Where's VAERS? - Update 11/15/24
Researchers have been using VAERS and OpenVAERS extensively to explore vaccine adverse events. It is a seriously flawed and incomplete tool but it's all we have for now. 🆕indicates updated info.
Professional researchers and the public have been using VAERS and OpenVAERS extensively to explore vaccine adverse events (deaths, serious adverse events, and less serious adverse events). Unfortunately, VAERS is a seriously flawed and incomplete dataset and tool.
🆕 From: Stripping Rights Away By Hook or By Crook. By James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D. Read
Claim: “Serious adverse events are very rare”.
Fact: The actual rates of serious adverse events is unknown because they are tracked using the passive VAERS system. An automated system that CDC paid >$1.2 million to Harvard Pilgrim Health to build revealed that VAERS captures only 1% of adverse events. When this result was reported to CDC, they stopped returning the developers’ phone calls.
VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system estimated to account for only 1% of vaccine injuries (estimates vary, but underreporting is real).
Disclaimer from CDC Website: VAERS data available to the public include only the initial report data to VAERS. Updated data which contains data from medical records and corrections reported during follow up are used by the government for analysis. However, for numerous reasons including data consistency, these amended data are not available to the public... Read
OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at vaers.hhs.gov. OpenVAERS was developed by a private organization to make browsing and searching the VAERS reports much easier (you can do more advanced searches at medalerts.org or vaers.hhs.gov and can find various dashboards at vaersaware.com/dashboards).
Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), was started in 1990 “as a collaborative project between CDC’s Immunization Safety Office, integrated healthcare organizations, and networks across the United States.” Unfortunately, access to VSD data can be difficult for scientists from outside CDC and outside the VSD network. Per CDC: “Depending on the request, interested researchers may be able to access VSD data and data from VSD publications through public use datasets, the VSD data sharing program, and collaboration with current VSD investigators.”
V-Safe, is one of several CDC vaccine safety monitoring systems. V-safe originally launched in December 2020 to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines and later expanded to include mpox and RSV vaccines. V-safe allows vaccinees to share with CDC how they or their dependents feel after getting a COVID-19 or RSV vaccine. This system was supposed to help CDC monitor the safety of select vaccines. Critics point out the few checkboxes, limited free-text fields, and other deficiencies on the phone app used for reporting adverse events. 🆕
Are We Getting the VAERS Data We Paid For?
The short answer is NO!
According to OpenVAERS, two sets of books exist for VAERS:
The injury reports that are published on WONDER (the public facing data); and
The injury reports that the public does not get to see (the hidden data, even though taxpayers paid for it).
VAERS is a live dynamic system that is constantly taking in new information including multiple reports involving the same patient. The data becomes richer and deeper over time and in theory it should allow researchers to understand vaccine injury better. But that's not what happens in practice. The VAERS reports available to the public are usually just that snapshot of the initial report. All of the detailed additional information that comes in after that is hidden from the public, never to be seen again.
OpenVAERS also explains that data in VAERS is often scrubbed, rubbed, or slow walked, so even if reporting covered 100% of the events, the data release would not. The American people are paying for this data capture, yet we are not allowed to see all the data. This should NOT be treated as "classified" information.
What is V-SAFE?
V-safe is a smartphone-based CDC program that allowed users to register after getting a Covid-19 vaccine and provide health check-ins. V-safe was supposed to allow vaccine recipients to “tell CDC about any side effects after getting the COVID-19 vaccine.” The purpose of the app “was to rapidly characterize the safety profile of COVID-19 vaccines when given outside a clinical trial setting.” Data submitted to v-safe was “collected, managed, and housed on a secure server by Oracle,” a private computer technology company.
Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) Lead Attorney Aaron Siri, Esq. and team had to file a lawsuit to obtain this data.
While ICAN did receive some of the data and converted it into an easy-to-use tool, the CDC did not release the text details that users supplied. CDC abruptly stopped the program on May 19, 2023. *
* (1) These data include around 10 million v-safe users. (2) These data include only pre-populated fields checked by v-safe users (for example, selecting from a list of pre-populated symptoms). (3) The information captured in free-form fields was not included; ICAN is still litigating to obtain that information.
What is the government hiding and why? While the government assures the public that vaccines are safe and effective — and often the only weapon against disease — the data to prove governmental assertions is often incomplete or completely unavailable.
VAERS: https://vaers.hhs.gov/
VAERS Disclaimer: https://wonder.cdc.gov/wonder/help/vaers.html#
Report an adverse event: https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html
V-Safe: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccine-safety-systems/v-safe/index.html 🆕
Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD): https://www.cdc.gov/vaccine-safety-systems/vsd/ 🆕
Covid Essential Links: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/covid-essential-links 🆕
OpenVAERs: https://openvaers.com/
Covid-19 Vaccine Lots: https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data/vaccine-lots
Search COVID-19 (Pfizer, Moderna and J&J) Lots and Serious Adverse Events: https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data/search-vaccine-lots
The BMJ publishes investigation of VAERS (11/17/23): https://www.openvaers.com/component/acym/archive/64-the-bmj-publishes-investigation-of-vaers
ICAN: https://icandecide.org/
ICAN V-Safe Dashboard Tool: https://icandecide.org/v-safe-data/
The Highwire: https://thehighwire.com/
Medalerts: https://medalerts.org/index.php
🆕 Reporting and Searching Vaccine Reactions in VAERS (09/10/24, video 49:13):
🆕 Stripping Rights Away By Hook or By Crook. By James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D. See “Claim: “Serious adverse events are very rare”: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/uncategorized/stripping-rights-away-by-hook-or-by-crook/
🆕 Their Vaccine Injury Reports Disappeared From VAERS — So They Developed a Tool Anyone Can Use to Track Their Own Reports (09/11/24): https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/vaers-covid-vaccine-injury-audit-react19-chd/
VAERS Aware: https://www.vaersaware.com/dashboards
VAERS Uncomfortable Truths: Disappearing Deaths, Data Manipulation + More (11/22/23). Linked references and 1 hr video: Watch
Why do so many people hate VAERS? (11/24/23): https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/why-do-so-many-people-hate-the-vaccine-1d7?r=14nzxn&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web