News & ACTION ITEMS 10/15/23 - Politics, Events, Humor, Health, & more for Idaho + beyond
Idaho & Beyond: Get Informed * Laugh * Take Care of Your Health * Take Action. War. AMAZON BOOK BAN. Still good in the world. Work locally to take action in your own community!
🗣️ "National security begins with border security. Foreign terrorists will not be able to strike America if they cannot get into our country." ~ Donald Trump
🚫 Do Not Comply with Tyranny!
Noncompliant Movie (1 hr 24 min): Watch
Government Tyranny in the CovidEra (video 1 min 30 sec): Watch
Covid-19 Vaccine Discrimination (8 min): Watch
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1️⃣ Get Informed
IDAHO Headlines
Idaho news and action items. More Idaho Resources | Gem State Substack
Federal Judge Upholds Idaho School Bathroom Law: Read
DR. GREG FERCH NOMINATED TO REPLACE RAÚL LABRADOR ON CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH BOARD (Boise, Elmore, Valley Counties): Former lawmaker Greg Ferch has been unanimously nominated by Ada County commissioners to replace Labrador's vacant position on the Central District Health Board. Ferch will need approval from Boise, Elmore and Valley counties before he can be confirmed to the board. Ferch has a 2022 A+ ranking by Idaho Freedom Foundation in the areas of Freedom, Spending, and Education (view) — great news for the three counties he will represent on CDH, if approved: Read
EVENTS (updated 10/14/23): Read
MERIDIAN MAYOR RACE: Mike Hon Running for Meridian Mayor. IDAHO SPEAKS • EPISODE 407 (podcast 37 min). Mike Hon talks with Idaho Speaks about his ideas for the city of Meridian, issues he sees facing the community and solutions he will work to implement when elected: Listen | Campaign Website
MERIDIAN CITY COUNCIL RACE: Which Way, Meridian? This growing city could determine the future of Idaho. Brian Almon discusses Republican candidates running for Meridian City Council: Read (free subscribers may access a week after publication)
EAGLE MAYOR RACE | Re-Elect Jason Pierce | Campaign Website
Citizen testimonial regarding the accomplishments of Eagle Mayor Jason Pierce, who is running for re-election and should be re-elected! Six-minute video starts at 23:20 min timestamp: Watch
ELECTIONS Eagle Candidate Forum (2 hr 21 min video): Watch
How Sovereign is Idaho? We can take back our state from the feds. A historical perspective and some commonsense solutions: Read | Comments
Friday Update. Topics include upcoming posts, video discussion with Tim Pool, Ann Coulter, and Dinesh D’Souza (2 hr 30 min), Eagle Candidates Forum video (2 hr 22 min), and thank you to new subscribers: Read
IDAHO FREEDOM FOUNDATION Newsletter. Includes two important videos described below: Read
Nowhere to Hyde discusses mass resignation of the executive committee of the Ada County Republican Party along with the reasons behind their departure. He also addresses the very stinky Ranked Choice Voting leftists and establishment Republicans are trying to push in Idaho (video 24 min).
Fiscal Fridays discusses how taxpayer dollars are being misused by Idaho's permanent establishment, from Boise State University's hidden funds to the hiring of diversity officers — all sidestepping our legislature (video 6 min).
Jungle Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ballot Initiative: A Race to the Bottom. Open/Jungle Primaries & RCV threaten Idaho’s conservative voices. These are leftist-favored tactics to turn Idaho blue. Read
Attorney General Raúl Labrador 10/13/23. House Bills 124 and 340, laws enacted by the Legislature during the 2023 session to impose certain criteria for voting, upheld: Read
Senator James Risch 10/9/23. Worst Border Month in US History: Read about his efforts
Governor Brad Little. Topics include Snake River Quagga Mussel Treatment Ends, Monitoring Continues; Idaho LAUNCH Grants; Republican Governors Demand Biden Provide Honest, Accurate Information on Impact of Border Crisis; Republican Governors Raise Concerns on Biden’s Phase II NEPA Rule; Idaho stands with Israel. Read
National & International Headlines
National news and action items. More National Resources
Open The Books Newsletter: Barack Obama and U.S. Senator Tom Coburn banned earmarks, but earmarks are back; congressional Republicans are the largest earmarkers. Open The Books published a full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal urging Congress to ban earmarks now: Read
CONGRESSMAN RUSS FULCHER Statement: “I fully support Jim Jordan for House Speaker. Jim has shown exceptional judgment, clarity, and prudence as a Member of Congress and as House Judiciary Committee Chairman. Jim has the integrity and wisdom to unify the Republican Conference, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to elect him as House Speaker.” Video (53 sec) | Read
🔥 ILLEGAL INVASION OF AMERICA: Tucker on Twitter/X: Ep. 30 What's happening at the southern border isn’t just an invasion, but a crime. The politicians and NGOs responsible for it are criminals, who should be punished accordingly. (video 23 min): Watch
🎬 TAKE ACTION: Call and Write Your Local, State, and Federal Legislators!
War and Peace with Navy Seal Jack Carr: Former Navy Seal, Jack Carr, an Afghanistan veteran and novelist, discusses U.S. military strategy with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Fascinating discussion also explores government lies, the CIA, and the Kennedy assassinations (podcast 47 min): Listen
CENSORSHIP: Dr. Aaron Kheriaty - Why Totalitarianism Doesn’t Require Gulags or Concentration Camps. American Thought Leaders (podcast 56 min): What is the difference between totalitarianism and dictatorship? What is an unjust law, and how do you identify it? What makes some people more prone to being manipulated than others? And what is the antidote to tyranny? Host Jan Jekielek explores these and other questions with eminent biomedical ethicist and psychiatrist Dr. Aaron Kheriaty who also is one of the plaintiffs in the landmark Missouri v. Biden free speech case: Listen
MISINFORMATION, DISINFORMATION, MALINFORMATION & MORE. Tactics of Disinformation. An amazing self-own from the US Government's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). By ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS.
Dr. Malone explores the various types of “information,” how the government has used psychological techniques to influence public behavior and opinions, and how to detect the techniques being used on Americans. Topics include disinformation tactics overview; actions you can take; detailed discussion of common disinformation technologies, tactics and strategies; conclusion: Read
WEDNESDAY ROUNDUP: Rumors of Wars Edition. The world remains a dangerous place. By BRIAN ALMON. Good news about Ada County Elections plus a perspective on the news from Gaza and the war in the Idaho Republican Party: Read
Did Israelis Cause the Hamas Invasion? Ammon Bundy comments about how Israelis were slaughtered in part because their government left them defenseless, restricting their access to ammunition and firearms. The tragic and ongoing lesson: You MUST be able to defend yourself against people who want to hurt you. Your government cannot and probably will not help if you come under attack (video 13 min): Watch
Israel vs. Hamas Massacres, by Isaac Saul on X. An informed, balanced view of the Gaza quagmire from a current and historical perspective. This may be the best commentary you will ever read. The article, which is rather long but riveting, opens: “People ask me all the time if I am "pro-Israel" because I am a Jew who has lived in Israel, and my answer is that being "pro-Israel" or being "pro-Palestine" or being a "Zionist" does not properly capture the nuance of thought most people do or should have about this issue. It certainly doesn't capture mine.” Read
AND Magazine, By SAM FADDIS.
Hezbollah Is Already Here. By SAM FADDIS (AND Magazine). Faddis asks “Is anyone focused on the possibility that Hezbollah may start a war with the United States right here not in the Middle East?” Faddis states: Hezbollah is a massive organization with huge resources, a longstanding presence in Latin America, and a history of Latin American terrorist attacks. The only thing separating us from Hezbollah’s Latin American networks is … nothing. Hezbollah operatives are already working in the US or coming into the US with Venezuelan identity documents. All eyes are on the Middle East, but no one in government seems to understand. Hezbollah is already here. Read
The Day Of Rage – Bringing The War Home. Faddis writes: “We have watched for years as increasingly radical, anti-American ideology has infiltrated our universities, our schools, and even our military. We have abandoned control of our borders and welcomed vast numbers of individuals who believe we are the enemy and they are justified in hating us even as they demand we support them. We have tolerated the destruction of our cities and the demonization of law enforcement. The bill is coming due.” Read
We must all stand for life, for peace, for civilization. By Dorothy Moon, Idaho GOP Chair: Read
[ED NOTE: Much of this happened for these reasons:Hatred of others has been fomented for centuries.
Israel’s borders became porous.
Israel virtually disarmed its citizens.]
Proper Role of USG- Servant or Master? Protect and serve or rule and shape society. A Constitutional examination. By ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS. An excellent essay analyzing the US Constitution. Read
2️⃣ Laugh & Cry
The funnier and not so funnier designed to make your day sunnier. More Humor Resources
Live Art: How did they do this (video 30 sec): Watch
Meticulous Military Choreography: Changing of the Guard Ceremony (video 1 min): Watch
It’s A Beautiful Day in America: Two young men help an old lady across the street (video 1 min): Watch
Friday Funnies - Friday the 13th. Newsweek proclaims a "A Day of Protests" rather than a "Day of Jihad". By ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS: Read
An alpaca walks into a restaurant in Hangzhou. No idea why... (Hay! This isn’t a bar joke; video 12 sec): Watch
Processing apples in the Bundy orchard; a sweet taste of nature, a delicious slice of life (video 1 min 14 sec): Watch
3️⃣ Take Care of Your Health
Health news and action items. More Health Resources.
COVIDian, Vaccine & Health Tyranny
🔥This stuff is important, folks. Please read, watch, and listen!
🔥 Covid Essential Links: Read
The "Pandemic" Legal Cage, by SASHA LATYPOVA. Do not miss this short article and accompanying 5 minute podcast, which was omitted from an original presentation in order to prevent YouTube censorship: Read / Listen
Where’s VAERS? Researchers have been using VAERS and OpenVAERS extensively to explore vaccine adverse events. It is a seriously flawed and incomplete tool but it's all we have for now: Read | Latest Numbers
The Highwire Episode 341: SEA OF CHANGE (video 2 hr 15 ,om). Guests: Jeffrey Barke, M.D., Aseem Malhotra, M.D., Aaron Siri, Esq.: Watch
Growing censorship over citizens’ speech and open debate
Allegations against Russell Brand that coincide with the UK's push for a new ‘Online Safety Bill’ and similar efforts in the U.S. and Canada
Green economy push hits a wall as officials back down
CDC director Mandy Cohen fact-checked for downplaying COVID vaccine myocarditis
NHS-trained cardiologist and heart disease expert Aseem Malhotra, M.D. details his journey from COVID vaccine advocate to resistance following increases in myocarditis.
ICAN Lead Attorney, Aaron Siri, Esq. discusses ICAN-funded major lawsuit targeting PREP Act Immunity and the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program.
An Introduction to Vaccine Safety (ICAN): Read
🔥 AMAZON BOOK BANNING! Amazon Banned Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake’s book “The Courage to Face Covid-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex” for “violating content guidelines.”
Offensive content
We don’t sell certain content including content that we determine is hate speech, promotes the abuse or sexual exploitation of children, contains pornography, glorifies rape or pedophilia, advocates terrorism, or other material we deem inappropriate or offensive.
Having read this book on Kindle, nothing in its content would violate such guidelines. See “Biopharmaceutical Complex Lights the Fire on a Modern-Day Book Burning …and Q & A 86” (podcast 59 minutes) and Substack: Listen | Read Substack Article | E-Book & Audiobook | Hard & Soft Cover Book
🎬 TAKE ACTION: Avoid buying from Amazon.
🔥 BREAKING NEWS: NOTE from Dr. Mccullough received 10/14/23: After a two-week social media blitz Amazon capitulated and restored Peter McCullough / John Leake banned book!
Regardless of this apparent reinstatement, we need to stop supporting Amazon, stop linking to it, and make sure people know that Amazon and other globalist corporations could take similar action against anyone who does not toe the company/government line.
CHDTV ‘Doctors & Scientists’: New Study Finds ‘Definite Causal Link’ Between COVID Vaccine Rollouts + Peaks in All-Cause Mortality. Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD and Denis Rancourt, Ph.D. discuss Rancourt’s large study analyzing the relationship between all-cause mortality and the COVID injection rollout. Researchers found that the all-cause mortality rates levels were undetectable in multiple countries before the vaccine and boosters but went way up afterward + more (video 59 min): Watch
How Big Pharma Bought The Federal Government. Dissecting the decades of corruption that paved the way for the unconscionable COVID-19 response. By A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR. Excellent article originally published on Read (Summary is below)
The gross malfeasance observed throughout COVID-19 has revealed the immense and decades-long corruption growing within our government.
Numerous well-established mechanisms exist for the pharmaceutical industry to buy out federal employees, guideline committees, and regulatory agencies.
Anthony Fauci directly orchestrated much of that corruption, making the American government no longer serve its people — while being paid handsomely for doing so.
We must address the root causes of this corruption to prevent enacting something even worse than what we witnessed throughout COVID-19. (The UN and WHO along with WEF are poised to implement the worst of the worst for the entire world.)
Follow the Money to Understand US COVID Mortality. By ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS: Malone explains “it is really hard to tell the difference between incompetence and malice unless you have the receipts (or can read minds), and the US HHS response to the COVIDcrisis provides multiple textbook case studies to illustrate the point.” He concludes with the immortal quote of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn concerning those staffing the USSR Administrative State bureaucracy: Read
We know they are lying. They know they are lying. They know that we know they are lying. We know that they know we know they are lying. And still they continue to lie.
Pharmacies Are Turning into Vaccination Clinics... And we thought this was over and done. By ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS. New combo vax from Moderna (CEO sells shares), CVS and Walgreens pharmacy employees are walking out (too much work to jab AND fill prescriptions), plans to inject pets with mRNA vaccines: Read
Related: Under the Skin Documentary (EpochTV). It’s mostly about the dangers of the HPV vaccine, but also discusses pet and livestock vaccines: Watch
ICAN’S Attorneys File Major Lawsuit to Strike Down Portions of the PREP Act. ICAN is supporting a lawsuit to strike down the immunity to liability and the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) provisions of the PREP Act because they violate the constitutional rights of those injured or killed by a COVID-19 vaccine. <sarcasm on> Anthony Fauci said “This could be a game chanja!”<sarcasm off> Read
Undeniable Toxic Ingredients in HPV Vaccines. HPV vaccines contain an "upgraded" version of Aluminum, a toxin that's been used in vaccines for the past 90 years. Its harms have been covered by unethical studies. Article | Under the Skin (1 hr 34 min)
Other Health News
Urinary Tract Infections. Various strategies for prevention, as well as vitamins and supplements that can play a pivotal role in UTI prevention. By JP DENHAM: Read
Most U.S. pharmaceuticals come from China and India. Be prepared in case supply chains are interrupted. Steve Bannon and Dr. Shawn Rowland of JASE Medical discuss how to prepare (sponsored 9 min 25 sec video): Watch | Independent Sources for Telemedicine and Pharmaceuticals
Animal Contraceptive and Antibiotics Detected in Popular Fast Foods. Two types of animal antibiotics (Monensin, Narasin) and an animal contraceptive (Nicarbazin) have been detected after testing food samples from America’s popular fast-food chains (tested: McDonald’s, Starbucks, Subway, Chick-fil-A, Burger King, Taco Bell, Chipotle, Dunkin’, Wendy’s, Domino's). Except for Chipotle and Subway, all the food samples tested positive for veterinary drugs. The detected concentrations were not above FDA standards; however, these substances could build up in consumers and long-term effects unknown: Read
4️⃣ Take Action
Common-sense actions you can take to help save America. More Action Items
Get Involved!
✔️ Defeat Jungle Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ballot Initiative: A Race to the Bottom. Open/Jungle Primaries & RCV threaten Idaho’s conservative voices. These are leftist-favored tactics to turn Idaho blue. Tell others about their dangers: Read
✔️ Help Idaho Dr. Ryan Cole with Legal Expenses. Dr. Ryan Cole is being pursued relentlessly by the medical establishment. He needs help with legal expenses after losing his livelihood and selflessly traveling the country and the world — mostly at his own expense — to educate others and oppose global medical tyranny. Read article
All donations will go directly to support Dr. Cole's legal fight.
PayPal link which is also on Dr. Cole’s website on the right side.
Give Butter link set up by his good friends in the medical community:
Snail mail a check to: Dr. Ryan Cole | Cole Diagnostics | 7988 W Marigold St | Boise, ID 83714
Sign Stand for Health Freedom Petition: Sign Petition
Contact your U.S. Representatives and Senators (contact info):
Call your U.S. Senators. Urge them to sponsor S.444 the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act.
✔️ Close the Border and Vet Illegal Immigrants Already Here: Contact your local and state representatives, Senators and Congress people: Tell them to CLOSE THE BORDERS and examine the backgrounds of ALL illegal immigrants. Many are not here for benign purposes (AND Magazine article | Tucker Carlson video).
✔️ Avoid buying from Amazon. Reasons Why [NOTE from Dr. Mccullough received 10/14/23: After a two-week social media blitz Amazon capitulated and restored Peter McCullough / John Leake banned book! However, it should not have been banned in the first place.]