Politicians: Take the Pledge for Medical Freedom - Update 02/10/25
Free people should never be coerced to take an unwanted procedure or product. Take the medical liberty pledge, pass model legislation and a constitutional amendment. 🆕Updated as needed.
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🆕 Health Freedom & Other Solutions for Idaho: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/health-freedom-and-other-solutions
We bring you fantastic news about recommendations AGAINST the COVID-19 gene therapy shots from several counties in Idaho! Check it out!
Help Everyone Stay Healthy & Free!
Dear Patriots including elected officials, candidates, and citizens:
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The W.H.O., the UN, and federal agencies are taking our sovereignty and medical freedom. Moreover, the PREP Act provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims:
of loss caused, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from administration or use of countermeasures to diseases, threats and conditions;
determined by the Department of Health and Human Services (Secretary) to constitute a present, or credible risk of a future public health emergency;
to entities and individuals involved in the development, manufacture, testing, distribution, administration, and use of such countermeasures.
For these reasons, we must stand firm, not comply, and pledge to resist this tyranny.
🆕Quick Index to Pledges
Several freedom organizations offer public pledges that politicians, doctors, and scientists can take to show citizens their dedication to freedom. We present these and ask you to sign them. Click below to jump to each pledge section.
ICAN Takes the Lead
Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) is Del BigTree's non-profit organization, committed to "Informed Consent, and the Eradication of Man-made Disease." ICAN's weekly show, The Highwire, and its legal and educational efforts have proven to be game changers in the fight to restore American and global medical freedom.
ICAN's constitutional attorney Aaron Siri has won many lawsuits that have restored some medical freedoms nationwide; but the fight is just starting!
Recently, ICAN formed a political arm called ICAN Legislate. The organization was announced to the public on The Highwire: Episode 337 - Let Freedom Sing.
Announcement (video 12 min 37 sec)
Full Episode (video 2 hr 22 min)
ICAN Legislate's "About" Statement
Free people should never be coerced to take an unwanted medical procedure or procedure. We draft model bills to protect this basic right and work with legislative representatives across the country to have them enacted. We also regularly, through our legal counsel, write to legislative representatives and houses to oppose laws that seek to take away this right.
You Can Help: Take the Pledge at ICAN Legislate
I'm asking you — as freedom-loving Idaho elected officials, candidates, and citizens — to do the following, with the first three being most important:
Take ICAN Legislate's medical freedom pledge for candidates and incumbents: Take the Pledge | See Who Took the Pledge
Investigate and implement ICAN Legislate's model bills: View Model Bills
Pass a medical freedom state constitutional amendment: Propose Amendment
Propose additional bills for ICAN Legislate to create (form at bottom of page): Propose New Bills
Report bad bills (form at bottom of page): Report Bad Bills
Thank you for considering these steps to preserve the medical freedom of every Idahoan. Remember, the freedom to control what happens to your own body (i.e., medical freedom) IS freedom!
More details below.
Details: Pledge then Legislate

STEP 1: Take the Medical Liberty Pledge
The pledge is simple yet powerful:
I hereby pledge that as an elected official I will oppose any government action and repeal / veto any law that would coerce or require any American to acquiesce to a medical product or procedure.
These Idaho incumbents, candidates, and past elected officials have taken the Medical Liberty Pledge:
Clint Hostetler (11/23/24)
David James Leavitt (11/18/24)
Kent A. Marmon (11/17/24)
Scott Cleveland (04/08/24)
Jordan Redman (04/08/24)
Monica McKinley (04//08/24)
Ben Toews (02/21/24)
Faye Thompson (02/08/24)
Carl John Bjerke (01/22/24)
Mike Kingsley (11/03/23)
Heather Scott (11/03/23)
Tina Lambert (11/01/23)
Joseph Alfieri (11/01/23)
Rob Beiswenger (10/23/23)
Jacyn Gallagher (9/27/23)
Brian Lenney (9/27/23)
Ronald Nate
Tammy Nichols
Vicki Purdy
Tony Wisniewski
Christy Zito
Many are current or past members of Idaho Freedom Caucus or highly ranked by Idaho Freedom Foundation.
Take the Pledge: I'm asking all Idaho elected officials and candidates who stand for freedom to join the Medical Liberty Pledge as well: Pledge Form
STEPS 2 & 3: Enact Medical Freedom Bills & a Constitutional Amendment
ICAN Legislate makes it easy to create bills, propose new ones, highlight bad ones, and add a simple change to the state constitution to help ensure medical freedom for all Idahoans. Please use these tools, described below.
Model Bills: Find clearly written model bills for medical freedom. Each model bill shows the text and states where the bill is being worked on, has been introduced, or is law. Arizona has been a leader! Idaho has made some progress as well. Let's put Idaho in the #1 spot. View Model Bills
Propose State Constitutional amendment: Proposed Amendment
No law may require or coerce a person to receive or use a medical product, or impose a penalty or deprive a benefit for refusing a medical product or refusing to disclose whether a person has received a medical product.
📝NOTE: Some Idaho Counties already have signed medical freedom resolutions or letters of support. Story & News Coverage (updated regularly)
⚖️ STEPS 4 & 5: Propose Model Bills & Report Bad Bills
Anyone can propose medical freedom bills and report bad ones to ICAN Legislate. Use the forms at the bottom of the home page. You will find one for PROPOSE ONE OF OUR MODEL BILLS and another for TELL US ABOUT A BAD BILL: Propose & Report
🆕 NOTE: Several medical liberty bills have been proposed for the 2025 Idaho Legislature. We encourage you to pass them!
🆕 Americans for Health Freedom

Americans for Health Freedom is an organization whose mission is to encourage and educate the public and our representatives to champion medical freedom for every individual. This group enables elected officials and candidates to take a pledge for health freedom and for physicians and scientists to educate the public about the dangers of the COVID shots and compel politicians to call for pulling the shots off the market.
Website: Americans for Health Freedom
Elected Officials & Candidates: Sign the Pledge to call for the COVID shots to be pulled off the market and (optionally) to refuse contributions from pharmaceutical companies.
Physicians & Scientists: Join the list of like-minded, health freedom physicians and scientists who understand and wish to educate others about the dangers of COVID shots.
Leadership: Mary Talley Bowden MD, President; Mollie James DO, MPH, Director; Kat Lindley DO, Director; Molly Rutherford MD, Director; Brian Roberts, Secretary
🆕 These Idaho incumbents, candidates, past elected officials, and Party officials have taken the Americans for Health Freedom Pledge:
Idaho Republican Party
Sen Brian Lenney ID SD13
Sen Tammy Nichols ID SD10
Sen Glenneda Zuiderveld ID SD24
Rep Tony Wisniewski ID HD5B
Rep Dale Hawkins ID HD2B
Rep Heather Scott ID HD2A
Rep Joe Alfieri ID HD4
Rep Elaine Price ID HD4
Rep Kent Marmon ID HD11-A
Rep Clint Hostetler ID HD24
Richard Kirschner Precinct Committeeman Bonner County ID 7B
Joseph Gish Nez Perce County Commissioner District 3
Roland E. Angle Precinct Committeeman, Precinct 36, District 28
Steve Moore IDGOP Boise County State Committeeman
Jean Mollenkopf Moore IDGOP Region 6 Chair
🆕 Citizens Alliance of Idaho Pledge

Citizens Alliance of Idaho also offers a pledge for politicians that includes 10 simple commitments inspired by the Idaho State Constitution and the U.S. Constitution.
The Citizens Alliance of Idaho Pledge
As an Idaho legislator I will...
Vote to support our protected right to self defense.
Vote to support individual medical freedom and privacy.
Vote to support election integrity.
Vote to support expanding education freedom.
Vote to support our protected right to due process.
As an Idaho legislator I will not...
Vote to suppress the speech of citizens or their ability to peacefully assemble.
Support executive government lockdowns of businesses, churches and nonprofit organizations.
Vote against wise and well directed bills that protect the life and innocence of all children
Vote for wasteful spending bills and tax increases that expand government beyond rate of growth
Vote to give any new power to the federal government.
Take the Steps
Sign Petitions (e.g., prohibit mask mandates, repeal grocery tax)