Idaho's County Commissioners Advise Against Gene Therapy Shots (Update 03/09/25)
A dedicated team successfully encouraged Commissioners in several Idaho Counties to advise against Gene Therapy Shots. Shots pulled in ID + WA Health Districts. You can help!
Short link for sharing:

Idaho’s County Commissioners & Health Boards Advise Against Gene Therapy Shots
Quick Index
These Counties Signed Resolutions
These Health Districts Stopped Offering the Shots
Southwest District Health — Idaho
These Non-Idaho Counties are Considering or Passed Resolutions
Franklin County — Washington
Information Packages for Presentations (in Covid Essential Links) 🆕
These Counties Signed Resolutions
A dedicated team of doctors, nurses, genomists, researchers, and vaccine injured successfully encouraged Commissioners in several Counties to advise against Gene Therapy Shots pending investigations and full informed consent. The team employed the “Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates” to ask County Commissioners (i.e., lesser magistrates) to do what the state and federal government officials refused to do: Listen to the facts, consider them carefully, and act to advise citizens.
Washington County, Idaho, led the way by signing a historic resolution on November 6, 2023! Other counties followed their lead.
The signatures of independent thinking County Commissioners involved Herculean team efforts, in-person formal and informal meetings, many hours of preparation, testimony, deliberation, and soul searching. The effort is ongoing, and this article will be updated regularly.
Here is the Idaho Counties list:
If you’re having trouble getting your commissioners, other magistrates, or private citizens to listen to live testimony, watch a video or read an article, consider asking them to listen to the audio we’ve provided for Boise County — in the privacy of their own homes or offices without distractions.
Adams: 01/08/24
Boise: 01/02/24 (detailed information plus audio testimony)
Washington: 11/06/23
Here is the Washington State Counties list:
Franklin: 02/19/25
👉 The Idaho Republican Party passed Resolution 2023-25 Ban the Jab on June 24, 2023 at their Summer 2023 Meeting (see page 25).
Related: The Idaho Republican State Party Passed the Ban the Jab Resolution | Full Text of Florida Resolution (Idaho’s was almost identical)
These Health Districts Stopped Offering the Shots
Our team also has been approaching Health Districts. We had our first win on October 22, 2024 when Idaho’s Southwest District Health (SWDH) voted 4-3 to stop offering COVID shots. The YES vote to stop offering the shots took great courage!
Here is the Idaho Health Districts list:
🆕 Southwest District Health — Idaho
(SWDH — Adams, Canyon, Gem, Owyhee, Payette and Washington Counties): 10/22/24 | SWDH Board of Health Website | Board Meeting Video (02:08:25) | Substack Note (includes announcements and news coverage updates) | Substack Note (Fiscal Impacts)
Related Documentation & Videos
“This is how grassroots works. You be bold, you stand up, you do something right – and others will follow… The good news is, those [COVID-19] shots are banned in one health district in America.” – Dr. Ryan Cole
🆕 Stand Up and Be Bold — How ‘Grassroots’ Works. By Dr. Ryan Cole (12/10/24, video 04:01). FLCCC Senior Fellow Dr. Ryan Cole discusses the groundbreaking ruling in Idaho’s Southwest District Heath and others around the world.
08/27/24 SWDH Minutes (see pg 4-5)
10/22/24 SWDH Meeting/Comments Packet (143 pgs, include public comments, agenda, 09/07/24 minutes, SWDH financials, contracts and services report, rental agreement, slides from COVID-19 Vaccination presentations, presenter contact info, and scientific references
Timestamps from source video
2:25 Meeting starts
3:58-30:58 Perry Jansen, MD
31:15-41:36 John Tribble, MD
41:57-46:48 Christina Parks, MD
47:00-1:03:35 Ryan Cole, MD
1:04:00-1:08:10 Peter McCullough, MD
1:08:30-1:14:20 James Thorp, MD
1:14:50-1:31:06 David Wiseman, PhD
1:32:25-1:37:36 Renata Moon, MD
1:37:56-1:42:55 Perry Jansen, MD
1:42:55-1:46:22 John Tribble, MD
1:47:00-2:07:15 Board discussion
2:07:15-2:08:08 Vote
IN THE NEWS (one example): ‘This Is a Winnable Battle’: Experts Explain How Citizens Can Work With Local Health Authorities to Get COVID Vaccines Removed. By Suzanne Burdick, PhD, Children’s Health Defense (11/07/24). Listen below, or read the article.
These Non-Idaho Counties are Considering or Passed Resolutions
Franklin County — Washington signed their resolution! (02/19/25)
🆕 Franklin County — Washington
Our science and medical team gave presentations on 12/18/24 and 02/19/25 to the Franklin County Washington Board of County Commissioners. The meetings were hosted by a true hero, Mr. Clint Didier (Chair Pro-Tem, Commissioner for District 3). The commissioners PASSED our resolution on 02/19/25; they’re also trying to have the team present at the Benton Franklin Health District (BFHD). Some BFHD commissioners even watched this presentation online!
Part 1: Franklin County WA Board of County Commissioners Meeting (12/18/24, video 04:44:15 includes transcript; see timestamp: 1:14:00 - 2:12:59)
Full Meeting:
Timestamps below are linked to clips (click the linked names to watch)
1:14:46 to 1:17:33 Laura Demaray RN Opening Remarks
1:18:03 to 1:25:48 Dr. Kirk Milhoan MD PhD Pediatric Cardiologist
1:26:36 to 1:36:28 Dr. Christina Parks PhD Molecular Biology
1:37:01 to 1:46:44 Sasha Latypova Pharmaceutical Research and Development
1:47:42 to 1:55:48 Dr. James Thorp MD, Board Certified in Obstetrics & Gynecology and in Maternal-Fetal Medicine
1:56:14 to 2:04:34 Dr. Renata Moon MD Pediatrician
🆕 Part 2: The Last Stand of the Lesser Magistrates: A Scientific Presentation on the Dangers of COVID Shots. Feb 19, 2024 - Franklin County, WA, Board of Commissioners - 10am Pacific 1PM Eastern. The Resolution passed!
Watch on CHD.TV: The Last Stand of the Lesser Magistrates: A Scientific Presentation on the Dangers of COVID Shots (02/19/25)
Substack note about presentation
01:03:30 Chair - Introduction of resolution and team
01:05:25 Laura Demaray
01:12:20 Peter McCullough
01:16:35 Brianne Dressen
01:22:40 Kimberly Biss
01:30:05 Doug Cameron
01:37:10 Nicholas Hulscher
01:44:10 Janci Lindsay
01:52:10 Ryan Cole
02:12:15 Commissioners - Questions for Dr. Cole
02:27:20 Commissioners - Discussion of resolution
02:29:10 Commissioners - Vote/discussion for resolution
02:32:35 End
🔥RESOLUTION PASSED! Franklin County of Washington State Resolution to Advise AGAINST The Use of Genetic Biologic “Vaccine” Platform Technology on Children and Adults. Commissioners of Franklin County signed the resolution warning their citizens of COVID shot dangers immediately after the presentation.
Draft 11 Resolution:
ICWA News & Action Alerts: Franklin County Passes Resolution Against COVID Gene Therapy Shots under Looming Prospect of HB1531 (02/25/25 newsletter). At mid-morning at the Franklin County Commissioners meeting last Wednesday, February 19, the time had come for part two for the “Adverse Events on the COVID-19 vaccine.” Part one was held last December 18 under a storm of mainstream media attacks... Read more
Related Presentation:
🆕 Two Docs W/ 2x Super Bowl Champion Clint Didier & Laura Demaray (03/02/25, video 01:02:03) | Substack Note
🆕 Debunking Mainstream Media Hit Pieces about Franklin County Presentation
👍ICWA Weekly News 12-24-2024. Just in time to place under your tree: Mainstream Media Attacks COVID-19 Presenters in Franklin County; What about Polio? RFK Jr. is incorrectly implicated in latest pHARMedia accusations. By Gerald Braude and Informed Choice Washington (12/24/24):
The article linked above provides excellent coverage with accurate quotes about the Franklin County presentation.
👎Unfortunately, mainstream media — notably Tri-City Herald newspaper (Kennewick, Pasco, and Richland, Washington) and a reprint in Yahoo News — followed the “Trusted News Initiative” playbook by distorting the truth with charged language, inaccurate information, and smears about the presenters’ scientific information and their association with RFK Jr.
Mainstream Media Sources:
Tri-City Herald: [headline here is from ICWA Weekly News; the latest headline now matches Yahoo News] Why did Franklin Co. host panel of COVID-19 vaccine skeptics?
Yahoo News: Discredited COVID-19 vaccine skeptics tied to RFK Jr. group try to sway Franklin County
Fact: The presenters have no official association with RFK Jr at all. However, the presenters or articles about their work have appeared at Children’s Health Defense (CHD), a non-profit organization RFK Jr. founded in 2018. CHD’s vision and mission are as follows:
VISION: A world free of childhood chronic health conditions caused by environmental exposures
MISSION: Our mission is ending childhood health epidemics by eliminating toxic exposure. We will restore and protect the health of children by eliminating environmental exposures, holding responsible parties accountable, and establishing safeguards to prevent future harm of children’s health.
Protecting Children. Exposing Harms. Seeking Justice.
Fact: The mainstream reporter did not ask questions at the presentation or interview any presenters; the reporter simply smeared people whose message diverges from mainstream orthodoxy.
“Charged and distorted language” quotes from the opening paragraphs of the Tri-City Herald article are below. Incendiary sections are indicated with
strikeout, while neutral and more accurate corrections are in bold so readers can be on the lookout for similar smears in this and other sources. The Tri-City Herald article continued in the same manner as below, but we’ll leave our readers to do their own research and mental editing of its remaining content.
COVID-19 Vaccine Experts Present Evidence to Franklin County
Discredited COVID-19 vaccine skeptics tied to RFK Jr. group try to sway Franklin County.By Cory McCoy December 19, 2024 5:00 AMA panel of medical professionals and researchers
, who have all previously been investigated for spreading misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines,were invited to a Franklin County Commission meeting this week, where theymade inflammatory and discredited claims. The commissioners also heard from self-described researchers whose claims have been debunked. Speakers claimedstated that the COVID vaccine caused miscarriages at the same rate as the abortion pill, that the coronavirus pandemic was a “biological weapon” and that medical organizations were bribed by the government to promote the vaccine.
All the speakers have links to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense. The group has been described as one of the primary sources of anti-vaccination misinformation, according to research on the spread of misinformation.The speakers — while not directly associated with Children’s Health Defense (CHD) or RFK Jr. — have all
either given talkstalkeddirectlywiththeCHD’sorganization’smedia arm, spoken at their conferences or have been cited as sourcesused to spread misinformation, according to records on the group’s website. (Children’s Health Defense is a non-profit organization that RFK Jr. founded in 2018. Their stated mission: “Our mission is ending childhood health epidemics by eliminating toxic exposure. We will restore and protect the health of children by eliminating environmental exposures, holding responsible parties accountable, and establishing safeguards to prevent future harm of children’s health.”)
Resources for Citizens
Below are resources you can use to approach your own lesser magistrates, followed by details by county (in alphabetical order).
We hope other counties and states will follow suit until all American citizens are free to make their own choices about medical and biological interventions. Below are ideas and templates you can use to approach your own lesser magistrates along with a sample county resolution (files are in PDF format). We also explain how to get help gathering a presentation team along with additional helpful information.
Making PDF files Editable: If you cannot edit the provided PDF files simply by opening them in your word processing program, first convert the PDF files to an editable format such as RTF, DOC, DOCX, ODT, or WORD.
FreeConvert is one tool that lets you convert PDF files to one of the editable formats listed above; you can then download the converted file to your computer (you may need to temporarily disable adblockers or subscribe).
Political Contributions 🆕
Is your Legislator taking contributions that could lead to a conflict of interest?
Idaho Sunshine:
Follow the Money (All States & Federal):
Approaching Your Community’s Lesser Magistrates
Ideas to Approach Your Community’s Lesser Magistrates
A Five-step Format for Citizens in Communication with Officeholders (Source: Bailiwick News Reconstitution Starter Pack): Read (PDF)
Template letter for Approaching Lesser Magistrates
Replace [***] placeholders as needed; applies to Idaho but can be modified for any locale.
20 Covid “Pandemic” & Vaccine Facts
Suggested attachment for your approach letter to the lesser magistrates. Adapted from the Affidavit at
Template Resolution for Counties
Replace ***** placeholders with County name; applies to Idaho but you can replace Idaho with your own state and update as needed with relevant statistics and state laws.
Template Letters for Health Boards 🆕
Following the recent victory at Southwest District Health (SWDH), we're hoping Ada County and Central District Health (Ada, Boise, Elmore, and Valley counties) – as well as other counties and health districts – will be ready to stop offering COVID-19 immunizations to their residents. A victory with these commissioners would be huge for the rest of the Idaho and the country.
The first template below is for Ada County and Central District Health. PLEASE CUSTOMIZE AS NEEDED FOR YOUR OWN HEALTH DISTRICT AND COUNTY.
The second and third templates enable medical professionals and lay persons to request a formal review of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. AGAIN, PLEASE CUSTOMIZE AS NEEDED FOR YOUR OWN HEALTH DISTRICT.
Educational Handout
Information Packages for Presentations
Help Gathering a Team to Testify
Help gathering a team:
Laura Demaray:
Dr. Janci Lindsay:
More Information
Are you looking to collect some solid scientific research and links for presentation to your lesser magistrates? The following resources can help:
Covid Essential Links is a great place to start to gather resources on COVID, pandemics, and vaccines in general that you and your lesser magistrates may not know about. Its QUICK Index and search tips will help you navigate. Also includes Testimonies from Vaccine & Hospital Protocol Injured.
The Covid Index is a searchable Children’s Health Defense initiative website that compiles excerpted evidence AND seeks contributors. The Covid Index home page explains how to use the index. Also, check out our Substack Note for more information and “how to” tips.
Additional resources for you to share with lesser magistrates who want to help:
Americans for Health Freedom (includes a pledge)
POLITICIANS: Take the pledge and enact legislation to ensure everyone’s medical freedom
Health Freedom & Other Solutions for Idaho...AND BEYOND. Important definitions (informed consent, EUA, nullification). 7 Steps to freedom. Sample Bills, References & Links.
Other Presentations
🆕 Nurse Urging Local Governments to Stop mRNA Injections NOW. By The New American (03/06/25, video 17:18) | Substack Note
🆕 Nurse Fights COVID mRNA Shots, Encourages Local Response (02/22/25, video 28:32 - interview ends at 14:14 timestamp) | Substack Note
🆕🔥Call To Action for the Doug Cameron Act SB 1036 (02/08/25, video 40:44) | Substack Note
🆕 The FormerFedsGroup Focus — Vax Roundtable with Ernest Ramirez, Cat Parker and more (02/03/25, video 01:34:19, Substack Note)
🆕 Correspondence from Idaho Senator Crapo Regarding COVID-19 Vaccinations (received 01/24/25, published as Substack Note)
🆕 Adverse Effects of the Genetic Shot Regarding the Military: A Matter of State and National Security (01/14/25, posted 01/20/25, video 01:25:30) | Substack Note about Presentation | Substack Note about Ted Mace Statement on X (posted 01/23/25)
🆕 Advocacy in Action: Laura Demaray and Joan Steichen on Fighting Government Overreach. Hosts: John Stockton and Ken Reuttgers (01/09/25, video 57:05) | Substack Note
🆕 14 Attorney Generals Demand Answers Regarding the C-19 Vaccine Injured and Dead. The mistreatment of the COVID-19 vaccine injured and dead by HHS (CICP) continues. By Robert W Malone MD, MS (01/08/25). The 14 state AGs signing were from Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, and Utah.
🆕 'Intentional' Live Season 1, Ep. 42: 12-5-2024 — "Banning The Bioweapon". Host: Intentional w/Mic Meow | Guests: Laura Demaray, RN and John Tribble, MD (12/06/24, video 51:07) Video | Substack Note
🆕 Go Out Swinging: Nurse on a Mission—with Laura Demaray (07/16/24, video 1 hr 9 min)
🆕 Idaho Presentation on Genetic Technology - Adverse Effects and State and Local Solutions (July 12, 2024). Speakers…
Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Janci Lindsay, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Kimberly Biss, Dr. Renata Moon, Brad Geyer, Esq., Kevin McKernan, Laura Demaray, GI Jane (vaccine injured), and Doug Cameron (vaccine injured)A Night of Art & Music: Restoring Hope for the COVID “Vaccine” Injured (event 10/24/24)

Adams County Commissioners unanimously approved Resolution 2024-02 Against Use of Genetic Biologic Vaccine Technology (01/08/24)

Boise County Commissioners unanimously approved Resolution 2024-10 Against Use of Genetic Biologic Vaccine Technology (01/02/24)
🗣️ “We support legislation that prevents our state government from mandating any injection or any kind of medication.” ~ Lindy E. Lindstrom, Boise County Commissioner
🗣️ “Don’t force people to be taking medication if they don’t want to. If you want to be injected with this, then more power to you. I would fight to the death for your right to do so. But I’ll also fight to the death for my right not to.” ~ Steven M. Twiliger, Boise County Commissioner
We present in-depth coverage of the Boise County Commissioners hearings and vote here. Similar proceedings occurred in other counties.
On Tuesday, Jan 2, 2024, Boise County Commissioners unanimously passed Resolution 2024-10! Key points are below:
SIGNED Resolution 2024-10 (01/02/24): Read
Minutes from the 12/19/23 meeting testimony: Read
Audio testimony from the 12/19/23 meeting (listen below)
Minutes from the 01/02/24 meeting vote: Read
Idaho World Newspaper Coverage
We are eternally grateful to the County Commissioners for their honesty, integrity, and sincere desire to do the right thing. While most elected officials fail to even listen to the facts around these genetic shots, the Boise County Commissioners (and Commissioners in other counties who signed similar resolutions):
Respectfully listened to testimony.
Asked thoughtful questions.
Studied the supplemental materials provided.
Debated the essential issues (informed consent and medical interventions based on choice rather than mandate).
Voted to advise against these shots until they can be investigated thoroughly so that citizens can have true informed consent.
Special thanks to the County Commissioners, County support staff, Idaho World newspaper, and those who testified at this historic presentation: Laura Demaray, Dr. Janci Lindsay, Dr. Kimberly Biss, Dr. Reni Moon, Sasha Latypova, Dr. Ryan Cole, and "vaccine" injured Idahoans Doug Cameron and "GI Jane."
This County resolution is NOT taking any rights away, only recommending against the shots until independent research is done (by Idaho law, these shots qualify as bioweapons). People are free to be injected with COVID-19 shots if they wish, but at least now they have been warned about their contents, safety, efficacy, and unnecessary risks to themselves and their loved ones.
Audio Testimony from the 12/19/23 Boise County Commissioners Meeting
03/05/24 Update: A promptly responded to Boise County Public Records Request and two helpful friends brought you the audio testimony below. Although these recordings do not include video and the presenter slides, they still offer powerful testimony everyone should hear.
If you’re having trouble getting your commissioners, other magistrates, or private citizens to listen to live testimony, watch a video or read an article, consider asking them to listen to the audio we’ve provided for Boise County — in the privacy of their own homes or offices without distractions.
Complete Audio
Segment - Presenter (Start - End)
Scroll down to hear individual segments by each speaker.
Laura Demaray (01:58 - 13:54 )
Dr. Janci Lindsay (15:39 - 22:26 )
Dr. Kimberly Biss (23:07 - 28:50)
Dr. Reni Moon (29:45 - 36:20)
Sasha Latypova (37:19 - 48:14)
Dr. Ryan Cole (48:48 - 1:01:21)
GI Jane (1:02:49 - 1:06:17)
Doug Cameron (1:07:18 - 1:11:55)
Laura Demaray, Commissioners (1:11:46 - 1:15:58)
Audio Segments
1: Laura Demaray
Introduction, summary of facts, informed consent, and desired action.
2: Dr. Janci Lindsay
Toxicology and pharmacology of the jabs, gene therapy methods of action, contamination, mechanism of action, SV40 and plasmids, implications for cancer, shedding, additional lies told by government agencies about the shots, use in animals, call to withdraw all future vaccines, lack of informed consent.
3: Dr. Kimberly Biss
Dangerous effects of gene shots on pregnant women, developing fetuses, newborns, and nursing babies.
4: Dr. Reni Moon
Pediatrican discusses effects of gene shots on children’s health and failure of agencies to protect children’s health.
5: Sasha Latypova
Retired pharma industry consultant and executive discusses faulty manufacturing practices and the complex legal framework of the military operation used to deploy gene therapy countermeasures that are legal but unconstitutional.
6: Dr. Ryan Cole
Idaho pathologist discusses genetic injections, synthetic spike protein and lipid nanoparticles, cancers (including “turbo cancers”), promotion of respiratory infections, persistence in the body, autoimmune diseases, potential to change the human genome, and more.
7: GI Jane
Severely vaccine injured military flyer discusses the pain and disability she has endured.
8: Doug Cameron
Severely vaccine injured rancher / farm manager discusses the disability and financial devastation caused by the gene shots.
9: Laura Demaray, Commissioners
Closing comments, questions, discussion, and requested action items.

Washington County Commissioners unanimously approved Resolution Advising Against COVID19 Vaccine on Child Vaccine Schedule on 11/06/23.
🗣️ I'm a person who believes strongly in personal rights. I believe an individual has the right to make their choice to receive the jab! Where I stand as a commissioner is between the people and the government in support of removing the COVID injection from society until the government comes clean with ALL the information so the individual can make an informed decision. I strongly believe the government has not been forthright about the dangers of the injection. ~ Gordon Wilkerson, Washington County Commissioner
Details and Links to Testimony (Sasha Latypova Substack (10/29/23)
Video (05/24/23, 55 min)
County signs letter regarding vaccines. The Weiser Signal American. By Philip A. Janquart (11/09/23): Read
Humble beginnings start in Idaho!! Congratulations 🎉 to your team.