Health Freedom & Other Solutions for Idaho & Beyond
Important definitions (informed consent, EUA, nullification). 7 Steps to freedom. Sample Bills, References & Links. SHARE! 🆕 We will post updates as needed.
Last update: 02/07/25
➡️ Short Note (for quick sharing & email):

Open Letter to Legislators (Idaho & Beyond)
In a recent Substack post (, Idaho Senator-Elect Christy Zito (LD8) wrote:
New legislators listened to Legislative Services presentations. New legislators were told how they should behave. That is not the place of a bureaucratic agency...legislators were told to “trust” the lobbyists who are paid to influence decisions and votes. These are big business entities, hospitals, unions, etc. ...
The above is both sad and disgusting. Our legislators — new and seasoned — must NOT submit to bullies. We implore all legislators to stay strong in your commitment to the everyday taxpaying citizens who elected you and to resist the intimidation, money, and power of bullying entities.
And please, please, please add freedom — all kinds, but especially health freedom — to your list of important priorities. Few are bravely talking about or acting upon these issues, but everyone must be. We have lost many of our precious freedoms to public/private interests — especially during the COVID tyranny. We must restore and expand these freedoms, and we must ensure they can never be stolen from us again.
Several people put this one-stop Substack page together to inspire lawmakers toward freedom. We update the page regularly with ideas for bills that will preserve, protect, and defend freedom for generations to come. And — almost as good — none of these proposals should cost taxpayers much, if anything, to implement!
Idaho Legislators! Take the Medical Freedom Pledges
Politicians: Take the Pledge for Medical Freedom (Substack article):
ICAN Legislate
Join the Medical Liberty Pledge:
Who has pledged in Idaho?
Americans for Health Freedom 🆕
Sign the pledge (politicians):
Sign the pledge (physicians and scientists):
Who has signed the pledge? Politicians | Physicians & Scientists
The Citizens Alliance of Idaho Pledge 🆕
Sign the pledge:
Who has signed the pledge?
Quick Index
No Public Funds For Promotion Or Administration Of Genetic Immunization Products To Minors Or Adults
Religious And Conscientious Exemptions For Vaccinations In The Idaho National Guard
Public Health Organization Jurisdiction: Advise & Recommend Only
Globalist Organization Jurisdiction: No Jurisdiction In Idaho
What Is Happening? What Must We Do?
🗣️ “Developing technologies would permit involuntary, widespread delivery of pathogens that result in a complete and permanent revamping of our God-given immune systems without requiring any informed consent.” ~ICAN Legal Update (02/14/24)
🗣️ “Nullification is not only a state's right; it is a state's duty and responsibility” ~Tennessee Putting Teeth in the Tenth
Censorship and propaganda are getting worse in America and around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) and other globalist organizations are working hard to forever shut down human freedom and all rights currently protected under democratic Constitutions, putting the entire world under unchecked, bankrupting, arbitrary, no-liability totalitarian rule. Remember that the WHO and other globalist organizations as well as our own government implemented the destructive COVID-19 countermeasures worldwide.
NOTE: While this document focuses on COVID-19 countermeasures (mainly because they are still fresh on our minds), the COVID era is not unique in American or world history. Globalist policies aim to make all COVID-like countermeasures permanent everywhere on earth.
We’ve seen many examples as tyranny escalates and takes over the world. Illustrating just two of them are the following segments from The Highwire’s 9/10/24 Episode 389: The Dark Horse (full video 3:14:25). Please watch them!

This freedom grab must stop. Idaho can and must lead the way!
Where We Are Now…
Please consider scientific and carefully researched information about what's already occurred and what’s ahead for the world. Ignore the propaganda and gaslighting.
We must stop this insanity before the genie escapes the bottle with no way to stuff it back in. Idaho can do this. The genie bottle stuffing will take everyone pushing together.
What the Heck Happened?
Informed Consent & Liability. Under no circumstances should any substance — whether it be called a vaccine, toxin, pesticide, herbicide, bactericide, etc. — ever be administered (by any means) to living things without their informed consent (if they are capable of providing it) or without the consent of their caretakers. Nor should any product be administered unless the manufacturer has liability for harms caused.
Summary: Vaccines and Other “Countermeasures”
Can Vaccines be Harmful? Vaccines are recognized by both government and academia as having “unavoidable adverse side effects.” Dr. Stanley Plotkin, who literally wrote the book Plotkin’s Vaccines, finally admitted that vaccines have not been adequately proven safe and effective. Even approved vaccines have been found to be dangerous and later recalled by the FDA. Thus, the unavoidable risk of vaccines is clear. Individual consent cannot and must not be usurped by government orders.
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. Due to provisions of the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, vaccine manufacturers have no liability and consumers have no right to civil action, even though vaccines are known to have “Unavoidable adverse side effects; warnings” (see 42USC 300aa-22). A harmed individual’s only option is a “vaccine court,” which limits the injuries that can be claimed, and burdens the injured with a nearly impossible standard for proving harms. See FAQs here.
AZ Rep. Gosar Introduces Groundbreaking Bill to End Big Pharma’s Liability Shield for Vaccine Injuries. By Jim Hoft (09/27/24). Article | H.R. 9828: End the Vaccine Carveout Act Bill | Substack Note | Stand for Health Freedom Petition 🆕
Military Countermeasures Pandemic Response: It turns out that the entire response to COVID-19 — from suppressing off-label early treatments, to hospital protocols such as Remdesivir and ventilators, to social distancing, mask and vaccine mandates, to the development and deployment of the gene therapy mRNA shots — were long-planned Department of Defense (DoD) military countermeasures implemented via Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and related laws.
The mRNA Beat Goes On: The mRNA technology roll-out started with COVID-19 genetic injections, but it’s not stopping there. Nearly every “vaccine,” including influenza and RSV, is likely to use the mRNA platform.
Self-Amplification Vaccinates EVERYONE: But it gets worse. Now “vaccine” technology is being pushed to a whole new level: self-amplifying and passively administered vaccines, which means people will be “vaccinated” regardless of whether they choose to be.
09/21/24: Sasha Latypova, an expert in pharmaceutical manufacturing, says the concern over self-amplifying injections is overblown. We don’t know the definitive answer, but simple “shedding” does appear to be real (see 9-part series “Shedding” of Covid mRNA Vaccine Components and Products From The Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated by Dr. Pierre Kory and articles by A Midwestern Doctor), so people still can be “vaccinated” without their consent. Also, according to the FDA’s own package insert, the recently approved ACAM2000 mpox/monkeypox/smallpox shot can spread to the unvaccinated, causing death. 🆕
Not Limited to Vaccines: It’s not just “vaccines” that negatively affect the health of living beings, soils, air, and water. It’s ALL toxins, including (but not limited to) pesticides, herbicides, virucides, bactericides, geoengineering, electromagnetic and nuclear radiation, and even psychological warfare.
Informed Consent? Nope! All toxic technology violates the doctrine of informed consent and could make current issues with mRNA vaccine shedding and side effects seem like a walk in the park. We cannot simply ignore these developments and hope for the best. We must be proactive and stop them.
How to Stop This! Below are some important definitions, followed by steps and action items that may prevent a dystopian and tyrannical future. We also provide additional resources and links for doing more research.
Definitions: Informed Consent, EUA, & Nullification
The following definitions will help you understand key concepts of informed consent, how current EUA and similar laws bypass informed consent, and a way to escape these laws through nullification.
1. Informed Consent
Informed Consent: An Ethical Principle
The right to informed consent is an overarching ethical principle in the practice of medicine, for which vaccination should be no exception.
We maintain this is a responsible and ethically justifiable position to take in light of the fact that vaccination is a medical intervention performed on a healthy person that has the inherent ability to result in the injury or death of that healthy person. ~Barbara Loe Fisher
For an individual to give valid informed consent, three components must be present.
Disclosure: Provides the information necessary to make an autonomous decision and to ensure the subject adequately understands the information provided.
Capacity: Requires that the subject can both understand the information provided and form a reasonable judgment based on the potential consequences of his/her decision.
Voluntariness: Requires that the subject has the right to freely exercise his/her decision making without being subjected to external pressure such as coercion, manipulation, or undue influence.
Informed consent has its basis in the Nuremburg Code, which was developed after WWII to prevent its atrocities from being repeated in the future. Unfortunately, the Nuremberg Code—like informed consent—has been abandoned: “Never again,” has become “Again and again.”
NO LIMITATIONS ON INFORMED CONSENT: “We the People” must be both informed about and consent to anything that affects us, directly or indirectly. Thus, informed consent is not limited only to what is injected, inhaled, or ingested into our own bodies. It also must apply to what’s injected, inhaled, or ingested into all the Earth’s air, water, soil, plants, and animals. 🆕
Wrongly, all aspects of informed consent go out the window when a Public Health Emergency is declared and Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is granted. Although the WHO treaty and IHR amendments did not pass in May 2024, the WHO did make “concrete commitments to completing negotiations on a global pandemic agreement within a year, at the latest, and possibly in 2024.”
2. Emergency Use Authorization EUA) (From the FDA’S Own Slide Deck)
An Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) authorizes the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to allow the use of a drug prior to approval. It does not constitute approval of the drug; instead it simply authorizes the FDA to facilitate an unapproved product, or an unapproved use of an approved product, during a declared state of emergency from one of several agencies or of a "material threat" by the Secretary of Homeland Security.
FDA Powerpoint Presentation, page 8: EUA (FD&C Act § 564) is for use in emergencies involving Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) agent(s) and for Department of Defense (DoD) agent(s) of war. FDA can authorize for use to diagnose, prevent, treat: an unapproved medical product or unapproved use of an approved product (e.g., for a new indication).
Only the following statutory criteria must be met: Serious or life-threatening disease / condition caused by a CBRN agent(s) referred to in the HHS Secretary EUA declaration; reasonable belief product “may be” effective; known / potential benefits outweigh known / potential risks; no adequate, approved, available alternative to product.All aspects of informed consent are waived with EUA Countermeasures.
Under EUA, no clinicial trials or informed consent are required.
Government and media suppressed and maligned safe and effective early COVID-19 treatments. EUA countermeasures as defined by law are neither constitutional nor moral, but they are legal. Once a Public Health Emergency is declared, informed consent no longer applies because countermeasures can occur under Emergency Use Authorization.
PREP Act allows Secretary of HHS to declare a Public Health Emergency (PHE) essentially on a whim and extend it indefinitely (we still are technically under PHE orders).
3. Nullification
Nullification is a legal theory – granted by the Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution – that a state has the right to nullify, or invalidate, any federal laws which they deem unconstitutional with respect to the United States Constitution (as opposed to the state's own constitution).
The current federal biomedical assault against US Citizens is being carried out under federal kill box laws and state-level Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA) provisions.
NOTE: A kill box is a zone of unrestricted slaughter.
These laws should be repealed by every state legislature. State lawmakers also can nullify unconstitutional federal laws and render those illegitimate federal laws unenforceable within their state borders. TN lawmakers produced a template bill HB726 establishing procedures for nullification of federal acts including statutes, regulations, agency orders, and executive orders. States that value freedom and medical autonomy can adapt the TN template for their own use.
7 Steps To Freedom: State & Federal Level Actions

Past experience with the mRNA gene therapy shots and this looming self-spreading, self-amplifying vaccine technology illustrate why we must act with extreme urgency to:
Recall, remove, or defund all mRNA gene therapy shots currently in use.
Florida Department of Health issued Updated Guidance for COVID-19 Boosters on 09/12/24. NOT RECOMMENDED. Safety and Efficacy concerns clearly laid out.
Stop all types of “gene therapy” and “gain of function” research NOW and ensure any resulting products developed elsewhere are NOT used in the US.
Repeal and/or nullify all laws that allow this type of research.
Repeal and/or nullify all laws such as the PREP Act that allow DOD countermeasures like those used during the COVID era.
Exit and defund the UN, WHO, WEF and all other globalist organizations and rebuff captured American bureaucracies such as NIH, CDC, FDA, health districts, medical boards, etc.
Implement rigorous and enforceable informed consent laws.
Implement tough, proactive, and complete medical freedom legislation in Idaho (and every other US state).
Health Freedom Legislation
All proposed legislation must be short and concise, clear, without compromise or conditions, and include full liability (e.g., with punishments and/or fines) for violation and harms.
We have not included punishments and/or fines for all the proposed legislation below. However, we ask that legislators work with attorneys and others to include appropriate enforcement. Without enforcement, the bills will be toothless and their provisions ignored.
In addition to the specific ✔️marked proposals below, implement the following ideas 🆕
These 12 Policies (listed just below) Need to Change If We Want True Health Freedom. In a free and moral society, health freedom is not simply a convenience — it’s an imperative. By Leslie Manookian, Brownstone Institute (10/07/24, updated 02/22/25): Read
Ban all medical mandates
Repeal the Bayh-Dole Act
Repeal the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) of 1992
Repeal the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act)
Repeal the Affordable Care Act
Restore the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) to its original intentions
Prohibit private donations to government entities
Implement cooling-off period for senior federal employees
Prevent conflicts of interest
Prohibit government grants to nonprofits
Ban water fluoridation (see No Community Water Fluoridation Or Topical Fluoride Product Application In Idaho Public Health Clinics)
Ban the release of genetically modified insects
We CAN Fix Our Broken Medical System. Jenna McCarthy's seven-point plan to Break Bad on the 'medical cartel.' By FLCCC Alliance and Jenna McCarthy (10/15/24): Read
Prohibit industry funding of public health agencies.
Ban pharmaceutical advertising.
Immediately shut down any company found guilty of bribing doctors, manipulating research studies, falsifying clinical trial results, engaging in fraudulent or deceptive advertising, or disregarding patient safety.
Stop the revolving door: Once you've worked for Pharma you cannot work for the government and vice versa.
Make all clinical trial data open and available to the public.
Repeal the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.
Expand and enforce whistleblower protection laws.
✔️ No Mandates, No Discrimination, No Adverse Actions, No Liability Waivers, No Vaccine Passports Or Digital Surveillance
🚫 NO MANDATES: No person shall be required by any entity (governmental, non-governmental, or private) or any international health authority to take, be administered, or otherwise receive — or to disclose whether the person has taken, been administered or otherwise received — a medical procedure, vaccine, biologic, medical product, drug or any countermeasure such as social distancing, lockdowns, quarantines, contact tracing, etc. This applies to any method of administration that is available now or in the future (e.g., mask, face shield, test such as PCR, injection, aerosol, self-amplification, passive, patch, food, surgical procedure, or any other method).
🚫 NO DISCRIMINATION: No person who refuses to be vaccinated, or receive a medical procedure, vaccine, biologic, or medical product shall be prohibited from receiving medical treatment, or from being offered employment or a contract position, or from purchasing groceries, entering public buildings, traveling, or engaging in any other activity that is otherwise lawful.
🚫 NO EMPLOYER OR SCHOOL ADVERSE ACTIONS: No employer or school may take an adverse action against an employee or contractor or an applicant for employment or a contract position or a student for refusing a medical procedure, vaccine, biologic, or medical product.
🚫 NO WAIVER OF LIABILITY: No manufacturer of, or person willfully administering, a medical procedure, vaccine, biologic, or medical product shall be immune from liability for injuries or deaths caused by those manufactured products or willful administrations.🚫 NO VACCINE PASSPORTS OR DIGITAL SURVEILLANCE: Vaccine passports are banned: No person shall be required to submit proof of vaccination in any form, digital or otherwise. No CPT Codes (Current Procedural Terminology Codes) shall be entered into a person’s medical record without express permission, and each person shall be allowed to request prompt removal of such codes from the medical record.
✔️ No Public Funds For Promotion Or Administration Of Genetic Immunization Products To Minors Or Adults
Public funds shall not be used, granted, paid, or distributed to any entity, organization, or individual for the provision or subsidy of any immunization advertising or medical intervention.
The Idaho Medicaid program shall not reimburse or provide coverage for genetic immunizations administered to minors or adults.
No physician or other health care professional in the course and scope of employment by the state or county or local government shall provide promotion or administration of genetic immunization.
No state property, facility, or building shall be used to provide promotion or administration of genetic immunization.
Any intentional violation of the provisions of this chapter by a public officer or public employee shall be considered a punishable misuse of public moneys.
“Genetic Immunization or Vaccines” shall mean any current or future COVID-19, mRNA, or any other genetic biologic medical intervention for any disease – regardless of technology platform and regardless of method of administration (e.g., aerosol or inhalation, food, injection, self-amplification, shedding, skin patch, surgical procedure, or any other method).
“Minor” shall mean an individual under eighteen (18) years of age but does not include an individual who is an emancipated minor.
“Adult” shall mean an individual eighteen (18) years of age and above or an individual who is an emancipated minor.
A Sample Letter Requesting Removal of COVID-19 and mRNA Shots 🆕
This sample letter is appropriate for health boards and other medical facilities. Please customize with your own words before sending.
Subject: Request to Remove COVID-19 and mRNA Immunizations from the Schedule
Dear [addressee],
I am writing to urge you to remove COVID-19 immunizations — and any others that use the gene therapy mRNA platform — from your schedule and refrain from offering them in your clinics. There is growing evidence of harm associated with these immunizations, with limited long-term benefits.
The potential risks, such as adverse reactions including myocarditis, fertility issues, neurological effects, and death, continue to emerge. Meanwhile, children and healthy adults, who rarely experience severe disease outcomes, should not be exposed to these risks without comprehensive long-term safety data. The urgency to immunize these populations (especially in light of widespread natural immunity) has passed. Maintaining these immunizations on the schedule no longer aligns with the principle of do no harm.
Rather than overwhelming you with numerous links, I offer two critical resources that outline concerns regarding the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 immunizations as well as others using the gene therapy mRNA platform:
Covid Essential Links:
Idaho’s County Commissioners (and Health Districts) Advise Against Gene Therapy Shots:
I believe it is essential to protect the health and well-being of our community, especially our children. I urge you to act in the best interests of public health by taking these immunizations off the schedule.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I will be closely following your decision and praying that it reflects the best interests of our community.
Kind regards,
(Your name)
✔️ No Vaccination Tracking Without Express Permission
All vaccination tracking information must be opt-in. No vaccination information can be entered into IRIS — or any similar vaccination tracking system for minors or adults — without express consent of the parent, guardian, or adult vaccinee at each visit or enrollment. Also, any parent or guardian or adult vaccinee can request removal of their child's or their own vaccination information.
Consent must be given (opt-in) or rescinded (opt-out) via a simple paper or electronic form provided by the Idaho Health Department as well as any licensed medical office, pharmacy, or other vaccine administration site.
IRIS: Idaho's Immunization Reminder Information System (IRIS) system that doctors, daycares and schools currently have access to and use to enter children’s vaccination information. See
“Minor” shall mean an individual under eighteen (18) years of age but does not include an individual who is an emancipated minor.
“Adult” shall mean an individual eighteen (18) years of age and above or an individual who is an emancipated minor.
✔️ Repeal And/Or Revise Idaho’s Liability & Quarantine Laws 🆕
Great Barrington Declaration: By Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (10/04/20)
The CDC Planned Quarantine Camps Nationwide. By Jeffrey A Tucker (11/07/24)
Repeal or Revise 6-904: (preference is to fully repeal, but a compromise is to strike certain portions)
Version 1: FULLY REPEAL 6-904 (preferred)
Version 2: REVISE 6-904 (strikeouts indicate deletions; bold indicates replacement text)
6-904. Exceptions to governmental liability. A governmental entity and its employees while acting within the course and scope of their employment and without malice or criminal intent shall not be liable for any claim which:
1. Arises out of any act or omission of an employee of the governmental entity exercising ordinary care, in reliance upon or the execution or performance of a valid statutory or regulatory function, whether or not the statute or regulation be valid, or based upon the exercise or performance or the failure to exercise or perform a discretionary function or duty on the part of a governmental entity or employee thereof, whether or not the discretion be abused.
2. Arises out of the imposition or establishment of a quarantine by a governmental entity, whether such quarantine relates to persons or property.
3. Arises out of assault, battery, false imprisonment, false arrest, malicious prosecution, abuse of process, libel, slander, misrepresentation, deceit, or interference with contract rights.
4. Arises out of the activities of the Idaho national guard when engaged in training or duty under sections 316, 502, 503, 504, 505 or 709, title 32, United States Code.
5. Arises out of the activities of the Idaho national guard when engaged in combatant activities during a time of war.
6.2. Arises out of or results from riots, unlawful assemblies, public demonstrations, mob violence or civil disturbances.
7. Arises out of a plan or design for construction or improvement to the highways, roads, streets, bridges, or other public property where such plan or design is prepared in substantial conformance with engineering or design standards in effect at the time of preparation of the plan or design or approved in advance of the construction by the legislative body of the governmental entity or by some other body or administrative agency, exercising discretion by authority to give such approval.
REVISE 39-603: (strikeouts indicate deletions; bold indicates replacement text)
39-603. Examination, treatment, and quarantine — Repression of prostitution. State, county and municipal health officers, or their authorized deputies, within their respective jurisdiction, are hereby directed and empowered, when in their judgment it is necessary to protect the public health, to make examinations, or have examinations made by competent physician, of persons reasonably suspected of being infected with venereal disease, and to require request persons infected with venereal disease to report for receive treatment to from a reputable physician and continue treatment until cured, or to submit to receive treatment provided at public expense until cured, and also, when in their judgment it is necessary to protect the public health, to isolate or quarantine request persons affected with venereal disease to isolate or quarantine. It shall be the duty of all local and state health officers to investigate sources of infection of venereal diseases, to cooperate with the proper officials whose duty it is to enforce laws directed against prostitution, and otherwise to use every proper means for the repression of prostitution.
REVISE 56-1003: (strikeouts indicate deletions; bold indicates replacement text)
(7) The director, under rules adopted by the board of health and welfare and approved by the legislature pursuant to section 67-5291 , Idaho Code, and section 29, article III of the constitution of the state of Idaho, shall have the power to impose and enforce orders of request isolation, quarantine, or restricted access to protect the public from the spread of infectious or communicable diseases or from contamination from chemical, nuclear, or biological agents, whether naturally occurring or propagated by criminal or terrorist act.
(a) An order of isolation may be issued only for a person diagnosed with an infectious or a communicable disease, presenting medically unknown symptoms, or contaminated from a chemical, nuclear, or biological agent and only while a person is infectious, displaying unknown symptoms, or contaminated.
(b) An order of A request to quarantine may be issued only for a person exposed to:
(i) An infectious or a communicable disease;
(ii) A person displaying medically unknown symptoms; or
(iii) Contamination from a chemical, nuclear, or biological agent;
under circumstances likely to result in the spread of the disease, symptoms, or contaminant to the person who had such contact and only for a reasonable period of time sufficient to determine whether the exposed person will become sick.
(c) If the director has reasonable cause to believe a chemical, nuclear, or biological agent has been released in an identifiable place, including a building or structure, the director may impose an order of restricted access into or out of that place for the purpose of determining whether that place has been contaminated with a chemical, nuclear, or biological agent that may create a substantial and immediate danger to the public. An order of restricted access shall be effective only until such time as the contamination has been remediated and the area of restricted access has been determined to no longer pose an immediate health risk.
(d) An order of A request for isolation, quarantine, or restricted access issued pursuant to this section shall not be subject to the Idaho administrative procedure act, chapter 52, title 67 , Idaho Code, but shall be subject to judicial review as a final agency order. However, this shall not prevent the director from reconsidering, amending, or withdrawing the order request . Judicial review of orders of requests for isolation, quarantine, or restricted access shall be de novo. The court may affirm, reverse, or modify the order and shall affirm the order request if the director shows by clear and convincing evidence that the order request is reasonably necessary to protect the public from a substantial and immediate danger of the spread of an infectious or communicable disease or from contamination by a chemical, nuclear, or biological agent. A hearing on a request for review pursuant to this paragraph shall be held as soon as practicable but no later than three (3) business days after the request is made. Notice of the request for review to the court must be provided to the director. The court may order ask the person who is the subject of or affected by the order request of isolation, quarantine, or restricted access to appear remotely via technology approved by the Idaho supreme court. Upon conclusion of a hearing described in this subsection, the court conducting judicial review shall issue an order:
(i) Affirming or modifying the order request of isolation, quarantine, or restricted access; or
(ii) Reversing the order request and releasing an individual who is the subject of or affected by such order request .
(e) Any person who violates an order of isolation, quarantine, or restricted access shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(8) The director shall develop safeguards necessary to ensure the security of nonpublic personal information in the department’s possession and to prevent undue disclosure of such information. The director shall establish a process to authenticate requests made by a person, entity or jurisdiction arising under the 2007 Hague convention on the international recovery of child support and other forms of family maintenance. In the event the department becomes aware of any improper disclosure, the director shall take all actions required under section 28-51-105, Idaho Code.
✔️ Informed Consent And Labeling Required On All Products That Could Modify Genetics Or Act As A Gene Therapy Product
Any product that may act as or include any mechanism that could possibly impact, alter or introduce genetic material or a genetic change into the user of the product must be conspicuously labeled with the words “Potential Gene Therapy Product”. Fully informed consent is assumed upon purchasing or receiving such a product.
Urgent Request for In-District Meetings on USDA Animal ID Mandate - The Weston A. Price Foundation:
5 Key Risks to Our Food Security. By Dr. Brooke Miller (08/19/24):
✔️ Autologous And Direct Blood Donations Allowed
A licensed hospital or entity that facilitates blood transfusions shall allow an individual on whom a medical procedure is to be performed to provide an autologous or compatible direct blood donation for the medical procedure if, at least 72 hours before the scheduled medical procedure, the individual:
Notifies the licensed hospital or entity that facilitates blood transfusions of the intention to provide an autologous or direct blood donation for the medical procedure; and
For a direct blood donation, provides the licensed hospital or entity that facilitates blood transfusions a list of eligible compatible blood donors.
Autologous blood donations: Blood donations that individuals give for their own use (for example, before a surgery). These are "self donations."
Direct blood donations: Donations of blood or platelets from a known individual that are designated for a specific patient.
Reduces blood shortages by not tapping into the existing blood supply. Any leftover autologous or direct donation blood not used during the procedure can be used to replenish the existing blood supply.
Those with religious objections to receiving outside blood (for example, Jehovah’s Witnesses) can use their own life-saving blood.
Increases informed consent because recipients will know what’s in the blood they receive.
Autologous and Directed Donations:
Donating Blood to a Specific Patient:
A review of the application of autologous blood transfusion:
Researchers Call for Urgent Action to Address Mass Contamination of Blood Supply:
Blessed by His Blood Cooperative:
Safe Blood Donation USA:
✔️ Religious And Conscientious Exemptions For Vaccinations In The Idaho National Guard
All members of the Idaho National guard shall be granted, upon request, a religious or conscientious exemption for all vaccinations.
✔️ No Community Water Fluoridation Or Topical Fluoride Product Application In Idaho Public Health Clinics 🆕
Fluoride is a proven toxin that can harm humans as well as plants and animals. Idaho shall immediately stop community water fluoridation and cease topical fluoride product applications in Idaho Public Health Clinics.
Longstanding evidence from Fluoride Action Network and a recent verdict against the EPA reveal that fluoride is a highly toxic substance that can cause a range of adverse health effects in children, pregnant women, fetuses, and adults. Animals and plants also are at risk. Fluoride harm to humans includes:
Brain (Neurological)
Endocrine System
Hypersensitivity and Acute Toxicity
While fluoride has been deemed systemically toxic when added to drinking water following the recent court case, strong evidence also exists concerning topical oral applications (teeth), including those offered through Idaho's public health districts.
Effective, inexpensive and non-invasive cavity fighting alternatives to fluoride exist (See "Cavity & Gum Disease Fighting Alternatives" below). Therefore, fluoride is not warranted or safe for preventing tooth decay. Eliminating this substance from public health services and community water also should save the state money (we have not analyzed the cost savings, but expect they would be considerable). For these reasons, fluoride should be removed from all public water and public health systems in Idaho.
Supporting Evidence (representative of many resources)
Water Fluoridation
Court Case won in Northern District of California against the EPA:
Food & Water Watch, Inc. v. Environmental Protection Agency
Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law — Document #445
District Court, N.D. California
Docket Number: 3:17-cv-02162
Citation: Food & Water Watch, Inc. v. Environmental Protection Agency, 3:17-cv-02162, (N.D. Cal. Sep 24, 2024) ECF No. 445
Date Filed: September 24th, 2024, 4:21 p.m. PDT
Uploaded: September 24th, 2024
Page 80:
121. Plaintiffs have proven, by a preponderance of the evidence, that water fluoridation at the level of 0.7 mg/L – the prescribed optimal level of fluoridation in the United States –
presents an “unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment, without consideration of costs or other non-risk factors, including an unreasonable risk to a potentially exposed or susceptible subpopulation under the conditions of use.” 15 U.S.C. § 2620(b)(4)(B)(ii).
122. The Court thus orders the Administrator to initiate rulemaking pursuant to Subsection 6(a) of TSCA. See id. §§ 2605(a), 2620(a).
123. The Court defers ruling as to whether Plaintiffs are entitled to recovery of their costs of suit and attorneys and expert witness fees. Parties are ordered to submit a proposed
supplemental briefing schedule regarding costs and fees within two weeks of the date of this order.
Case 3:17-cv-02162-EMC Document 445 Filed 09/24/24
United States District Court
Northern District of California
Defendant shall respond two weeks thereafter. The Court will take the matter under submission unless it orders a hearing.
The Clerk of Court is directed to enter judgment in Plaintiffs’ favor.
The Highwire: EXPERT ATTORNEY EXPOSES DECADES OF FLUORIDE HARMS. Following a historic win against the EPA over the use of fluoride in drinking water, lead attorney for the plaintiffs, Michael Connett, Esq., discusses the decades-long concealment of the significant harms fluoride poses to human health and its implications for the future of water fluoridation. (10/31/24, video 01:06:27):
Insider's Report references (scroll down to section titled "MICHAEL CONNETT EXPOSES DECADES OF FLUORIDE HARMS":
Federal Judge Declares Fluoride in Drinking Water an “Unreasonable Risk” and Cities Respond by Demanding Immediate Action (12/20/24):
Fluoride Action Network: (includes many resources and extensive research)
“Activist Toolkit” resources to help educate communities and local policymakers about fluoridation:
Health effects of fluoride:
Vulnerable populations:
Hypersensitivity to topical and systemic fluorides:
Dental Products (quantity of fluoride in various dental products including toothpastes, mouth rinses, varnishes, supplements, and gels along with potential health implications):
Water Fluoridation Lookup (state, county, city lookup):
Health Department Dental Programs
Idaho Health Districts/Departments (
Dental treatment programs include Fluoride Varnish and Sealants, First Teeth Matter, and School Sealant programs. Two examples are below, but all Idaho public health districts/departments offer them.Southwest District Health:
Central District Health:
Cavity & Gum Disease Fighting Alternatives
Xylitol mints, gum, and toothpaste: (other brands available)
Natural dentistry information: Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Ellie Phillip discuss an alternative, systemic non-invasive approach to dentistry that really works and it’s easy to do (podcast 59 min):
Dr. Ellie's Website:
Inexpensive Anti-Infective Home Care (older references, but still valid)
Dr. Paul Keyes: (pioneer in non-surgical solutions to oral health)
Mama Gums: (website is old, but information still relevant)
One-page oral care guide:
✔️ Public Health Organization Jurisdiction: Advise & Recommend Only
Health districts, CDC, FDA, HHS, professional medical organizations, licensing boards, and other public health administrators may offer advice and recommendations only. However, they shall not draft mandates, penalties, or requirements for any health measure or intervention. Such organizations shall be liable for any overreach of personal rights.
WHO is using ‘National Focal Points’ to synchronize and control global public health. By Dr. Peter McCullough | McCullough Report (10/21/24, podcast 58:13):
✔️ Globalist Organization Jurisdiction: No Jurisdiction In Idaho
The World Health Organization, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum have no jurisdiction in this state. The state and its political subdivisions, including, but not limited to, counties, cities, towns, precincts, water districts, school districts, school administrative units, or quasi-public entities, shall not be compelled to engage in the enforcement of, or any collaboration with the enforcement of, any requirements or mandates issued by the World Health Organization, the United Nations, or the World Economic Forum.
Any requirements or mandates issued by the World Health Organization, the United Nations, or the World Economic Forum shall not be used in this state as a basis for action, nor to direct, order, or otherwise impose, contrary to the constitution and laws of this state, any requirements whatsoever, including those for masks, vaccines, or medical testing, or gather any public or private information about the state’s citizens or residents, and shall have no force or effect in this state.
Source: Oklahoma's bill SB 426: SB 426 Text
WHO is using ‘National Focal Points’ to synchronize and control global public health. By Dr. Peter McCullough | McCullough Report (10/21/24, podcast 58:13):
✔️ No Geoengineering/Weather Modification
(including all practices pertaining to climate experimentation such as atmospheric chemistry, solar radiation management, stratospheric aerosol injection, etc.)
🆕 This entire section has been rewritten.

What is Geoengineering / Weather Control / Weather Modification?
Geoengineering (GE) is defined as planetary-scale environmental engineering of our atmosphere, our weather, the oceans, and the Earth itself. GE involves many types of polluting atmospheric modification schemes, such as Cloud Seeding, Weather Modification, Solar Radiation Modification/ Management (SRM), Sunlight Reflection Methods (SRM), Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), Carbon Capture Sequestration (CCS), and more.
Governments and other entities worldwide have long been funding weather modification and geoengineering experimentation under many names, now branded as "weather research and forecasting," “weather and air chemistry,” and "atmospheric research" — all without the informed consent of their citizens.
Microwave radiation is a central component of weather control: Weather control involves an inter-operable system including the use of ground-based, airborne, and space-based facilities.
“We The People” do not consent to SRM / geoengineering activities. For this reason, polluting atmospheric interventions and weather experimentation must be outlawed and prohibited. Unelected bureaucrats, academics, and even militaries do not have a right to modify Earth's weather or pollute the air. Over 70 years of weather and climate modification has been catastrophic for the earth’s air, water, soil, plants, animals, and people.
— Source:
What is Weather Modification?
The term “weather modification” means any activity performed with the intention of producing artificial changes in the composition, behavior, or dynamics of the atmosphere. — Source:
We insist that all SRM /geoengineering experimentation and polluting atmospheric interventions be defunded and shut down wherever they are occurring. Mother Nature must be allowed to work as intended, without human interference. Academics are NOT as smart as they think they are, as human tinkering to change the climate is hazardous / catastrophic for the earth’s air, water, soil, plants, animals, and people.
Outlaw and Defund Atmospheric Manipulation
To halt harmful weather experimentation being conducted without public consent, we must defund and outlaw atmospheric manipulation at both the federal and state levels, with measures that include enforcement and penalties. Governments and armed forces must be subject to prohibition on polluting atmospheric interventions.
Many USA states introduced legislation to ban weather manipulation activities in 2024.
Tennessee is the first state to pass a law prohibiting geoengineering, SB 2691. This is an excellent start. However, Tennessee SB 2691 and other bills such as Florida SB 56 and South Carolina H5390 need to be amended to include enforcement and penalties; otherwise, they are both toothless and useless.
The Pennsylvania law below, SB 1264, provides a potential enforcement model based on PA 1967 precedent (See p. 4 Sections 11 and 12) and does include penalties. Likewise, penalties are written into newly introduced Texas HB1382.
IDAHO (amendment needed to HB266, passed in 2021)
Cloud Seeding: Idaho HB 266, passed in 2021, provides for liability exemptions and no permit requirements for cloud seeding operators hired through the state water resource board (formally, called the Idaho Department of Water Resources or IDWR for short). This law must be amended to remove all liability exemptions and to require permits for cloud seeding operators hired through the state water resource board.
Resolution 2025-16 (Idaho GOP): The 2025 Idaho Republican Party Winter Meeting (01/03/25 - 01/04/25) will present nearly thirty resolutions. Among them is Resolution 2025-16, which not only calls for a ban, but clearly lays out the known and potential harms of weather modification.
Resolution 2025-16
Title: Condemn and Ban Weather Modification, Solar Geoengineering, and Any Other Polluting Atmospheric Intervention and Operation Within the Borders of the State of IdahoSource: Pages 51-55 of the full packet of resolutions (PDF) and the extracted portion below that includes resolution 2025-16 only.
See also Cloud Seeding Experiment in Idaho for more about this topic.
See Pennsylvania, next, for model geoengineering legislation that should be passed in Idaho as well.
PENNSYLVANIA (introduced 06/20/24)
Full text of Pennsylvania Clean Air Preservation Act No 1264 | SB1264 Introduced in Pennsylvania Prohibiting Solar Radiation Modification (06/20/24) | Commentary by bill co-sponsor Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-33)
See “Zero Geoengineering — One-Stop Geoengineering Information Source” under Resources below for more information and tools.
Model bill below excludes definitions to save space. Full bill in downloadable PDF below includes definitions. Both versions modified for Idaho.
Pennsylvania bill was missing section 3 (likely misnumbered). Section numbering and references below reflect corrected numbering.
To convert PDF to editable text, see instructions here.
Pennsylvania Clean Air Preservation Act No 1264 (2024 Session). Introduced by Mastriano and Dush (06/20/24)
Modified for Idaho (bold text)
Prohibiting solar radiation modification, cloud seeding and polluting atmospheric activity within this state; imposing duties on the Idaho State Police and sheriffs; and imposing penalties.
Section 1. Short title. Idaho Clean Air Preservation Act
Section 2. Definitions. (see Pennsylvania bill or downloadable PDF above)
Section 3. Prohibited activity.
The Idaho State Police or a sheriff shall immediately issue a cease-and-desist order when unlawful cloud seeding or polluting atmospheric activity is suspected by an entity. The cease-and-desist order under this section shall have the weight of a court order and any violation shall be punished in accordance with section 5.
Section 4. Notice to cease Federal or foreign-approved programs.
(a) General rule. — Government and armed forces projects must meet all the requirements of this act. If an activity deemed a hazard by this act has been approved, explicitly or implicitly, by the Federal Government, the Idaho State Police or a sheriff shall issue a notice to the appropriate Federal agency that the activity cannot lawfully be carried out within or over this state.
(b) Implementation. — The Idaho State Police or a sheriff is authorized to and shall implement this act, determining whether violations have occurred and, if deemed necessary, shall refer potentially prohibited activity to the Air National Guard.
Section 5. Penalties and enforcement.
An entity that engages in an atmospheric activity or uses an unmarked or unidentified aircraft or other vehicle or facility to carry out a weather engineering or other polluting atmospheric activity shall:
(1) Have committed a felony and shall pay a fine of not less than $500,000 or be imprisoned for not less than two years, or both.
(2) Be guilty of a separate offense for each day during which activity has been conducted, repeated or continued.
(3) Be deemed in violation and subject to any further penalties of the act of [January 8, 1960 (1959 P.L.2119, No.787), known as the Air Pollution Control Act. — Idaho legislators, please substitute with any relevant Idaho law here.]
Section 6. Effective date.
This act shall take effect immediately.
Zero Geoengineering — One-Stop Geoengineering Information Source
Reference Documents with Latest News
Federal Level
Coordination of Federally Funded Research into Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) states (page 43):
Any large-scale, multi-agency Federal research program into SRM would be coordinated by the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). This coordination role is mandated by the Global Change Research Act of 1990 and would apply to all Federally funded research into SRM, whether performed domestically or internationally, and whether involving
natural or social science work.The Federal government conducts or funds limited research into SRM. Congress has directed NOAA to fund SRM research as part of its Earth’s Radiation Budget Program for the last several years.
U.S. Global Change Research Program 2022-2031 Strategic Plan
Planning, development, and implementation of weather interventions and atmospheric experimentation are funded by Congress and directed by interagency groups including those in partnership with the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP).Ending U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP)
Interventions will require repealing state and federal level weather modification laws including but not limited to:National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Authorization Act of 1992
Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act of 2017 (Public Law No. 115-25, Title IV, sec. 402, 15 U.S.C. § 8542.
Reauthorized via H.R. 6093 | Article about the 2017 Act
State Level
Search for Specific State Legislation: Start here (or any page on Zero Geoengineering website), type a state name into the Search box, and then press Enter or click the 🔍 icon.
Two good model bills
Ohio HB 529
"Solar radiation modification" means an experiment in the earth's climatic system involving the release of pollutants that reduces the amount of sunlight reaching the earth's surface.""No person shall engage in solar radiation modification in this state, including through the use of an aircraft, balloon, space-based platform, or interoperable ground-based facility."
Pennsylvania SB 1264
See “Pennsylvania Clean Air Preservation Act No 1264” details above
Weather Control Policy in U.S. States
The United States has a long history of weather control programs at the federal and state level.🔥TAKE ACTION! Send a Letter to Your Representative: Use this link: Ask Legislators to Stop Geoengineering in Your State
✔️ Smart Meter Opt-Out: Optional Smart Meters
Public utility customers may opt out of using smart meters to measure their utility usage. A public utility company shall replace a smart meter at customer’s request. The public utilities commission may establish a surcharge that reflects the public utility’s actual costs in providing opt-out service and non-smart meters.
Background: House Bill H 706 (2022 session) was killed in House State Affairs Committee. Let’s revive this bill so customers can reduce their exposure to smart meters and surveillance by the power company.
Idaho Freedom Foundation description:
H 706 Statement Of Purpose:
H 706 Text:
01/21/25 Update (correspondence between an Idaho citizen and Idaho Power):
Citizen Question: I live in a wildfire area of Idaho and am concerned that lithium ion battery backups in smart meters could pose a fire danger (see jack-kruses-claim/). Do Idaho Power Smart meters use lithium ion battery backup? Are there any alternatives if the answer is yes? Can I get rid of an Idaho Power Smart Metter and use a traditional meter?
Idaho Power Answer: Good afternoon [name redacted]; Thank you for reaching out. These are some great questions, we would be happy to address the concerns. Our typical residential smart meters do not contain lithium-ion batteries. They’re powered by the electric grid, not batteries.
It isn't an option at this time to request a different meter. Smart meters allow power providers to get overall usage data remotely rather than sending a meter reader to a customer’s home to track monthly energy usage. Due to this, smart meters protect customers’ privacy better than traditional meters and help keep costs (and customer rates) lower.
Our smart (digital) meters are read through the hard lines, meaning the data isn't stored on the meter, and it isn't accessed via any kind of WiFi. Extensive studies have found smart meters to be safe for consumer use and Idaho Power follows industry standards and regulations when selecting, installing, and maintaining smart meters on our system.
For further questions or assistance, we recommend contacting our Customer Care Team. This is especially important if this is a time sensitive request. We are available weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Mountain Standard Time at 208-388-2323 or 800-488-6151. Sincerely, Customer Care Team Idaho Power
✔️ Repeal and/or Revise Martial Law Statutes 🆕
Repeal or revise Idaho Statute: 46-602 PROCLAMATION OF MARTIAL LAW.
46-602. Proclamation of martial law. Whenever a state of extreme emergency has been proclaimed by the governor, the governor if in his judgment the maintenance of law and order will thereby be promoted, and in addition to the proclaiming of said state of extreme emergency, may by proclamation declare the state, county, or city, or any specified portion thereof, to be in a state of insurrection and may declare martial law therein.
The proposed repeal/revise of Statute 46-602 also may require revising Statute 46-601. Authority of Governor:
On March 25, 2020, the State of Idaho was put in an "Extreme State of Emergency." See “Governor Little issues statewide stay-home order, signs extreme emergency declaration” (03/25/20):
On April 15, 2022 (two years later), the extreme state of emergency was ended. See “Public health disaster emergency declaration to end April 15” (03/08/22):
Press Releases: Timeline of COVID executive orders:
Idaho Executive Orders by Year:
Coronavirus links on Idaho Governor’s website may no longer be available or go directly to the desired location. Example: (unavailable; can find in Internet archive, but difficult to use);
✔️ State Financial Freedom Legislation
What the States Can Do: Building the Legal and Financial Infrastructure for Financial Freedom

The Solari Report has created a comprehensive resource that can help state legislators make the most effective use of their time and constitutional powers. The document outlines steps that can preserve financial freedom and state sovereignty.
Key areas covered:
Preserving Cash and Checks
A State Bank
Protection of Financial Integrity
Stopping the Digital ID
Private Currencies and Credit Cards
State Precious Metals, Precious Metals Reserves, and Bullion Depositories
Direct and Local Investment
Doing Business with the State: Banking, Reserves, Pension Funds, Contracting, and Digital Payment and Telecommunications Systems
Recommendations to Reverse Private Equity Damage
Protecting Against a Land Grab
Constitutional Protections
Food and Health Freedom
Full Report (68 pages, PDF): Print, download, and share:
Summary Article:
Substack Note:
Other Idaho Legislation
Recently, Christy Zito (running for Senate in District 8) asked: “What Idaho Issues are Important to You?” Read
In addition to the above health freedom bills, we offer some general thoughts that we hope all Idaho legislators will take seriously:
Defund the federal portion of all Idaho state budgets. The costs are too high. The attached strings are too tight. This is especially true for Health & Welfare and Education funding.
Take a strong stance on illegal immigration. 🆕
Re-introduce and even strengthen the following bills from the 2024 legislative session:
House Bill 753: Prohibit illegal aliens from being present in Idaho with certain exceptions and allow enforcement of this law:
House Bill 615: Make illegal aliens ineligible for some types of taxpayer-funded benefits in Idaho:
Reclaiming State Sovereignty Over Illegal Immigration in 2025 & Beyond. By Brian Lenney - Nampa's Senator (10/11/24) | Substack Note | Idaho Freedom Caucus Substack (10/18/24)
Idaho’s Illegal Immigration, Open Borders, Related Crimes & Security. What Can WE Do? (updated as needed)
Election Integrity — One person, One Vote, Properly Counted: Paper ballots, no machines, precinct level counting, no same-day registration, no mass-mailed absentee ballots, absentee ballots must have a good and limited-scope excuse.
See Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin’s Executive Order 35 for specifications that we need in EVERY STATE where they aren’t implemented already (or download it below). See also our Substack Note summarizing EO 35 and our full Substack post on the same topic.Do not allow freedom bills to sit in a chair person's drawer.
Revisit all highly rated Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) bills that did not receive a hearing or were voted down in 2024. Also consider repealing any low-ranked laws that passed:
More action items: Read
National Legislation
Items 1-5 below adapted with permission from comment on Dr. Robert Malone’s Substack 🆕
The United States should withdraw completely from the United Nations, including the WHO and other globalist organizations. These groups destroy our national sovereignty and make us accountable to globalist corporate rule.
In-depth investigations followed by trials of Fauci/CDC/FDA and non-profit governmental organizations (including Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and related).
A new, in-depth 9/11 commission.
Return of ALL American general and military manufacturing (including high tech) to the USA.
Conversion away from government- and employer-funded healthcare, replaced by a combination of direct primary care + health savings accounts (HSAs) for most Americans. Find Direct Primary Care resources.
Resources & Links
Informed Consent. Censorship & WHO
Nuremberg Code: Read
Informed Consent (Wikipedia): Read
Informed Consent (NIH): Read
Informed Consent and Human Health: From mRNA Gene Therapy Injections to Self-Amplifying Vaccines: Read
WMA Declaration of Helsinki: Read 🆕
Belmont Report: Read 🆕
UNESCO's bioethics and human rights framework: Read 🆕
Johns Hopkins: Technologies to Address—Global Catastrophic Biological Risks. Detailed discussion of informed consent and self-spreading vaccines (12/22, 71 pages): Read (PDF)
FDA eases informed consent requirements for minimal risk trials (12/21/23): Read
French Bill Seeks to Criminalize Medical “Misinformation.” The HIGHWIRE (02/23/24, video 7 min): Watch
Barbara Loe Fisher and Informed Consent. Testimony from 02/26/24 Ron Johnson Senate Hearing. By Robert W Malone MD, MS (02/27/24): Read
The Highwire Episode 389: The Dark Horse (9/10/24, 3:14:25, with episode segments): Watch
EUA Countermeasures & PREP Act
Emergency Use Authorization (Wikipedia): Read
FDA POWERPOINT: 2022-09-15 08:43: Read
PREP Act (immunity from liability): Read
Summary of Everything and Quick Links, Updated—Year End 2023. By Sasha Latypova (06/26/23): Read
EUA Countermeasures are neither investigational nor experimental! Before filing a lawsuit against pharma or an illegal mandate, read this article and watch the linked video. By Sasha Latypova (12/02/23): Read
On 'mandates,' and the irrelevance of informed consent principles in the EUA countermeasures use context. By Katherine Watt (12/02/23): Read
TN Citizens for State Sovereignty—Tennessee Putting Teeth in the Tenth. Nullification is not only a state's right it is a state's duty and responsibility. By Karen Bracken (01/01/24): Read
Nullification (Wikipedia): Read
Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution: Read
Other Health Freedom Bills
Oklahoma SB 426: World Health Organization; prohibiting enforcement of policies required or recommended by the World Health Organization was signed by the governor, effective June 1, 2024.
Tennessee PUBLIC CHAPTER NO. 709 - SENATE BILL NO. 2691: No Geoengineering
Idaho bills (all held in committee): Sincere thanks to the legislators who proposed and championed these bills. We hope they will support the even stronger bills proposed above.
H493 (Gallagher/Lenney) Stop mask mandates by government
H525 (Gallagher/Lenney) Limit the powers and duties of the district boards of health to administer and enforce only necessary and reasonable health laws and regulations, eliminating the broader mandate to do "all things."
HJM007 (Lambert/Nichols) Joint memorial, united nations, world economic forum
S1287 (Nichols) Prohibits jurisdiction of the world health organization in the State of Idaho and adds other provisions.
Additional Resources
(in alphabetical order by title)
Blood Supply
Children’s Health Defense: Beware of Conditional Freedom (06/18/24 video 47 min): Watch
Brownstone Institute, Leslie Manookian: These 12 Policies Need to Change If We Want True Health Freedom. In a free and moral society, health freedom is not simply a convenience — it’s an imperative (10/07/24): Read 🆕
Christy Zito: What Idaho Issues are Important to You? Read
Covid Essential Links (resources: videos, websites, Substacks, treatment guides and more: Read
CPT® overview and code approval: Read
5 Key Risks to Our Food Security. By Dr. Brooke Miller (08/19/24): Read
Cloud Seeding Experiment in Idaho: Read
ICAN Obtains Records Showing the U.S. Military Sprays Toxic Pesticides in U.S. Residential Areas: Read
Op-Ed: Be Smart, Say “No” to Corporate Immunity (including Roundup pesticide manufacturer Monsanto/Bayer/P4). By Bryan Smith (08/10/24): Read
TN Informer/Geoengineering Bill/TN Legislative Report Card/Nullification Debate/Early Voting/TNCSS Petition: Read
Text of Tennessee Bill: Read
Zero Reference Documents: Read
Florida Department of Health Updated Guidance for COVID-19 Boosters (09/12/24) Read
Health Freedom Institute (Mastering Informed Consent for a Life of Health Freedom): Read
Idaho's County Commissioners Advise Against Gene Therapy Shots: Read
Idaho's Immunization Reminder Information System (IRIS): Read
The Kill Box: A Temporary Zone of Slaughter: Read
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (full text): Read (PDF)
National Vaccine Information Center: Read 🆕
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (About): Read
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (FAQs): Read
Smart Meters Optional (Idaho House Bill 706)
Stand for Health Freedom Blueprint: Read 🆕
Stanley Plotkin, World’s Leading Vaccinologist, and His Compatriots, Have Just Capitulated Regarding The Lack Of Vaccine Safety! Read
Urgent Request for In-District Meetings on USDA Animal ID Mandate - The Weston A. Price Foundation: Read
‘We Will Not Comply’ with Pandemic Treaty, 26 Republican Governors Tell WHO: Read
World Health Organization; prohibiting enforcement of policies required or recommended by the World Health Organization — Oklahoma's bill SB 426: SB 426 Text
beware the who pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many wrongly believe...check out the james roguski substack for the details..also go to and scroll through til you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic understand just how serious things are be sure to read it carefully..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including currently has just under 243000 signatures it URGENTLY needs many more and YOU can help in getting them firstly by signing it and most importantly by resharing it widely with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same when resharing it dont waste your time using you tube/twitter/gestapo book who you can be sure will suppress it