This is the most organized, comprehensive and valuable Substack I’ve ever seen. Hats off to you Big E and MUCH THANKS for what you do!

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OMG 😲, Phyerlites, you totally made my day with your beautiful comment! Every day I question whether I should continue this quest to offer the best (that I can). You cheered me up so much! Thank you kindly.

P.S. I tried to get more organized by creating a for newbies “Getting Started” page here (https://eolson47.substack.com/p/getting-started-what-you-need-to) and a better index to Action Items here (https://eolson47.substack.com/i/137540582/action-items-quick-index).

Thank you again so much! Of course, please share whatever you find most valuable.

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*** 02/03/24 Update ***

The poll questions should be working now. We're not sure what went wrong, but we send deep apologies for any annoyance to readers. Totally unintentional, of course.

When commenting, please use the comments section here rather than email. To those who sent emails, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your feedback. We've added the emailed comments below, with initials only.

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*** Via Email from SC (02/05/24) ***

Good morning 😊 Definitely keep on keepin on!! I read this every day.

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*** Via email from PH (02/03/24) ***

100% yes! I know it's so much work for you, but I really do appreciate it. I can't always read it everyday, but I try my best and almost always do the action items. I feel it's a great service you provide to keep us all informed.

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Amazing amount of up-to-date info. Lots of excellent action items.

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*** Via email from JMM (02/03/24) ***

Your product is a valuable read.

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*** Via email from JG (02/03/24) ***

Keep it coming!

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*** Via email from RS (02/03/24) ***

I think you should continue.

First of all....it is good for YOU. All good people want to do all they can to undo the brainwashing, and you are working hard at it. I don't know how many you send to, but IF they accept the messages in the spirit of a "magazine," that is, pick and choose and not feel obligated to look at let alone respond to EVERYTHING, then I think if you are content that not all of your message is read, then it's a good thing.

I don't look at all that you send, and I feel, like the Red Queen I like to quote from the Alice books, that it takes all the running I can do to stay in one place. She added that to go somewhere else, she'd have to run faster, a joke that I doubt small children would get.

My "political" energy these days is spent trying to scare up volunteers for the caucus. After that, I'll run for PC again, and I have reason to hope for success this time.

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I appreciate your news compilation & links. Hope you can continue!

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