho, and one former Washington County Commissioner. Some committee members (including now-ousted House Majority Leader Megan Blanksma) objected to removing "preventive health" from the statutes. The initial plan was to send the bill to general orders for amendment, but the bill's authors decided to pull and resubmit a renumbered bill without that strikeout. We hope this bill, sadly with less teeth, will sail through committee and be passed.
P.S. After receiving last-minute notice about this bill, we asked dozens of people to write and testify at this committee meeting. Few did. Calls to action are important, folks!
HB 392 Bill (will be revised with a new number): Read
Video (40 min) Watch the testimony, watch the committee members: Idaho Dispatch Facebook Download | Legislature Website Download (MP4)
Related: Explanation of New Hampshire House Bill 1661. Early Warning System, Investigational Tool, Transparency Enabler, and Department of Health Cultural Reset Plan. COQUIN DE CHIEN (02/07/24): Read
SENATOR SCOTT HERNDON: Huge conservative win in the Idaho Senate! (02/09/24): Read. Highlights below:
Budget reform wins in the Senate, despite Democrats and some moderate Republicans joining forces to undo our budget reforms. Related
Proposed Constitutional Amendment to protect homeschooling and private school. More Details (paywall)
Senate Bill 1258 to save our access to public lands and waters.
🔥🎬 TAKE ACTION: Voting is imminent. Contact all senators to support S1258. Go to Choose "The Entire Senate" for the legislative body, complete the form, and enter your message in support of the bill. SAMPLE SCRIPT:
TOPIC: Please support Senate Bill 1258 - Public rights-of-way
MESSAGE: Please support Senate Bill 1258 - Public rights-of-way ( to save our access to public lands and waters. If a public right-of-way provides access to state lands or waters, this bill (which is NOT retroactive) would require counties and highway districts to obtain equivalent replacement access for the public before vacating the existing access.
Bitcoin Protection Act.
Senate Bill 1235 to change elected Public Library trustee terms from 6 years to 4 years (passed Senate, on to the House).
Scott Herndon Running for re-election in the May 21, 2024, Republican primary. Please support Senator Herndon to preserve conservative Idaho values! Campaign Website | Donate
Exceptional Public Education Provided at Kootenai Classical Academy (KCA) using standard per-student dollars from Idaho and without multi-million-dollar levies. By Charity Joy (02/06/24). The curriculum is based on Hillsdale's classical education curriculum. In Idaho, school boards review and select all curriculum used in the classroom. KCA Headmaster Kaitz, who has earned B.A, M.A., and Ph.D. degrees and taught in colleges and universities in the US and abroad states, “there is nothing better than Hillsdale’s classical education curriculum.” Other publicly funded schools in Idaho can obtain and teach classical education curriculum and use the literacy essentials program designed for grades K-3 — ASK YOUR SCHOOL BOARDS TO DO THIS! (NOTE: PragerU also offers excellent free educational packages for schools): Read
Hillsdale College Classical Education Curriculum | PragerU Kids | Idaho Novus Classical Academy Opens August 24 in Avimor Outside of Eagle
Idaho's Bloated DEI Bureaucracies At Public Universities Are Growing. By Anna Miller and Scott Yenor (02/06/24): The authors state: In two years, the cost of DEI administrators in Idaho universities almost tripled from $2.2 million to nearly $6 million (there are now 75 such administrators). Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) divides the world into aggrieved minorities and oppressive majorities, reducing people to a group identity grounded in immutable characteristics. Large bureaucracies in higher education focus on group identity and discrimination such as a Black Student Center, LGBT center, or women's center. BSU and UI are the worst offenders in Idaho. Conclusion: Strong legislation directing universities to eschew discriminatory DEI efforts and return to their core missions is a good place to start: Read | Download Full Report
Sen Scott Herndon Proposes Constitutional Amendment to Confirm Right to Privately Educate Children, 'Free from Government Regulation'. By LAURA GUIDO (02/05/24). Sen Herndon proposed a resolution asking voters to protect existing Idaho statute by changing the “compulsory attendance at schools” section of the Idaho Constitution to say that custodial parents or guardians of any child, “shall have the fundamental right to privately home educate such child or to cause such child to be privately educated” and that those who privately educate or homeschool their children, “shall be free from government regulation of such education.” A proposed constitutional amendment requires a two-thirds majority vote from both the Idaho House and Senate, before putting the question on the ballot for voters to decide: Read
When headquarters published their initiative for REDI [an earlier name for DEI at DoD] I got heart palpitations because it felt so affirming of the work I’ve been doing for so long.” ~ DEI Specialist Michelle Woodfork
Pentagon Secretly Institutionalized DEI In Its K-12 Public Schools. Extreme curriculum being taught to the 70,000 children of service members. By ADAM ANDRZEJEWSKI (02/08/24): Read
2024 IDAHO FIREARMS LEGISLATION (Four Bills). By Sarah Clendenon (02/07/24). Read. Sponsors and co-sponsors include Senators Dan Foreman, Brian Lenney, and Scott Herndon and Representative Ted Hill.
CRIMINAL IMMUNITY — In draft form (no bill number yet) would add “criminal immunity” to Idaho law, giving legal cover to a person who acts in self-defense (“stand your ground”).
FIREARMS, EXPLOSIVES, AND OTHER DEADLY WEAPONS – Repeals and adds to existing law to prohibit limitations regarding concealed weapons at public colleges and universities (Senate Bill 1228).
MILITARY AND MILITIA – Repeals and adds to existing law to prohibit cities and towns from supporting certain military companies or organizations and to provide exceptions (Senate Bill 1240).
FIREARMS ON SCHOOL PROPERTY – Amends existing law to authorize a school employee who possesses an enhanced license to carry concealed weapons to carry on school property in certain instances (House Bill 415).
LINCOLN DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN! By Idaho GOP (02/06/24): Lincoln Day events bring Republicans across Idaho’s counties together to enjoy a meal and to celebrate President Abraham Lincoln and the core values of our party. Attendees will here keynote addresses highlighting the contributions of our state and nation's past, plus speeches from political and community leaders. Lincoln Day events offer a unique opportunity to honor President Lincoln's legacy. Lincoln Day Events Calendar
🗽IDAHO DISTRICT 8 Candidates Stand for Health Freedom! All District 8 Candidates for House (Rob Beiswenger and Faye Thompson) and Senate (Christy Zito) have taken the Medical Liberty Pledge (02/08/23): Who’s Who in Idaho’s Medical Liberty Zoo | About the Pledge & Model Medical Liberty Bills
Related: Voting Guide (updated frequently): Idaho Senate | Idaho House
The New Republican Party. THE LIBERAL POLITICIANS SEE POPULISM AND THE SCRUTINY FROM THE KCRCC AS AN EXISTENTIAL THREAT TO THEIR POWER. By Brent Regan - KCRCC Chair (02/08/24). Kootenai County Republican Central Committee or KCRCC is one of the most successful, respected and emulated Republican Central Committees in Idaho. Its mission is to enhance freedom and prosperity by promoting fiscally and socially conservative candidates who will implement the Idaho Republican Party Platform as policy. This op-ed provides inspiration and guidance for other Republican Central Committees in Idaho: Read
Idaho GOP Advocates for Limited Government and Lower Spending. By Dorothy Moon, IDGOP Chairwoman (02/08/24). Chairwoman Moon comments on the JFAC Budget Coup and rumors of RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel stepping down: Read | Related BRIAN LENNEY, IFF & OTHERS EXPOSE THE REPUBLICAN JFAC COUP
Please visit the websites for your elected representatives and sign up for their newsletters and press releases! We generally will not be including most press or newsletter information in news roundups. Some of these are linked on our Resources page.
“Our border is practically wide open, and guess who loves it? The cartels. They are raking in BILLIONS of dollars a year off of our open border.” ~ Governor Little
Recent trip to Texas-Mexico border (02/07/24). Governor Brad Little joined Idaho State Police personnel today to recap his recent trip to Eagle Pass, Texas. Simple fact – the CARTELS, not the American government, currently control access into our country: Read
Multiple Topics (02/09/24). Flag at Half Staff for Idaho Marine Capt. Benjamin Moulton of Emmett killed in helicopter crash; TX - MEX Border; Southern Border “WE MUST DO SOMETHING!”; Nampa Wastewater Facility upgrades; Burdensome forest rules: Read
Applauds school facilities, tax relief bill (02/09/24): Read
More Border News in NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL NEWS below.
NOTE: Idaho is not immune to the trafficking of HUMANS, with and without drugs. Busses filled with illegal immigrants have been seen driving through Boise, Idaho Falls, Marsing, and Twin Falls. We do not know the extent of this activity or whether immigrants are remaining in Idaho, but everyone should be on alert and working with their local communities and law enforcement.
ATTORNEY GENERAL RAÚL LABRADOR: Defeat for the Satanic Temple (02/08/24): Read
National & International Headlines
National news and action items. More National Resources (updated regularly)
The news floods fast and furious. Here are the best updates we’ve received recently (only a smattering of the daily onslaught). Please subscribe to the resources below and here to fill in your knowledge and understanding of National & International issues.
The Epoch Times (Subscribe) (Newsletters) — excellent source of generally balanced news, videos, in-depth articles, documentaries, and inspiration. Well worth a digital subscription.
The Gateway Pundit — provides useful overview of breaking news, though with some clickbait and ads.
🔥🔥Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States: “Out of fraud no action arises.” Read Full Report
See IDAHO Headlines section above for 1 hour Capitol Clarity video and related information on Ranked Choice Voting & Open Primaries.
Biden’s Persecution of Political Opponents. This must be stopped, which is why an Amicus Brief just filed is important. By ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS (02/06/24). "It is clear that the January 6 defendants have been persecuted for political purposes and that these illegal tactics must stop before our entire government devolves into a chaos. A brief signed by 23 members of the House and Senate, then sent to the Supreme Court to be ruled upon aims to do just that." Read
🔥🎬TAKE ACTION: Write to your representatives asking them to support the resolution: Contact Information
Please support Rep. Matt Gaetz's Congressional resolution stating that President Donald Trump did not engage in insurrection on January 6, 2021. The resolution is co-sponsored by more than 60 members of Congress. Please be sure that you support it as well.Regardless of what you may think about Trump, he did not incite insurrection. In fact, no insurrection occurred. Prosecuting Trump and his supporters is a banana republic tactic to silence dissent. Reference:
FALLOUT with Robert Malone: Are You Being Manipulated? EpochTV (02/02/24). The Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu once wrote: “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” We live in an age of fifth-generation information warfare. Battles are not solely fought with guns and bombs. The new battlefield is in the minds of every citizen. Dr. Robert Malone and host Jan Jekielek discuss covert psychological operations to control what you see, what you hear, and what you’re allowed to think. After discussing some of the key tactics of disinformation, they head to Dr. Malone’s farm to enjoy the magic of horse riding (video 36 min): Watch
“This pause on new LNG approvals sees the climate crisis for what it is: the existential threat of our time.” ~ Joseph R Biden
AND MAGAZINE: The Climate Change Nothingburger. By CHET NAGLE (02/03/24). Following Biden’s freeze on new Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export permits from the United States, it’s time to revisit global warming, aka the Climate Change Hoax. It’s all about messaging, control, 25-year-old social influencers, lies, and faked numbers: Read
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Seeks to Stop Biden Administration from Censoring American Media Companies (02/07/24). This censorship scheme misappropriated tax dollars and violated Texas law requiring social media companies to act as common carriers: Read
American Thought Leaders: How Drug Cartels Infiltrated the Prescription Drug Market With Fake Pills. With Michael Brown (podcast 58 min) Feb 5, 2024: Listen
This podcast is important, especially for those involved in or interested in Fentanyl legislation such as Idaho’s HB406 or the taxpayer funded Idaho Harm Reduction Project.
Drug cartels have built a vast and lucrative business selling fake prescription drugs laced with fentanyl—which drives addiction faster than any other synthetic narcotic. Most people dying from fentanyl-related overdoses believe they are taking a prescription drug like Xanax; they have no idea that it’s been laced with fentanyl. Sometimes their drug dealers do not know either!
According to the DEA, seven out of ten pills they have seized contain a deadly dose of fentanyl. Brown breaks down this new drug cartel business model, how the supply chain works, the role of Chinese money-laundering proxies, so-called "Harm Reduction" programs, and what he believes is needed to turn the situation around.
Article 4, Section 4 of the United States Constitution: The Federal Government shall protect each state against invasion. The Constitution also gives the States the right to defend their borders in an invasion.
The open borders plan is not going well for American cities and citizens, leaving the country open to terrorism, widespread violence (like that experienced in several European countries), bankruptcy, drug and human trafficking, and poverty for all.
See IDAHO Headlines above for information about Gov. Little highlights recent trip to Texas-Mexico border.
O’Keefe Media Group infiltrates Secret CASAS ALITAS. Ramada Hotel in Tucson converted into illegal immigrant compound, funded by Catholic Community Services of Tucson, enriching groups likes “Las Palmas”. This trafficking is happening in Idaho as well (video 19 min 20 sec): Watch
America Last – Your Government Is Waging War On You. By SAM FADDIS (02/07/24). There is no border. The official policy of the US government is to ensure “safe and orderly migration” into this country, bringing in millions of illegal aliens, moving them into the interior, and handing them cash cards, cell phones, housing, and free education. Many illegals rape, pillage, and murder American citizens. Our government is waging war on and replacing us. Article also discusses Sen. Lankford’s (R-OK) disastrous Senate Amnesty Bill, which appears to be DOA for now but undoubtedly will be resurrected in another form: Read
PROTESTS SPREAD TO IRELAND: Thousands Fill Dublin Streets in Protest Against Migrant Invasion. By Margaret Flavin (02/06/24). Coverage includes video (44 sec): Read | Watch
TEXAS (GOOD NEWS): Court Denies Biden Administration’s Effort to Dismiss Texas Lawsuit Against Unconstitutional Asylum Rule (02/08/24). The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Asylum Rule transfers authority given by Congress away from immigration judges to asylum officers, violating the statutory system Congress established and the Appointments Clause of the Constitution. Texas filed a lawsuit that the Biden administration tried to block. The court rejected the Administration’s claims and allowed Texas’s lawsuit to continue, which provides a precedent for other courts to find that Texas has standing to challenge unlawful immigration policies: Read
Time to end U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). Bloated organization is beyond redemption. By Sen. Jim Risch (02/08/24). Employees from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestine Refugees may have actively participated in Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel. The agency, known as UNRWA, has lost its legitimacy and must be disbanded. Created in 1949, UNRWA long ago morphed from its mandate of providing humanitarian and development relief for Palestinians to facilities, including schools, serving as havens for Hamas rockets and tunnels. Sen. Risch says it’s time to end it now that its cost and harms far exceed its benefits: Read
3️⃣ Take Care of Your Health
Health news and action items. More Health Resources (updated regularly)
COVIDian, Vaccine & Health Tyranny
🔥 Covid Essential Links (updated frequently): Read
Here are the best updates we’ve received recently. We encourage you to subscribe to the newsletters and Substacks listed below to fill in your knowledge and understanding of Covidian, Vaccines & Health Tyranny issues:
🔥🎬 Idaho’s County Commissioners Advise Against Gene Therapy Shots. You can help! All the details and tools are provided: Read
They All Knew! On Feb 4, 2020 - AstraZeneca and other pharma companies participating in the DOD Pandemic Preparedness consortium received a phone call from the DOD saying that “novel covid virus posed national security threat”. By SASHA LATYPOVA (02/07/24). This explains why PREP Act declaration in the US was made retroactive to Feb 4. The CEO of AstraZeneca, Pascal Soirot is on record stating that millions of people in the world cannot be vaccinated by mRNA shots because they have autoimmune conditions and other vulnerabilities. They always knew. Read (includes 6 min 31 sec audio) | Related from Sherry Tenpenny - They All Knew (05/15/2022):
A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR (AMD). What Can Political Polling Teach Us About COVID Vaccine Injuries? Breaking Down the Most Detailed Vaccine Injury Survey Conducted Thus Far (02/04/24). What our society’s vested interests want to be “true” is not supported by real life data, no matter how much “they” want it to be true. AMD explains how recent large surveys revealed the truth: Covid shots were unnecessary, ineffective, and harmful — and may people know it: Read
All along the watchtower. Rockford Files, green tea, and Baobab. By SCOTT MARSLAND, FNP-C (02/02/24). Baobab powder and green tea contain epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which has been shown to block spike entry into cells. The powder and tea may prevent adverse effects of COVID spike protein, whether from COVID-19, long COVID, or the gene jabs (aka "vaccines"). Suggestions from article: Sip Baobab, 1 Tbsp in 16oz of water over at least an eight-hour period; sip green tea over the day (NOTE: Green tea also contains caffeine): Read
🔥 Health & Medical Resource Links (updated regularly): Read
Here are the best updates we’ve received recently. We encourage you to subscribe to the newsletters and Substacks listed below to fill in your knowledge and understanding of Other Health issues. Your health is your wealth. Don’t let bad health catch you by stealth.
CHD BUS TOUR. Force Vaccinated (02/01/24). Why David Ihben uses the phrase “Force Vaccinated” to describe his family’s story. His unvaccinated kids were forced to catch up on their childhood immunizations ALL AT ONCE after a court ruling stated that Child Protective Services would take his kids if they failed to comply. The result after they complied: A devastated family in which one kid’s arm was scarred for life and the other was rendered severely autistic. The previously 100% normal red-headed boy will require lifetime 24/7 care from his father and siblings (video 16 min 36 sec). Watch
FLCCC ALLIANCE. Patient Zero Comes Back From Stage Four Cancer: Was It Ivermectin? Ivermectin and other repurposed inexpensive drugs are showing positive results against cancer, even very advanced cancers that traditional oncologists declared untreatable. From the press release: “FLCCC Alliance announced that it has partnered with renowned breast cancer physician and researcher Kathleen Ruddy, MD, to conduct an observational study in five U.S. clinics to track patient responses to various adjunct cancer therapies using repurposed drugs and determine improvements in the five-year survival rate to several types of cancer including breast, prostate, lung, and colorectal”: Read | Related Cancer Care Monograph
NURSES OUT LOUD. Healthcare in the digital age, Twila Brase on balancing innovation with privacy (01/25/24). Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN and healthcare advocate Twila Brase discuss nursing shortages, unconstitutional mandates, AI's impact on patient privacy (including HIPAA) and the corporatization of healthcare along with explore solutions to create an accessible, affordable system that respects individual freedoms. (podcast 57 min): 🆕 Listen | Related Interview with Dr. Marilyn Singleton (podcast 59 min)
The Truth About Gender Clinics: Whistleblower Jamie Reed (01/22/24). Jamie Reed was a case manager at a pediatric gender center. But after witnessing firsthand the irreversible effect that “gender-affirming care” was having on children, she decided to speak out (podcast 48 min): Listen
‘Billboard Chris’ Elston: A Child Is Never Born Wrong (01/29/24). “Empathy, kindness, understanding: Yeah, these are all things that everyone agrees with. But what’s really going on? Lies, deception, and physical child abuse.” Canada’s “Billboard Chris” explains his strategy for dealing with gender ideology that has become a global mental contagion as he meets everyday people on the street. The actual cure for gender dysphoria, he says, historically is puberty itself. Puberty blockers combined with the cross-sex hormones are sterilizing children, especially autistic kids (podcast 46 min). Listen
THE HIGHWIRE: EPISODE 358: THE POWER GAME (02/08/24). Special interests losing the power game with Tucker Carlson interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin; Jefferey Jaxen reports on the US Border Crisis and its connection to a bombshell UN document, Elon’s Neuralink implanted in its first human brain and the roll out of Apple Vision; Firebrand Member of European Parliament Rob Roos calls out the EU on growing farmers protests: Read | Watch (video 1 hr 38 min)
4️⃣ Take Action
Common-sense actions you can take to help save your state and the rest of America.
See Action Items (updated frequently — please take action because many people working together can get things done when just a few cannot)