Umbrellas, Community Schools, United Way & School Board Meetings
What's wrong with non-government organization school funding? Can School-Based Health Centers take over parental decisions about their family's health? What really happens at School Board meetings?
Last update: 12/04/24
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What are Community Schools?
“Community schools are the nice sounding, but dangerous new tactic of the left. They never stop.” ~Ron Nate, PhD, President of Idaho Freedom Foundation
“The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother's care, shall be in state institutions.” ~ Karl Marx, A-Z Quotes
Idaho Freedom Foundation recently published some excellent articles about school choice (see References at the end of this post). But one topic not addressed is the role non-government organizations (NGOs) play in education.
The Community School program funded by United Way is a perfect example of NGOs in our education system. This program provides “cradle to grave” functions that should reside with parents and families, not with schools.
United Way, which is generously funded by employee payroll deductions and pays its executives handsomely, also influences public advocacy and is infused with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).
In United Way’s own words:
At the heart of the Community School model is the notion that much of what influences a young person’s education happens outside the classroom. From access to quality health care for the whole family to steady employment for parents that pays a livable wage: all these issues can impact a child’s capacity to succeed in school, and in life.
As part of the Coalition for Community Schools, United Way is leading the charge to schools into community schools that serve both the students and their families. These neighborhood “hubs” offer essential education programs, but also social services, health resources, and basic needs programs.
Socialist services like those provided by Community Schools promote a culture of dependency and entitlement that destroys America from within, starting with children’s minds and bodies. These services are provided to kids and families “for free” — sometimes over the objections of conscientious parents who want to provide for their own kids or who want their kids to earn what they receive.
Examples of public (government) / private (NGO) subsidized services include:
Food (breakfast and lunch, often for entire families whether they need it or not);
Clothing (pants, coats, shoes “in case” they get wet or dirty at school or the parent-provided items aren’t deemed “good enough” by the school or child);
School supplies (often in excess of what kids need);
Medical care (see School-Based Health Centers, next).
Family Health & School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs)
Family health is one particularly concerning focus of Community Schools, with their rapid march toward School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs). Stand for Health Freedom explains that a School-Based Health Center:
is located in or near a school or school facility.
is organized or promoted through school, community, or health care provider relationships.
provides primary health services to children by health care providers in accordance with state and federal law.
meets any other requirements necessary for the operation of a School-Based Health Center.
School Nurses vs. SBHCs
School nursing services typically are (and should be) limited to first-aid treatment of minor accidents and illnesses that occur at school, administration of medications when requested by parents, and basic health education.
But SBHCs go further. Stand for Health Freedom explains that SBHCs offer a broad range of services intended to replace a child’s family doctor (and parental control over medical decision making) such as:
Routine pediatric care, including immunizations, sick visits, & well-child visits.
Health screening, e.g.. Early Periodic Screening & Diagnostic Testing (EPSDT).
Mental and behavioral health services, including assessment, counseling, & prescription medication.
Reproductive counseling & birth control prescription and management.
Pregnancy related care.
Sexually transmitted disease care, including HIV/AIDS screening & management.
Substance abuse interventions (drugs and alcohol).
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) support.
Dental services (exam, x-ray, cleaning, and sealant when indicated).
Vision care (exam and corrective products when indicated).
Ideally, such examinations should only be conducted: 🆕
By a student's own healthcare provider;
Always in the presence of a parent or guardian; and
Only with prior full informed consent for EACH procedure.
These medical procedures SHOULD NOT be conducted at schools at all. But if conducted at school, they must be conducted:
In the presence of a parent or guardian; and
Only with prior full informed consent for EACH procedure.
Several of these broad-based functions — including mental health, dental sealants, and immunizations — already are being implemented in at least one rural Idaho school district.
Community Schools are Spreading Throughout the US & Idaho
United Way is funding Community Schools throughout Idaho and around the country. For example, during a “special” school board meeting in rural Idaho, a school board — which includes several conservative, otherwise conscientious parents — just approved a five-year Community Schools program, with diminished outside funding each year. Once the funding reduces or expires, school district taxpayers likely will have to pay for personnel (including a required full-time administrator) and programs that never should have been implemented in the first place. Bond issues and tax levies, here we come!
During the meeting, the board members asked no hard questions (other than the duration of the grants) and did not individually research the United Way funding source or the possible ramifications for the future. They simply rubber-stamped the recommendations of the superintendent and another administrator who sugar-coated with pretty words the program’s “umbrella benefits” to the entire community. Nobody advocated for the taxpayers.
One board member even praised the lack of “government” funding involved in the program, perhaps not knowing that United Way actively lobbies government, does receive generous federal government funding (see References for several examples), and promotes DEI policies.
After a short discussion, the board unanimously voted “AYE” to accept the Community School program. This vote was gut wrenching for those few in the audience who understood its implications.
🆕 Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health (09/20/24 update): Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health, Inc. is funding similar operations at schools via grants to “support pre-K early education program.” Recent examples include Caldwell, Boise Basin*, and Horseshoe Bend* in Idaho. The Blue Cross Foundation for Health is active in other states as well.
*Requires subscription to The Idaho World until two weeks after the article is posted.
Blue Cross is a strong advocate for policies that should concern conservative parents. Here are some examples:
Their Education programs focus on Behavioral Health, Community Schools, Early Education, Scholarships.
They participated in Boise Pride Festival.
They advocate Health Data Equity.
They strongly advocate Health Care Workforce Equity.
While the goals of this foundation appear well-intentioned, parents, school boards, and administrators need to exercise caution about any possible strings that are attached or a direction that leads to the loss of parental control and responsibility for their own kids.
Why Community Members Rarely Attend School Board Meetings
Although community members can sign up to speak before school board meetings begin, the structure of meetings does not allow for pre-vote public input because no one knows the full details of an agenda item before the meeting and the public is not allowed to ask questions during the board’s discussion of an issue. In fact, audience members may be berated for polite attempts to communicate with or ask respectful questions of board members and administrators. They are firmly told that such interactions are inappropriate.
What else? School board meetings often are deemed “special” (requiring only 24 hour notice), begin with secretive executive sessions (during which public must exit the room and sit or stand in hallways for hours), and then proceed quickly to votes with little in-depth discussion once the executive session adjourns. Few community members — especially parents — have the time or the stamina to attend an entire meeting even if allowed to speak.
Not surprisingly, one very bright and well-informed parent recently said she used to attend school board meetings, but gave up for all the reasons explained above.
Things happen at school board meetings that few know about unless they attend in person or listen to post-meeting recordings (after which it’s too late to do anything). Policy updates and votes slip by. And, before you know it, the local school has irreversibly veered toward socialist programs and usurped many parental rights and responsibilities.
Parents who want good educations for their kids are left with no alternative other than to accept socialist-style public school / Community School policies or to seek other ways to educate kids with the parents’ own traditional family values. Often, this means home schooling, co-op schooling, micro schools, charter schools, or other arrangements that can be expensive in personal time or money.
Parents must remain in charge of their own kids. They must not relinquish control to umbrella cradle-to-grave socialist-style government schools or NGO organizations.
Resources within each section below are organized alphabetically, by title.
Alternative Education Options
Northern Schoolhouse 🆕
American Thought Leaders: Why We Teach Our First Graders Shakespeare: Host: Jan Jekielek; Guest Michael Fitzgerald (11/30/24, podcast 58min):
Epoch Times: Idaho Couple Revives Classical Education at Northern Schoolhouse. By Cara Ding (03/16/23):
Hillsdale Classical K-12 Education:
Hillsdale Classical Affiliate Schools: 🆕
PragerU Kids (curriculum recently approved for Idaho): 🆕
Home Schools: Show Me the Money. By Suzanne Kearney (11/24/24): 🆕
Idaho Freedom Foundation
How Idaho Can Be at the Forefront of an Educational Renaissance. By Samuel T. Lair (11/19/24): 🆕
Idaho left behind as education choice advances nationwide. By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D. (08/16/24):
School Choice 2025: Nero, Ford, and Friedman:
Setting the Education Choice Gold Standard for Idaho:
School-Based Health Centers
School-Based Health Centers: What Parents Need To Know (08/28/23, video 1hr 4 min):
Stand for Health Freedom:
Stand for Health Freedom printable School-Based Health Centers kit for parents:
United Way Website & Community Schools
Main website:
Coalition for Community Schools:
DEI Policy:
Guide to Charitable Giving:
Health Policy:
Partners (nonprofit & government):
Public Policy and Advocacy:
United Way in Idaho: (provides links to United Ways listed below)
Twin County United Way, Lewiston, ID
United Way of Idaho Falls and Bonneville County, Idaho Falls, ID
United Way of Moscow/Latah County, Moscow, ID
United Way of North Idaho, Coeur D'Alene, ID
United Way of South Central Idaho, Twin Falls, ID
United Way of Southeastern Idaho, Pocatello, ID
United Way of Treasure Valley, Boise, ID
Other Resources About United Way & Community Schools
Advocacy, Sexual Harassment Allegations, Political Contributions, and Permanent Supportive Housing in Los Angeles:
🆕 Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health, Inc.: (selected links below)
Education (Behavioral Health, Community Schools, Early Education, Scholarships):
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: Boise Pride Fest Sponsor:
Health Data Equity:
Community Schools Policy Agenda:
Executive Compensation at United Way (2020). By Anne Paddock:
Government Funding for United Way / Community Schools (selected examples)
Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $74 Million to Expand Full-Service Community Schools:
Grant Awarded in Support of Community Schools Across Idaho! ($46 million Full Service Community Schools grant):
U.S. Department of Education Announces $63 Million to Expand Community Schools and Increase Social, Emotional, Mental Health, and Academic Support for Students, Educators, and Families:
U.S. Education Secretary announces $6.5 million grant to support Idaho community school programs:
OpenSecrets (follow the money):
Public education & slavery were the two biggest mistakes we ever made in this Country. The public schools can NOT be fixed. I suggest that only an irresponsible parent allows his children to attend a public school. I asked a former Tennessee State legislator about phasing out the public schools and she said that the teachers' lobby is so powerful that it is impossible for State Legislatures to close down the public schools. So it appears that the only way to close them down is for parents to take their children out of them. Thank you for your extensive work on this.