Idaho Voting Guide - May 2024 Primary Edition
ARCHIVE VERSION of May 2024 Primary Voting Guide. Tips for Idaho Voters, especially Conservative Voters. Updated frequently during election season. Links to May 2024 Primary Election Results.
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🔥🔥May 2024 Primary Election Results
🔥🔥The May 2024 Primary Directive: Just Tell Me Whom To Vote For & How. NOW!
Ask Yourself: Which Elections Matter Most in Idaho?
✅ Primary in May.
☑️ General in November.
👎 Neither, voting doesn’t matter.
❓ I have no idea.
Hint: The answer is #1.
Are you a conservative in a hurry? Don’t have the time or desire to dig into the candidates and the issues? Just want the bottom line of whom to vote for and how? Then this section is for you. Click the underlined links or download the PDF (sharable short link:
NOTE: Online registration is closed, but the link provides alternatives.
Pick your candidates. The ConservativesOf voting guide offers excellent picks for Idaho federal, state, and many counties including Precinct Committeeman. We also like Stop Idaho RINOS guide. These are best of the bunch for those with no time to research.
Vote in person on Election Day (May 21, 8am - 8pm; most desirable, most secure).
Vote early in person (until May 17).
Vote by mail (least desirable, least secure; avoid unmonitored drop boxes).
05/21/24 Update: New study from Idaho Freedom Action reveals all. Read | Download the Study
Intro & Quick Index
Why Did We Create This Guide?
Our state is under attack by those who want to turn it into a leftist paradise, as they have CA, WA, OR, CO, and so many other formerly conservatives states.
We were fooled before moving to Idaho by all the “R” designations in the state legislature, so surely many others have been as well. We hope this voting guide will help you see through the political fog of war.
We've been working on this guide since we arrived in Idaho late in 2021. At first, this guide was a personal project to help us figure out how voting works. But over the years, we expanded its content and scope and now offer this guide to anyone who truly cares about voting with as much knowledge and integrity as possible.
🗽 Our goal is to help others learn about the available tools, resources, people, and decisions needed to Keep Idaho IDAHO and America AMERICA — with liberty and justice for all!
We hope you find this Idaho Voting Guide useful and will share it widely.
Thank you from BigE’s Bigmouth Substack
2024 Primary: Tuesday, May 21
2024 General: Tuesday, November 5✅ PRIMARIES! Primaries matter most in Idaho. Please don’t sit out the primaries unless you want to move to the socialist states of California, Oregon, and Washington without hiring a van!
🤥 LIES & MORE! As the primary and general elections approach, you will be subjected to lies, misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation from traditional media, social media, radio and TV news and ads, slanted flyers, campaign signs, government “official sources,” special interests, and even friends and family. Look carefully at who paid for the ads and flyers!
🧠 RESEARCH & THINK FOR YOURSELF! Use your own independent thinking skills. Research widely. Get to know candidates in person. DO NOT BE LAZY. DO NOT rely on out-of-context snippets. And DO check out this voting guide for tips on immunizing your brain against washing.
🔖VOTEIDAHO.GOV - A Great Resource for All Things “Vote Idaho”. VoteIdaho ( is the official Idaho Secretary of State voter information website. The website was revamped, making it easier to stay informed and find important election information. Key features website include user friendly interface, comprehensive election information, voter resources, and optimization for mobile devices.
Disclaimer #1: General Disclaimer (gotta have one!)
Disclaimer #2: We have done our best to ensure accuracy of links provided (please let us know if you find any errors). Specific candidate recommendations are personal opinions. Personal opinions are like, well, you know. Recommended candidates in this Guide are personally known or carefully observed by the author unless otherwise noted. You can find official voter guides linked in Part 3 below.
More resources: Read
Quick Index
🔥🔥The May 2024 Primary Directive: Just Tell Me Whom To Vote For & How. NOW!
This guide is divided into three parts. Click any link below to jump to the related section!
PART 1 - GENERAL INFORMATION (All Idaho Voters) | Jump
Videos (How Red States Become Blue!)
We all must engage in the election process — PRIMARY elections matter most in Idaho — before it’s too late.
Get to know your candidates IN PERSON. Call or text them. Meet them.
Help them understand your concerns.
Find out who funds them (individuals vs. big corporations and PACs). They will — or should — work for YOU.
Support the good ones with your time, money, and by spreading the truth about them.
Ignore and oppose the lies and smears you encounter in traditional and social media, advertisements, and official looking — but often false or misleading — mailers and newsletters. (See Misleading Mailers, below.)
It’s not enough to complain about bad government and high taxes if we don’t research carefully before voting and we continue to ask for more services that cost money. Expenses and taxes increase — sometimes exponentially — with every ask.
“R” STANDS FOR “R”ESEARCH. The party affiliation letter after a candidate’s name rarely matters these days. Candidates often choose the letter that will get them elected, not necessarily the letter that reflects their principles or future actions. Character, integrity, and their past, present, and future actions matter most. Do not presuppose a certain set of principles based simply on party affiliation, the size of a campaign sign, or clever slogans.
⛏️Dig deeper! Digging is easy if you use the rankings tools included here.
✔️ General Voting Tips
Avoid recommendations from biased media that suppress dissenting views or distort the truth.
Learn how to identify media bias:
Follow the money/funding. Watch who is endorsing or funding a candidate! (State / Federal)
Search Campaign Finance in Idaho. The tools are astoundingly good! (legacy search: Campaigns & PACs, Contests, Donors & Donations, Vendors & Spending, Reports) (New Idaho Campaign Finance System home page; similar to the legacy search but expanded capabilities) (Detailed search for candidate information with many filters) (Federal) (Federal) (Idaho / Federal)
Use your independent thinking skills! Be appropriately skeptical.
Do not fully trust traditional news, social media, commercials, campaign signs, mailers, staged photos of candidates, etc. They typically are biased and designed to inflame. (See Misleading Mailers, below.)
Do your own research using primary sources.
Review the official platforms and websites of each Idaho political party
Republican > Platform > 2022-2024 (PDF)
Ask yourself how closely a candidate’s actions align with their party platform.
Read candidate websites carefully (but verify all claims, lies, and exaggerations).
Attend in-person events and town-halls with candidates.
Listen to podcast interviews with candidates.
Watch candidate town-hall videos.
Ask direct questions of the candidates and listen carefully to their answers.
Read proposed ballot measures / initiatives and bills yourself. Be aware that the titles, statements of purpose, and language can be misleading. Insist that measures be clear, honest, and concise! Are they misleading (many are)?
Don’t sign any petition unless you fully understand its implications. Example: Ranked Choice Voting initiative has far-reaching implications that likely will turn Idaho blue.
Ask legislators whether they will propose and/or support medical liberty legislation and constitutional amendment here:
Actions speak louder than words: Study voting records of incumbents and past actions of newcomers; never simply take on faith what they say they believe in or promise to do. See How Did My Idaho Legislator Vote?
Vote AGAINST long-time incumbents unless you truly like them and they are highly ranked by trusted sources (see PART 2 for some trusted sources).
Do not vote for candidates whom you have not researched. NOTE: Election integrity will be better if you research and complete each box.
Vote AGAINST any ballot measure that you don’t fully understand.
Volunteer for a candidate you believe in. Door to door campaigning (door knocking and literature drops) is one of the most effective ways to reach voters. Also help with phone banking (calling or texting people), writing letters, or hosting a Meet & Greet in your neighborhood.
Misleading Mailers
When you receive a flyer or mailer (or see or hear something on social media, TV, radio, etc.), find out who paid for the piece. Was it the candidate? Was it a special interest group (or PAC) acting to promote or oppose the candidate for their own reasons? Are claims backed by facts? These things matter. Be careful before making decisions based on possibly misleading information.
🎉Fun Fact: PACs are not subject to the same campaign finance laws that candidates are and they do not have to consult with the candidates they are targeting — for better or for worse.
NOTE: Campaign Finance “Paid for” Disclosure. Disclaimer must be included on all communications advocating for a candidate. Notice from Idaho Secretary of State (05/06/24) | Campaign Disclosure Manual (PDF)
A tale of two mailers — a quick analysis (NOTE: We added the yellow arrows and removed address labels on the images below):
Geoff Schroeder and Matt Bundy: paid for a third party, no contact information, and claims of “proven” but no source.
Christy Zito: paid for by Christy Zito, contact info plus invitation to contact, financial facts sourced to Idaho Secretary of State.
Check below for ratings and other information about Christy Zito vs. Geoff Schroeder and Matt Bundy vs. Rob Beiswenger.
And here is one more montage. All flyers, paid for by Idaho Liberty PAC, promote misinformation:
✔️ Election Integrity
See Idaho Poll Information, below, for more details.
Poll workers and poll watchers help ensure fair and honest elections (election integrity); they are part of the county elections process.
Sign up to be a poll worker (including Chief Judge or District Judge) or a poll watcher.
Fight Election Fraud - Promote Election Integrity
Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States: “Out of fraud no action arises.” Read Full Report
TimOhDee’s Election Integrity Substack. Tim covers election integrity issues in Idaho and beyond: Read
Lies, misinformation, disinformation, malinformation. As the primary and general elections approach, you will be subjected to lies, misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation from traditional media, social media, radio and TV news and ads, slanted flyers, government “official sources,” and even friends and family.
Use your own independent thinking skills. Research widely. Get to know candidates in person. DO NOT BE LAZY. DO NOT rely on out-of-context snippets. And DO check out our voting guide for tips on immunizing your brain against washing.
Avoid mail-in ballots if you can, even if they are convenient. “Dirty voter rolls” or otherwise ineligible voters and mail-in voting are key contributors to cheating in elections. There’s not much everyday citizens can do about this power-grabbing executive order. But we can resist using mail-in voting. Educate others about its dangers. Vote in person unless you are sick or certain to be out of town. “Convenience” is not a good excuse to vote by mail.
Vote in-person on Election Day at your official polling place. Or vote early. Just be sure to vote! Read
Avoid unsecured, unmonitored, outside, or mobile ballot drop boxes.
Judicial Watch (JW) Your Election Integrity Watchdog! We highly recommend the work of non-profit Judicial Watch, which has been fighting for election integrity, clean voter rolls, and more since 1994. JW uses open records, freedom of information laws, and other tools to investigate, uncover, and litigate misconduct by corrupt politicians and government officials.
Verify: Idaho Secretary of State Encourages Voters to Identify Trusted Sources of Information: Read
Idaho Election Integrity Issues
Idaho is under attack by groups who want to flip the state from red to blue. For example, groups form a Political Action Committee (PAC) to support or smear candidates. Not all can be trusted to disclose their backers or indicate who is paying for a particular message. You must be vigilant.
Watch out for proper campaign finance “Paid for” disclosures and beware of PACs (Political Action Committees) that spring up suddenly, like mushrooms after a storm.
👀 Campaign Finance “Paid for” Disclosures.
A disclaimer must be included on all communications advocating for a candidate.
From the Idaho Secretary of State’s Office (Phil McGrane) (05/06/24)
Campaign Finance “Paid for” Disclosure
Disclaimer must be included on all communications advocating for a candidate.
Dear Candidates and PACs,
Over the weekend, our office received several complaints about automated phone calls and text messaging without the proper disclosures. We take all campaign finance complaints seriously and will do our best to ensure everyone complies with Idaho Sunshine Laws.
As we continue to investigate these complaints, we wanted to send along a reminder to all candidates and PACs communications advocating for a candidate or measure that a disclaimer must be included a “paid for” disclaimer.
In the case of automated phone calls, the disclaimer must be at the outset of the message.
Full notice from Idaho Secretary of State (05/06/24) | Campaign Disclosure Manual (PDF)
👀 PAC Impersonators
PACs are cropping up left (mostly left) and right and their names are designed to mislead you. Beware of new PACs whose names are similar to long-standing groups.
Secretary of State list of PACS:
Example: One example is several new PACS set up in Washington County, Idaho:
» The REAL Group: ConservativesOf: Washington County – Idaho ( Scroll down to Washington County). This small group has existed since 2021 and already has lost donations to the PAC impersonator group.
» The PAC Impersonators (Chair: John Jensen – type John Jensen into Chairman box) – all set up in April 2024:
👀 Misleading Political Ads Explained
Mailers, radio, and TV ads often will seize upon a candidate’s vote(s), take it out of context, and twist the facts. Here’s how KVTB Channel 7 explained it in the video segment below, diving not only into the misinformation of the ads but also the people and organizations behind the ads.
Ad-Check: Political ad slamming Canyon County senators, KVTB Channel 7, 05/07/24 (6 min 22 sec): Watch
✔️ Between Elections
Assess what the elected officials actually do vs. what they promised to do. Visit their websites and sign up for their newsletters. Watch what legislation they propose, support, and oppose. Contact them — calls and texts often work better than email — with your concerns as well as your praise. (Legislators especially appreciate when you support their efforts, not just complain about them.) See How Did My Idaho Legislator Vote, below.
When emailing or texting, make the subject line catchy but specific and pithy. If writing from a sample script, adjust the subject line so it will be different from other writers’ subject lines (but still specific and pithy).
Contact Idaho elected officials:
Find Your United States Legislators:
Find Your Idaho Legislator:
Find Your Idaho Cities Officials:
Find Public Health Districts in Idaho:
Find Public Townhall Meetings in Idaho:
✔️ How Did My Idaho Legislator Vote?
🔖Idaho GOP Platform Rating
Shows how closely your legislators adhered to the Idaho GOP Platform as well as their voting records.
Sample rankings below.
Go to
Click Lawmaker Rankings (default) at the top of the page.
Note: If you’re interested a particular bill, select Legislation at the top of the page.
Optionally, use the Filters on the left side of the page to refine the search.
Click the name of the legislator.
🔖Think Liberty Idaho
Go to
Select the year at the top.
Scroll to the desired bill number.
Click the Bill Number link (bold face).
Click the Votes tab.
Click the Details link.
You can sort results by Legislator, Party, or Vote.
To see contact info and details for a particular legislator, click the underlined name of the legislator. The detail page includes Sponsored Bills, Votes, Committees, and History with several sortable columns.
The upper-right corner also includes links to the legislator’s website, Ballotpedia, and Follow the Money entry.
🔖Idaho Freedom Foundation
For a good explanation of conservative indexes, see Insights from the Freedom Index. What it can tell us about the makeup of our Legislature by Brian Almon (04/10/24).
Go to
Select the year.
Type in the legislator’s name.
Click the legislator’s photo.
Click View Voting Record.
Sort results by:
Index (All, Freedom, Spending, or Education)
Order (Date Desc, Bill Score Asc, Bill Score Desc, or Bill ID Asc, or Bill Desc).
🤑 Follow the Money
After finding out how your legislators voted, find out who donated to their campaigns: (really good!)
✔️ Official Idaho Voter Information and Tools
Key dates (full calendar at
Deadline for Political Parties and Candidates to Request Polling Place Challengers and Watchers for the Primary Election: May 9, 2024
Primary election: Tuesday, May 21, 2024
General election: Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Voter Information website:
Top menu includes: Voting | Election Info & Results | Running for Office |Resources
County Websites:
County Clerks (election and other info in your county):
Secretary of State:
Registration Deadlines:
Check Your Registration Status:
Register Online:
Candidate Filing Reports (many filters plus campaign finance info):
Who is Running (State & Federal)?
State & Federal Candidate List (Excel Format):
✔️ Idaho Legislative District Maps, Counties & Municipalities
Idaho has two Federal (US) legislative districts with one US House member in each district.
Like all US states, Idaho has two US Senators (not district dependent).
Idaho is divided into multiple state legislative districts and multiple county districts.
Each state legislative district has two state representatives (Idaho House), designated as seat A or B, and one state senator (Idaho Senate).
Each county is divided into districts. Check your official county website for district and election information: County websites:
Each county also includes municipalities (e.g., cities and towns). Check your official municipal website for election information: Municipal websites:
Idaho Legislative District Map (all districts):
Idaho Legislative District Maps (individual districts):
Federal Congressional Districts (2 Federal districts; enter your Zip Code in upper-right corner):
✔️ Idaho Magistrate Judges
Magistrate Judges are initially appointed by commission, non-partisan election (Idaho Code Section 1-2205, 1-2207) Magistrate judges have an outsize influence on the daily lives of citizens who end up in their courts. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to find out how well or poorly they adjudicate.
Recommendation: Vote NO on retention unless you know the judge is excellent. A non-retention vote creates a vacancy and a new judge will be appointed.
✔️ Idaho Poll Information
Find Your Polling Place and Precinct Number
(based on your address in larger cities; the first two digits of your four-digit polling place are your legislative district):
Be a poll worker (select your county):
Poll watchers:
Idaho Statute:
Poll watcher FAQs (see also your county clerk’s website):
✔️ Bill Trackers & Sample Ballots: National + Idaho
National Bill Trackers
Legiscan: Brings all legislative information together into a single uniform interface. Track bills in any state:
National and Idaho Sample Ballot
Ballotpedia Sample Ballot Lookup:
Also check your county clerk and municipal (city) website,
Idaho Bill Trackers & Analysis
Idaho Bills By Number, Subject, Enacted Legislation, Vetoed Legislation, Weekly Bill Status:
Idaho Legislature My Bill Tracker (requires username and password). A real-time web-based system for following and tracking Idaho bills throughout the legislative process: | User Manual
Idaho Freedom Foundation Bill Tracker:
Idaho Freedom Foundation 2024 Index Bill Analyses - Idaho Freedom:
The Citizens Alliance of Idaho Signal channel on Rumble:
Idaho Freedom TV on Rumble:
Think Liberty Idaho (One-stop shop. All Idaho legislator scores and a bill tracker in one place; more details here):
2024 Idaho Legislative Session Bill Tracker (One-stop shop):
Look up Legislation By Number, By Chamber, By Subject, Enacted Legislation, Vetoed Legislation, Weekly Bill Status
Hot Items: Upcoming committee meetings, bills on their Third Reading, bills on their Second Reading, bills with recent activity in House and Senate
Gem State Chronicle Session Snapshot. Stay up to date on the most important bills in the current Idaho legislative session:
✔️ Idaho Candidates & Ballot Measures
Idaho Secretary of State Filings:
Ballotpedia Idaho 2024 Elections:,_2024
What’s on the Ballot? – Vote Idaho (does not provide links to details):
Voting Results
🔥🔥May 2024 Primary Election Results
» Ada County Ballot Verifier: Website
🗣️To be considered radical for simply desiring a return to the original constitutional form of what’s left of our Republic, the one gifted to us through the blood and treasure of our Founders, provides an important clue to how corrupt and debased our culture has become. ~ Gordon Petrie (c. 2024)
🗣️Remember, Republicans who stay home elect Democrats.
~Dorothy Moon, Idaho GOP Chair
✔️ General Voting Tips for Conservatives
First Principles: What guides a person? Does a candidate or incumbent have strong conservative first principles? Does he or she follow the Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, Golden Rule, and 10 Commandments? Does he or she promote small government and individual responsibility? Does he or she follow the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s 12 Freedom Metrics?
Check voter registration deadlines carefully:
Only Republicans can vote for Republicans in the PRIMARY. Party affiliation doesn’t matter for the GENERAL.
The vote of every Representative and Senator affects YOU, regardless of your legislative district. So even if great candidates are NOT in your district, you can support their campaigns with time, money, and by spreading the word.
Vote for a CONSTITUTIONAL County Sheriff! The County Sheriff is the only elected law enforcement official in America. He or she protects the people as a peacekeeper and guardian of liberty. The County Sheriff’s duty is to stop criminal and out-of-control government from killing, abusing, violating, robbing, and destroying its own people. Ask every County Sheriff and candidate one key question: “Will you stand against tyranny?” Read more
Be careful! Not all “R”epublicans or organizations with conservative sounding names are Conservatives or Constitutional Conservatives.
Many are RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) or “Establishment Republicans” with left-leaning voting records and ideology. Some are Democratic front groups. Some examples of non-conservative organizations are listed below (thanks to Jacyn Gallagher, District 9 House, Scott Herndon, District 1 Senate, and Brent Regan, KCRCC Chair for many of these suggestions):Conservative Accountability Project
Gem State Conservatives
Idaho 97 Project
Idaho Association for Commerce and Industry (IACI) | IACI Board of Directors:
AVOID candidates with high rankings on IACI’s Legislative ScorecardIdaho Leaders United
Idaho Liberty PAC
Idaho Moms PAC
Idaho Victory Fund
Main Street Idaho Caucus
North Idaho Republicans
North Idaho Voter Services
Reclaim Idaho
Take Back Idaho
Veterans for Idaho Voters
Formed April 2024 in Washington County, Idaho (John Jensen)
Conservatives Of Washington County
Conservativesof Washington County
Preserve Washington County Values
Preserve Weiser Values
Washington County Conservatives
Washington County Republicans
Weiser Republicans
Before the PRIMARY Election – Register Republican.
PRIMARY Election – Vote for the best, most conservative candidates among Republicans.
GENERAL Election – Vote for the best, most conservative candidates and ballot measures! NOTE: Leaving ballot items blank either due to ignorance or in protest can compromise election integrity, so it’s best to research and then vote.
✔️ Trusted Information Sources & Rankings
Thanks to Jacyn Gallagher, District 9 House, for many of these suggestions:
🗽 Constitutions
U.S. Declaration of Independence:
U.S. Constitution:
Idaho Constitution:
ℹ️ Information Sources
AssembleXIdaho (on X/aka twitter):
Citizens Alliance Idaho:
ConservativesOfPAC Voter Guides:
🔥2024 Primary Voter Guide:
FreedomBros Podcast:
Gem State Chronicle (“News and analysis that empowers you to make positive change in Idaho” - website from Gem State Substack creator Brian Almon):
Gem State Patriot News:
Gem State Substack (Brian Almon):
ICAN Legislate Medical Liberty Pledge:
Idaho 2nd Amendment Alliance:
Idaho Dispatch 2024 Idaho Primary Election – Compilation of Voter Guides:
Idaho Freedom Caucus:
Idaho Freedom Caucus Substack:
Idaho Freedom Action (501(c)(4) nonprofit dedicated to preserving freedom in the Gem State):
Idaho Freedom PAC (founded in 2021 to combat wealthy special interest groups, hold politicians to their word, and reignite the flame of liberty):
Idaho Freedom Foundation (rankings info below):
Educational Videos:
Idaho GOP:
Idaho GOP party platform
To be “true” Republicans, GOP candidates and incumbents must vote like Republicans and support the platform, or clearly explain which parts they do not support and why.Idaho GOP Platform Rating (Legislators and Bills):
Ada County GOP:
Boise County GOP:
Other Idaho GOP Counties:
Conservative Idaho news aggregator, including items listed below:Gem State by Brian Almon
Glenneda’s Substack by Glenneda Zuiderveld
Idaho Freedom Caucus (Substack)
Idaho Secretary of State (SOS):
Institute for Legislative Analysis (ILA) - US and State Rankings:
Keep the Republic with Dr. Daniel Bobinski:
Magic Valley Liberty Alliance:
Think Liberty Idaho:
🥇 Rankings
⫷Back to Index
CPAC Center for Legislative Accountability (State and Federal):
🔥Gem State Chronicle The Primary Pulse (Brian Almon): Comprehensive resource for Republican primary candidates running for the Legislature, including candidate interviews, hometown, occupation, statement, endorsements, opponent(s), time in office, committees, affiliation, index rankings, and resources. Do not miss this amazing tool: | Primary 2024 Candidate Interviews
Idaho Freedom Foundation Scorecards (more details below):
Idaho GOP Platform Rating (Legislators and Bills):
Idaho Legislative Scorecard - Freedom Index (rankings):
Institute for Legislative Analysis Idaho Rankings (State and Federal) (methodology):
Think Liberty Idaho (more details below):
➡ Think Liberty Idaho Rankings (composite rankings in one handy place)
Sample rankings below.
Go to
For each incumbent, you will find:
Name, Party Affiliation, District
Scores from:
Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF):
American Conservative Union (ACU):
Institute for Legislative Analysis (ILA) ** US and Idaho available:
Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry (IACI)**: | IACI Board of Directors:
Caucus affiliation, if any
See Main Street or Dead End? What's really behind the "Main Street Caucus" by Brian Almon for a thorough analysis of Main Street Idaho Caucus vs. Idaho Freedom Caucus: ReadMain Street Idaho Caucus - (MSC)**:
Idaho Freedom Caucus (IFC):
Whether they took the Citizens Alliance of Idaho (CAI) Pledge:
See standings at
See pledge at
**Not a conservative organization
➡ Idaho GOP Platform Rating (another source of composite rankings in one handy place)
Shows how closely your legislators adhered to the Idaho GOP Platform.
Sample rankings below.
Go to
Do any of the following:
Scroll through the list
Click on a column heading to sort by Rank, Name, Votes, Rating, or Grade.
Filter as desired (left side of page).
Click on a name to view voting record and other statistics (see examples here).
➡ Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) Rankings
Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) ranks Idaho state Senator and Representative based on his or her voting records for freedom, spending, and education. IFF rankings start at year 2015. You also can view each legislator’s voting record in detail, filtered by index and year. Not all candidates will have voting records (e.g., they weren’t elected to the legislature) and some were in office prior to 2015, so they won’t have IFF rankings.
Sample rankings below.
Go to
Use the filters at the top of the page to select an Index (e.g., Freedom, Education, Spending), Party, Chamber, District, Year, Score, or individual name.
Click on any name for detailed statistics and Voting Record.
About IFF Metrics
Education Metric:
Spending Metric:
Freedom Metric:
These metrics are to score bills (and, based on their votes, the legislators themselves). Example of Freedom Metric criteria (edited):
1. Does it create, expand, or enlarge any agency, board, program, function, or activity of government? Or, does it do the inverse?
2. Does it transfer a function of the private sector to the government?
3. Does it give government any new, additional, or expanded power to prohibit, restrict, or regulate activities in the free market? Or, does it do the inverse?
4. Does it increase barriers to entry into the market? Or, does it do the inverse?
5. Does it directly or indirectly create or increase any taxes, fees, or other assessments? Or, does it do the inverse?
6. Does it increase government redistribution of wealth?
7. Does it increase government spending (for objectionable purposes) or debt? Or, does it do the inverse?
8. Does it in any way restrict public access to information related to government activity or otherwise compromise government transparency, accountability, or election integrity? Or, does it do the inverse?
9. Does it violate the principle of equal protection under the law?
10. Does it directly or indirectly create or increase penalties for victimless crimes or non-restorative penalties for nonviolent crimes? Or, does it do the inverse?
11. Does it violate the spirit or the letter of either the United States constitution or the Idaho constitution?
12. Does it violate the principles of federalism by increasing federal authority, yielding to federal blandishments, or incorporating changeable federal laws into Idaho statutes or rules?
✔️ Videos
How Red States Become Blue! Idaho, don’t let this happen to your state:
Rocky Mountain Heist | How 4 Rich Liberals Flipped Colorado from a Republican State to a Liberal Stronghold (video 45 min 26 sec): Watch
The accompanying article by “Freedom Man” addresses the two elements needed to flip a state: The Unprincipled voter and the Apathetic voter. Read
The Texas Heist | Do Democrats Run The Texas House? (video 37 min 50 sec): Watch
Let My People Go | Free the J6 Prisoners | End Rigged Elections (03/05/24) Let My People Go is a modern-day deliverance story rooted in biblical themes and archetypes. Explains why J6 happened and how election integrity is compromised (video 2 hr 16 min): Rumble | YouTube (with transcript) | Official website with trailers and purchase options
State Legislators, County Officers, Mayor, City Council, Fire Commissioner, School Board, Precinct Committeemen & Other Local Officials Matter — A LOT! Vote for the best candidates to keep your state, county, and cities strong and your government under control.
Disclaimer: Specific candidate recommendations are personal opinions. Personal opinions are like, well, you know. Recommended candidates in this Guide are personally known or carefully observed by the author unless otherwise noted. Photos included for “newcomers.” You can find official voter guides below.
❌VOTERS: Please don’t sit out the primaries unless you want to move to the socialist states of California, Oregon, and Washington without hiring a van! If you fail to elect principled people in the primaries, we’re all headed to becoming a blue state: Find Out How Your Legislators Voted
Many Republicans in the 2024 Idaho legislature supported socialistic principles and bills! VOTERS — WE MUST DO BETTER! Please, vote CAREFULLY in the Primaries coming up on May 21. It’s all over if you wait for the General elections in November.
👉Statewide Races (Idaho Secretary of State Website): Read
👉County Races (visit your County Clerk’s Website): Find Your Clerk
👉Our Voting Guide: Read
👉Who’s Running & More: Read
Related articles and videos: Ranting and Raving. Let’s Not Be Caving! | Jungle Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ballot Initiative: A Race to the Bottom | Videos
Voter Guides
🔥ConservativesOf Voting Guides (Idaho federal, state, and many counties including Precinct Committeeman!)
Gem State Heist (North Idaho)
Gem State Primary Pulse (2024 Primary - Idaho House & Senate candidate info)
Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) Voting Guide (2024 Kootenai County Primaries)
Idaho Freedom Foundation 2024 Freedom Index (2024 Primary - Idaho House & Senate incumbent info)
Idaho Freedom PAC | 2024 Primary Endorsements | About the Endorsements
Stand for Health Freedom (2024 Primaries) | 2024 Primary Endorsements
Stop Idaho RINOS (2024 Primaries: Legislative and Precinct Committees)
Think Liberty PAC (2024 Primaries)
True Idaho News (2024 Primaries - 05/21/24 update)
Study the Candidates and Issues CAREFULLY Before You Vote!
Write down your choices and reasons for them BEFORE casting your ballot.
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Issues & Candidates
✔️Ballot Initiatives
🚫OPPOSE Jungle Primaries and Ranked Choice Voting! Details
Do not sign any Reclaim Idaho or other petitions to put this initiative the ballot in 2024
🚫OPPOSE Idaho Medical Marijuana ballot initiative in 2024: Details
Oppose medical marijuana. This is the first step to legalized recreational and ultimately hard drugs, as has been seen in Oregon (one example here).
✔️ United States Congress [2024]
CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 2: Elect Scott Cleveland (R)
Website | Medical Liberty Pledge
🚫 DO NOT RE-ELECT incumbent Mike Simpson: Open The Books Rankings - Transparency F (page 6) - Where’s the Pork Top 50 (page 38) | Institute for Legislative Analysis Ranking (Rank 192 out of 250 - 67.53% overall)
✔️ Idaho Freedom Caucus (IFC)
Re-Elect & Support All IFC Members Who Are Running Again
Re-elect these public members of the Idaho Freedom Caucus (IFC). Back Row, left to right: Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld–District 24; Rep. Tony Wisniewski–District 5; Rep. Joe Alfieri–District 4; Rep. Mike Kingsley (not running for re-election)–District 7; Rep. Dale Hawkins–District 2; Sen. Scott Herndon–District 1. Front Row, left to right: Rep. Jacyn Gallagher-District 9; Rep. Heather Scott (Co-Chair)–District 2; Rep. Elaine Price–District 4; Sen. Tammy Nichols (Co-Chair)–District 10; Sen. Brian Lenney–District 13; Sen. Cindy Carlson–District 7. IFC Substack | IFC Website | Donate
Snail Mail donations:
Idaho Freedom Caucus PAC
1107 East Sherman Ave
Couer d’ Alene ID 83814
✔️ District 8 Recommended Candidates
✔️ Idaho Senate [2024]
District Map | Who’s Running > Office > State Senator (list below includes only those running opposed in the primary)
Support Idaho Freedom Caucus Senators Running for Re-Election. These legislators are all proven Constitutional Republicans.
See photos above.
Sen. Scott Herndon–District 1
Sen. Cindy Carlson–District 7
Sen. Tammy Nichols –District 10
Sen. Brian Lenney–District 13
Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld–District 24
SENATE DISTRICT 1: Re-Elect Scott Herndon (R)
Website | Idaho Freedom Foundation Ranking | Composite Rankings | Idaho GOP Platform | Medical Liberty Pledge
SENATE DISTRICT 6: Re-Elect Senator Dan Foreman (R)
Website | Idaho Freedom Foundation Ranking | Composite Rankings | Idaho GOP Platform
SENATE DISTRICT 8: Elect Christy Zito (R) - Constitutional Republican
Website | Substack | Idaho Freedom Foundation Ranking | Campaign Finance | Interview with Brian Almon (05/14/24) | Medical Liberty Pledge
🚫 DO NOT RE-ELECT incumbent Geoff Schroeder (custom license plate ATHEIST) - Composite Rankings | Ranked F on all three Idaho Freedom Foundation indexes for 2023 | Think Liberty Idaho: Voting Record (VOTES tab) | Idaho Freedom Foundation: Voting Record (View Voting Record button) | Idaho GOP Platform | ILA 39.58% | Campaign Finance
SENATE DISTRICT 10: Re-Elect Tammy Nichols (R)
Website | Composite Rankings | Idaho Freedom Foundation Ranking | Idaho GOP Platform | Medical Liberty Pledge
SENATE DISTRICT 13: Re-Elect Brian Lenney (R)
Website | Substack | Composite Rankings | Idaho Freedom Foundation Ranking | Idaho GOP Platform | Medical Liberty Pledge | Interview Gem State Chronicle
SENATE DISTRICT 20: Elect Josh Keyser (R)
🚫 DO NOT RE-ELECT incumbent Senator Chuck Winder: Composite Rankings | Idaho Freedom Foundation Ranking | Tyranny in Idaho State Senate | Idaho GOP Platform | Campaign Finance
SENATE DISTRICT 24: Re-Elect Glenneda Zuiderveld (R)
Website | Substack | Composite Rankings | Idaho Freedom Foundation Ranking | Idaho GOP Platform
✔️ Idaho House [2024]
District Map | Who’s Running > Office > State Representative (list below includes only those running opposed in the primary; photos are of non-incumbent challengers)
Support Idaho Freedom Caucus Representatives Running for Re-Election. These legislators are all proven Constitutional Republicans.
See photos above.
Rep. Dale Hawkins–District 2
Rep. Heather Scott–District 2
Rep. Joe Alfieri–District 4
Rep. Elaine Price–District 4
Rep. Tony Wisniewski–District 5
Rep. Jacyn Gallagher-District 9
HOUSE SEAT 3B: Re-Elect Jordan Redman (R)
Website | Composite Rankings | Idaho Freedom Foundation Ranking | Idaho GOP Platform | Medical Liberty Pledge
HOUSE SEAT 8A: Elect Rob Beiswenger (R) - Constitutional Republican
Website | Video interview | Campaign Finance | Medical Liberty Pledge
🚫 DO NOT RE-ELECT incumbent Matt Bundy (censured by Republican Central Committees in Elmore, Boise, Valley and Custer Counties) - Composite Rankings | Idaho Freedom Foundation Indexes | Think Liberty Idaho: Voting Record (VOTES tab) | Idaho Freedom Foundation: Voting Record (View Voting Record button) | Idaho GOP Platform | ILA 45.79% | Campaign Finance
HOUSE SEAT 8B: Elect Faye Thompson (R) - Constitutional Republican
Website (Email her at | Video Interview (02/17/23, starts ~7 min - ~59 min) | Interview with Brian Almon (5/14/24) | Campaign Finance | Medical Liberty Pledge | Contributions: Faye Thompson for Idaho | 13828 Shadow Ridge | McCall, ID, 83638
🚫 DO NOT RE-ELECT incumbent Megan Blanksma (ousted as House Majority Leader) - Composite Rankings | Idaho Freedom Foundation | Think Liberty Idaho: Voting Record (VOTES tab) | Idaho Freedom Foundation: Voting Record (View Voting Record button) | Idaho GOP Platform | ILA 51.89% | Campaign Finance
HOUSE SEAT 9A: Re-Elect Jacyn Gallagher (R)
Website | Composite Rankings | Idaho Freedom Foundation Ranking | Idaho GOP Platform | Subscribe to Mailing List | Medical Liberty Pledge | Interview Gem State Chronicle
HOUSE SEAT 10A: Elect Rachel Hazelip (R)
🚫 DO NOT RE-ELECT incumbent Mike Moyle - Composite Rankings | Idaho Freedom Foundation | Idaho GOP Platform | Campaign Finance
HOUSE SEAT 21A: Elect Monica McKinley (R)
Website | Medical Liberty Pledge | Campaign Finance | Video Interview: Gem State Chronicle (05/16/24) | Interview: Idaho News 6 (05/15/24) | Campaign Ad | Phone: 208-515-1175 | Contributions: Monica McKinley for Idaho | 1080 S Torino Ave. | Meridian ID 83642
🚫 DO NOT RE-ELECT incumbent James Petzke - Composite Rankings | Idaho Freedom Foundation (all Fs) | Idaho GOP Platform | Campaign Finance
✔️ Ada County
May 2024 Primary Candidate Information (Ada County Clerk)
CONSTITUTIONAL Sheriff: Elect Doug Traubel (C)
Website | Doug Traubel is a member of Constitutional Sheriff and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) and affiliated with the Constitution Party; therefore, most people will have to wait until the NOV 5 general to vote for him. | Writings & Videos:
Op-Ed: Blue Tarps for Blue Cities (12/29/23)
Op-Ed: By What Authority is The Sheriff the (CLEO) Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the County? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
Interview on X about Sheriff volunteer posses with Sheriff Bob Songer at CSPOA event on April 17, 2024 (video 12 min 38 sec)
Invocation on X at CSPOA event on April 17, 2024 (video 2 min 22 sec)
Op-Ed: How Important is your County Sheriff? By Bob 'Nugie' Neugebauer (05/05/24)
Op-Ed: I Am the Change (05/19/24)
🚫 DO NOT RE-ELECT incumbent Matt Clifford on Nov. 5
✔️ Boise County
Re-Elect incumbents and elect those in bold for contested Republican Primary positions.
Boise County Commissioner District 1: Elect Steve Moore
Other candidates: Kenneth Everhart | Bob Callahan
Boise County Commissioner District 3: Lindy Lindstrom
Boise County Prosecuting Attorney: Alex F. Sosa
Boise County CONSTITUTIONAL Sheriff: Re-Elect Scott Turner
Facebook (running against Robert Ginter on Nov. 5; please re-elect Sheriff Turner)
Boise County Precinct Committeeman:
Precinct 30 Garden Valley: Bill Baker
Precinct 40 Horseshoe Bend: Dave Jakovac
Precinct 50 Idaho City: Roger Jackson
Precinct 60 Lowman: Marla Lawson
Precinct 70 Mores Creek: Re-Elect Betty Jean Mollenkopf | Josh Thornton
Precinct 80 Placerville: Brian Davies
Garden Valley School District 70 Tax Levy: Vote NO. Website
✔️ Bonner County
Bonner County GOP Recommendations
✔️ Gem County
Gem County Sheriff: incumbent Donnie Wunder; challenger Ronnie Knittel
✔️ Kootenai County
Kootenai County GOP Recommendations
Kootenai County Sheriff: incumbent Bob Norris; challenger Mike Bauer (no website but info here and here)
✔️ Owyhee County
Owyhee County Sheriff: incumbent Larry Kendrick; challenger Tim Riha