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Noncompliant Movie (1 hr 24 min): Watch
Civil disobedience in Australia, a handy guide (25 min 39 sec): Watch
Government Tyranny in the CovidEra (video 1 min 30 sec): Watch
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IDAHO Headlines
Idaho news and action items. More Idaho Resources
IDAHO.ONE is an excellent aggregator of Idaho-focused conservative news. Please check it often.
PRIMARIES Matter Most in Idaho! There's NO substitute for meeting candidates face to face. Their legislative actions will affect every Idahoan EVERY DAY.
ADA COUNTY EVENTS (updated 02/13/24): Read
BOISE COUNTY EVENTS (updated 02/09/24): Read
Hey everybody! If you see a bill that you especially like, please call the sponsor and give him or her your support. Legislators are HUMAN BEINGS! They can feel marooned and overwhelmed by negative feedback, especially if they never hear from people who actually like what they do.
Calling in your praise for your legislators' efforts — even if you didn't vote for them or they're not in your district — can build their confidence, bolster their morale, encourage them to work even harder on your behalf, and lead to some great connections. Pick up the phone! How to find legislators: Read
How a bill becomes law: Read
LEGISLATURE CLASSES from Idaho Freedom Foundation (offered online): Idaho Freedom TV - YouTube | Freedom, Spending, and Education Indexes | Legislature 101 | Legislature 201
👉 Don’t miss the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s 2024 INDEX BILL ANALYSES! Call and write your legislators before they pass a bad bill or to encourage them to pass a good one. Use one of the Bill Trackers to follow your favorite (or least favorite) bills.
Scorecards & Trackers: When evaluating whether a bill reflects conservative or liberal values, consider the bills’ sponsors and their scorecards at Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) | IFF Bill Analyses | More Bill Trackers
BIG E Substack Voting Guide: Read
Ask your legislators to support medical liberty in Idaho: Read
It’s an election year, folks. Read what your legislators are doing now. Re-elect the good ones and De-Elect the bad ones. PRIMARIES are most important in Idaho, so study carefully and THEN vote: Voting Guide
Here are the best updates we’ve received recently. We encourage you to subscribe to the newsletters and Substacks listed below to fill in your knowledge and understanding of Idaho Legislative issues.
SCOTT HERNDON’S NEWSLETTER (02/11/24). Information about Sen Herndon’s re-election campaign and conservative ratings (off the charts good), and his new Senate Bill 1310 - Weapons, public property. This bill will restore gun rights lost to an Idaho Supreme Court ruling. His bill states that if a private group is holding an event on public property that is free and unrestricted to the public, they cannot ban the carry of firearms: Read
JOSH TANNER'S NEWSLETTER. Intense battles over your money (02/12/24). Rep Tanner discusses the recent budget battles to pass maintenance budgets and ensure the additional “asks” are carefully scrutinized to minimize additional spending; House Bill 515 to make aggravated sexual assault of a child a capital crime; House Bill 465 to add penalties for using AI to create pictures and videos of child pornography; replacing House Majority Leader Megan Blanksma (District 8) with a capable leader who has strong conservative principles; and a great photo from the recent Gem County Lincoln Day Dinner: Read
GLENNEDA ZUIDERVELD’s NEWSLETTER. Crushing Snakes! Week 5 (02/10/24). Victory for the People! Read | Related article & Action Items (recently updated) BRIAN LENNEY, IFF & OTHERS EXPOSE THE REPUBLICAN JFAC COUP
Budget Process: Thanks to a mighty struggle against those who wanted to hijack the previously agreed upon budget process of separating the base budget from last year and all new growth requests for 2025, the new process has prevailed so far, thanks to a lot of behind-the-scenes pressure from the Idaho Freedom Caucus and the more conservative members of the Republican caucus.
🔥🎬 ACTION ITEMS: Send objections to those who tried to thwart the process. Send appreciation to Senator Scott Grow and Representative Wendy Horman and others for holding their ground in representing you. SUGGESTED SCRIPTS & CONTACT INFO
Young Entrepreneurs: Senate Bill 1300 LABOR – Amends and repeals existing law to remove provisions regarding child labor. Text | Statement of Purpose
Immigration: Rep. Dale Hawkins and Sen. Zuiderveld are hoping to have a House Joint Memorial on Immigration heard in House State Affairs. Designed to protect Idaho from the invasion of illegal immigration and Biden's open border agenda, it will compete with a less restrictive draft from Senator Guthrie)
Campaign: Lies have been posted in commercials about about Glenneda Zuiderveld wanting to defund police and veterans. Do not fall for them.
SENATOR DAN FOREMAN (LD6): RS30958 was defeated in the Senate Health and Welfare Committee (02/12/24). The bill would have required Idaho Department of Health and Welfare to issue an annual report to the Idaho Legislature detailing how the state could withdraw in full or in part from Medicaid program if needed. Idaho should know our options regarding Medicaid if federal funding or the national economic environment changed — before an economic crisis hits. Only Senators Bjerke and Zuiderveld voted in favor of moving the bill forward (Source: Sen Foreman’s newsletter: Sign up here).
🔥🎬 IDAHO GOP CHAIRWOMAN DOROTHY MOON: IDGOP Statement on US Senate passing $95 Billion Ukraine funding bill (02/13/24). This message is spot on. Consider contacting your representatives with a sample script similar to the below: Read | Contact Your Legislator
Sample script (customize as needed)
The "IDGOP Statement on US Senate passing $95 Billion Ukraine funding bill" by Dorothy Moon (02/13/24) is spot on (
NOT A PENNY more for foreign aid. NO bills that sneak in impeachment for future presidents if they rescind funding. AND FOR THE SAKE OF OUR COUNTRY'S SURVIVAL, CLOSE THE BORDER NOW!
Thank you! Please do the right thing and stop this legislation to fund our country's destruction.
🔥🎬 PRODUCT LIABILITY MUST REMAIN IN PLACE (SENATE BILL 1245). ASK Idaho Senators to VOTE NO on Senate Bill 1245 Pesticides, warning labels: Bill S1245 | Video Testimony | Related “Roundup found to be 'defective cancer-causing product;' Bayer to pay $2.25 billion verdict” (02/05/24)
This murkily written bill is a bad one, but Bayer/Monsanto/P4 and others in the industry are sure to love their release from any product liability. LIABILITY-FREE status is exactly what vaccine manufacturers have enjoyed for decades, with devastating results and no financial compensation for harms suffered by millions who took shots without informed consent.
From the bill (*** and BOLD UPPERCASE TEXT added for emphasis ***):
22-3427. WARNING LABELS. Notwithstanding any other provision of law or regulation to the contrary, for any pesticide registered by the United States environmental protection agency under the federal insecticide, fungicide and rodenticide act (FIFRA), *** THE LABEL APPROVED BY THE UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY *** in registering the pesticide or a label consistent with the most recent human health assessment performed under FIFRA or consistent with United States environmental protection agency carcinogenicity classification for the pesticide under FIFRA *** SHALL BE SUFFICIENT TO SATISFY ANY REQUIREMENTS FOR A WARNING REGARDING HEALTH OR SAFETY OR ANY OTHER PROVISION OR DOCTRINE OF STATE LAW, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION STATE TORT LAW OR RELEVANT COMMON LAW.***
48-620. WARNING LABELS. Same as above.
Go to
Select The Entire Senate from the Legislative Body drop-down list.
Complete the form with your contact info, topic, party affiliation, and message (limit 380 words).
Sample script (customize as needed)
Topic: 👎VOTE NO ON Senate Bill 1245 Pesticides, warning labels
Dear Senators,
I urge you to vote NO on Senate Bill 1245 Pesticides, warning labels
Senate Bill 1245 exempts pesticide producers from liability under any "provision or doctrine of state law, including without limitation state tort law or relevant common law" as long as they were in compliance with federal EPA regulations.
This bill is opposed by Idaho Freedom Foundation, Health Freedom Idaho, Sen. Brian Lenney, two others on the Senate Commerce & Human Resources Committee, and anyone else who understands that federal agencies have been fully captured by the power and money of corporate interests.
Remember "safe and effective," "trust the science," and "thoroughly tested" assurances from our federal agencies? We cannot trust the word of the three-letter agencies and their corporate partners Bayer/Monsanto/P4 with our health and the health of our farmers, plants, animals, soils, air, and waterways.
Idaho must not subordinate its state laws to federal agencies. When states abdicate their power to federal agencies, as this bill does, they give up their sovereignty and sell out their citizens. Idaho needs to think, speak, and legislate for itself!
Return of the Library Bill. Is this the one that will finally pass? (02/12/24). Discusses the details and the pros and cons of the compromise bill S1289 (Libraries, harmful material) put forward by Sen. Ben Crane (whose H389 library bill already had passed in the House State Affairs Committee) and Sen. Geoff Schroeder: Read | S1289 | H389
Political Horse Trading. A tale of two bills (02/13/24): Discusses horse trading of votes in the context of Senate Bill 1234 to force insurance providers to cover six months of contraception at a time, rather than three and Senate Bill 1253 a cell phone porn filter: Read | S1234 | S1253
Please visit the websites for your elected representatives and sign up for their newsletters and press releases! We generally will not be including most press or newsletter information in news roundups. Some of these are linked on our Resources page.
SIMPSON STANDARD: US Congressman Mike Simpson Newsletter (02/11/24): Discusses the open border (and the House Secure the Border Act HR2 submitted more than 270 days ago), the ridiculous DOA Senate border bill, a meeting about the border (especially fentanyl crisis) held with Idaho Sheriffs, Special Olympics, and the Biden administration’s attack on the LNG energy industry: Read
National & International Headlines
National news and action items. More National Resources (updated regularly)
The news floods fast and furious. Here are the best updates we’ve received recently (only a smattering of the daily onslaught). Please subscribe to the resources below and here to fill in your knowledge and understanding of National & International issues.
🔥🎬 TAKE ACTION: HOUSE MUST REJECT HR 7320, the “Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act” (SUPPORT HR 6570, "Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act.")
Call Speaker Mike Johnson and your U.S. Representative at 202-225-3121 (House switchboard). Insist they reject the new HR 7320, the “Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act” and advance and support ONLY H.R. 6570. We must restore our constitutional Fourth Amendment protections! Also contact them via email:
Link: H.R. 7320 - Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act (RISAA):
Suggested text and phone script (customize appropriately):
VOTE NO H.R. 7320 - Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act (RISAA). HR7320 is designed to do nothing to prevent continuing abuses of Section 702 unless significantly amended.
Section 702 is a perversion of FISA and FISC. Section 702 must ONLY be used for the surveillance of foreigners on foreign soil, not for domestic surveillance of US Citizens. DO NOT allow spying on Americans without a warrant! Section 702 violates the Fourth Amendment of our Constitution against unreasonable searches and seizures.
Again, Vote NO on H.R. 7320. Instead, vote YES on HR 6570, "Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act." Once more: NO on 7320. YES on 6570.
“FinCEN is deeply committed to fulfilling this important national security and criminal justice mission in accordance with the law.” Thanks in part to FinCEN, “more than 1,200 people have been charged with crimes in connection with the Capitol attack and nearly 900 have been convicted.” ~ Corey Tellez, Office of Legislative Affairs acting assistant secretary
Biden Admin Treasury Department Confirms Using Financial Surveillance to Help Feds Catch Jan. 6 Protesters. By Tom Ozimek (02/09/24). Although the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)—the U.S. Treasury Department’s financial crime-fighting unit—is designed to catch money launderers, it instead was used to hunt down January 6 protesters. For example, FINCEN suggested that banks review payment messages looking for potential participants in the Capitol protests by seeking terms such as Antifa, MAGA, Trump, Biden, Kamala, Schumer, Pelosi, shoot, kill, murder, and storm the Capitol: Read
This case continues to be one of the most significant First Amendment, free speech, and civil rights cases in our Nation’s history. The original plaintiffs, now Respondents, including supporters and activists in the burgeoning medical freedom movement, are especially and justifiably prayerful for a swift and judicious affirmance of the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Ruling. ~AFLDS Press Release
AMICUS BRIEFS: Murthy vs Biden (23-411)
AAPS Files Amicus Brief Against Biden Administration’s Censorship (02/09/24). The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) filed an amicus curiae brief in the U.S. Supreme Court opposing Biden Administration censorship that pressured social media to take down postings critical of Covid vaccination. Set for oral argument on Monday, March 18, Murthy v. Biden (U.S. Sup. Ct. 23-411) is one of the biggest cases before the Supreme Court this term: Read
AFLDS and Simone Gold, M.D., J.D. file amici curiae brief in SCOTUS Case in support of Respondents in Vivek H. Murthy, Surgeon General, et al. v. Missouri, et al., 23-411, (U.S.2023) (02/09/24): Read
Let’s Talk About Espionage Not Dementia. By SAM FADDIS (02/10/24). The latest defense for the Biden administration involves claiming that JRB cannot be prosecuted for mishandling classified information because he is senile, so he cannot be legally found to have willfully and unlawfully taken classified documents. (Of course, we all know those documents were taken well before he was deemed senile and after he was no longer VP.) If the documents were compromised to the Chinese (likely), we don’t know what damage that has done to our collection capabilities abroad or who else obtained the documents. This isn’t about senility. So let’s stop talking about dementia and start talking about espionage: Read
The Bizarro World of Biden Politics. OpEd by Lt. Col. (Ret.) James Zumwalt (02/12/24). Discusses Biden’s cognitive abilities and the need to invoke the US Constitution’s 25th Amendment: Read
Biden: Lying By the Seat of His Pants. “Honesty is the best policy” might make a nice wall plaque, but clearly our senile old leader's not buying it (02/10/24): Read
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Pandemic. Join me on a trip down memory lane to a time when sharing life-saving information got you death threats (02/13/24): Read
INSIDERS REPORT: THE HIGHWIRE: EPISODE 358: THE POWER GAME (02/08/24). Special interests losing the power game with Tucker Carlson interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin; Jefferey Jaxen reports on the US Border Crisis and its connection to a bombshell UN document, Elon’s Neuralink implanted in its first human brain and the roll out of Apple Vision; Firebrand Member of European Parliament Rob Roos calls out the EU on growing farmers protests. Includes individual highlights and show notes archive links: Read | Watch (video 1 hr 38 min)
Not Just the UNRWA, Shut Down the UN. By Roger L. Simon (02/11/24). The author provides excellent insight into the incredible harms caused by the taxpayer funded U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and its umbrella organization The United Nations (UN). He calls to shut down (or eliminate our participation in) the UN: Read
🔥Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States: “Out of fraud no action arises.” Read Full Report
As March 2, 2024 Republican Caucus Approaches…Fans welcomed #45 and Melania Trump to a formal event at the Mar-a-Lago Club, ramping up support for Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign. Many strong conservatives and lots of glitzy people attended: Read | Idaho Republican Caucus
It's Almost Time to Caucus. Join your Republican neighbors to select our presidential nominee. By BRIAN ALMON (02/13/24): An excellent explanation of the Idaho Republican Caucus process and details about where to Caucus in Legislative District 14 (Eagle and Gem County): Read | Idaho Republican Caucus
Financial Rebellion EPISODE 392: Slavery or Freedom - You Decide (02/08/24). With Catherine Austin-Fitts and Carolyn Betts. Farmers protest climate regulations in Europe, energy bills on the rise, and the ongoing threat of regulations on digital banking infrastructure. How can a person find financial security in the current economy? The hosts provide an inside look at the global monetary power structure and offer ways to break free from the chains of centralized control. They also discuss significant efforts in TN regarding nullification of unjust laws and access to ivermectin over the counter (video 1 hr): Watch | Nullification articles: here | here
US Supreme Court rules that federal government can be liable under Fair Credit Reporting Act. By Lou Kettering (02/09/24). In a unanimous (9-0) slip opinion, the US Supreme Court ruled that the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) waives sovereign immunity, and that the federal government can be liable for incorrect debt reporting that damages credit scores. This is an important chipping away of federal power over individuals: Read
Article 4, Section 4 of the United States Constitution: The Federal Government shall protect each state against invasion. The Constitution also gives the States the right to defend their borders in an invasion.
The open borders plan is not going well for American cities and citizens, leaving the country open to terrorism, widespread violence (like that experienced in several European countries), bankruptcy, drug and human trafficking, and poverty for all.
“Because the president will not do his job, because the federal government will not act, because Congress refuses to put in place a solid immigration plan that protects this country and allows people to come in and out of this country the way that it’s been done since the beginning, then the states are going to act,” Mr. Landry said.
AZ: Small Arizona Town of Springerville (pop. 1,730) Prepares to Fight State Over Illegal Immigration. By Allan Stein (02/10/24). Three hundred miles from the U.S. border, residents of a low-income remote Arizona town with ZERO resources were ready to take up arms against government actions to bus and house migrants in a local school stadium. A lengthy nuanced article, but relevant to Idaho which also has many rural towns that could be similarly devastated: Read
AZ: Congressional members denied access to illegal migrant facility in Tucson’s Ramada Inn. After James O’Keefe revealed the Casa Alitas Ramada Hotel in Tucson was housing illegals, Rep Tom Tiffany of Wisconsin made a stop to see how American taxpayer dollars are being spent. Tiffany and his group were denied access (video 5 min 36 sec): Watch
LA, FL, IN: Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry Sending 150 National Guard Troops for 90-Day Deployment to Texas Amid Border Crisis. By Tom Ozimek (02/10/24). 125,000 Americans are being lost annually due to fentanyl trafficking. The Louisiana troops would not be detaining illegal border crossers, instead referring them to local law enforcement for arrest. Other states sending troops include FL, IN, and Idaho (not mentioned): Read
2️⃣ Take Care of Your Health
Health news and action items. More Health Resources (updated regularly)
COVIDian, Vaccine & Health Tyranny



🔥 Covid Essential Links (updated frequently): Read
Here are the best updates we’ve received recently. We encourage you to subscribe to the newsletters and Substacks listed below to fill in your knowledge and understanding of Covidian, Vaccines & Health Tyranny issues:
🔥🎬 Idaho’s County Commissioners Advise Against Gene Therapy Shots. You can help! All the details and tools are provided: Read
EPOCHTV FALLOUT with Robert Malone: Who’s Behind the Lab Leak Cover-Up? (02/09/24). Jan Jekeliek and Dr. Robert Malone discuss the complex evidence regarding the lab origins of SARS-CoV-2, the cover-up, and who ultimately was responsible. What if we had more information four years ago? Would governments have responded differently to "the pandemic "? Would scientists have incorporated an engineered toxic protein into the COVID-19 vaccines? The interview also discusses the investigative work of Sky News journalist Sharri Markson, author of “What Really Happened in Wuhan?” (video 31 min 49 sec): Watch
‘Doctors & Scientists’: EPISODE 393 Pfizer Knew | Clinical Trial Fraud Exposed with host Brian Hooker, PhD, and guests Brook Jackson and attorney Warner Mendenhall (02/09/24). Clinical trial manager Brook Jackson became a COVID countermeasure whistleblower and filed suit after witnessing “reckless” patient enrollment, “forging” of informed consent forms, unblinding, and other concerning issues during Pfizer’s “clinical trials” (which, according to Sasha Latypova were sham shows). Jackson and Mendenhall discuss case details and its implications for countless other products overseen by the FDA and rolled out to the public. Show notes include reference links (video 47 min 37 sec): Watch
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign. By M. Nathaniel Mead, Stephanie Seneff, Russ Wolfinger, Jessica Rose, Kris Denhaerynck, Steve Kirsch, and Peter A McCullough (01/24/24). Bottom line, the COVID-19 mRNA shots killed more people than they saved: Read
Testimonies of Loved Ones Killed by COVID-19 Hospital Protocols. Children's Health Defense Bus Stories for Jan - Feb 2024. By JUST CALL ME JACK (02/12/24). Totality of Evidence collated links to testimonies from Americans visiting the CHD Bus who believe their loved ones died because of COVID-19 hospital protocols. Anyone who entered an American hospital for any reason was PCR tested for “COVID-19”. A positive test (with or without symptoms) placed the patient on a deadly hospital protocol that included the financially incentivized, toxic, drug remdesivir; most on remdesivir ended up on ventilators and died. Early treatment would have prevented these unnecessary and tragic losses: Read
Some Service Members Say They Were ‘Coerced’ Into Taking COVID-19 Vaccine. Twenty out of 30 individuals who admitted taking the shot claim they were injured by it. By J.M. Phelps (02/11/24): Read
🔥 Health & Medical Resource Links (updated regularly): Read



Here are the best updates we’ve received recently. We encourage you to subscribe to the newsletters and Substacks listed below to fill in your knowledge and understanding of Other Health issues. Your health is your wealth. Don’t let bad health catch you by stealth.
WEBINAR - ‘Healthcare Revolution’ Conference Recap (02/08/24). Dr. Paul Marik and Executive Director Kelly Bumann recap FLCCC’s 3rd educational conference and discuss the recently launched FLCCC Observational Cancer Study and public discussion Forums (video 1 hr 18 min): Watch
"We're All Here for a Reason.” A Compendium of the Latest FLCCC News, Facts & Features (02/11/24). Topics include the 3rd educational conference and recap webinar listed above; new cancer study; Substack essay about Paul Mann who recovered from Stage 4 cancer after being advised to take ivermectin by Dr. Kathleen T. Ruddy; vaccine shedding (yes, it’s a thing!); success stories: Read
MOST READ NEWS OF THE WEEK (02/11/24). All articles are linked here.
Maui ‘Ground Zero’ for Release of Billions of Biopesticide Lab-Altered Mosquitoes
Biden Administration Funding AI Tools to Censor Americans’ Speech
‘Absolute Disaster’: Pharma Whistleblower Slams Popular Weight-Loss Drug
Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to Higher Risk of Disease, Early Death
Why Vaccines for Staph Infections Always Fail
Protesting Farmers Win Big Concessions, But EU Leaders Insist on Net Zero Climate Target
New Evidence in Landmark Fluoride Trial
Fired New York City Workers Rally to Support Bill Requiring City to Reinstate Jobs With Back Pay
Court Revokes Approval of Monsanto’s Dicamba Pesticide
Lawyer, Plaintiffs in Rockland County Measles Lockdown Lawsuit Discuss $750,000 Settlement
This week With Mary + Polly: Lab Mosquitoes, mRNA Cancer Shots & Kids Selling Vaccines + Fluoride Dangers (02/11/24). Mary Holland and Polly Tommey discuss farmer protests, litigation, propaganda, new vaccines, fluoridation, radiation and more. Also, in ‘Pediatric Perspectives,’ Dr. Paul Thomas and biological dentist Dr. Griffin Cole discuss fluoride history, current statistics, exposure rates, neurotoxicity especially to kids, FDA/EPA approval, products to watch out for, methods of filtration, dietary considerations, and ongoing fluoride litigation. Links provided in show notes (video 48 min 23 sec): Watch
3️⃣ Take Action
Common-sense actions you can take to help save your state and the rest of America.
See Action Items (updated frequently — please take action because many people working together can get things done when just a few cannot)