Ranting and Raving. Let’s Not Be Caving!
A short but truly heartfelt rant asking everyone to help bring America back from the brink (updated 03/16/24).
NOTE: Most posts have comments turned off because our time to read, monitor, and respond is so limited. We turned them on for this post (3/13/24).
🗣️ "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." ~ Edmund Burke
🗣️ As the venerable Mr. Johann Sebastian Bach stated "Sleepers Awake!" Listen
Be Wild. Be Free. Read a Little Rant from Big E.
We don’t know whether anyone is listening, but this needs to be said.
America is falling to Globalists ~ Marxists ~ Communists ~ Socialists ~ Fascists ~ Totalitarians — whatever name you prefer. Our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution — and especially our Bill of Rights — are in tatters.
Our beautiful America is being destroyed from within AND without. Many believe we have moved so far from our founding principles that our country is almost unrecognizable. Many Americans are chronically ill. Many are losing hope. Many are apathetic. Many depend on government for every benefit they should be providing for themselves. But some are awake and working hard to save American values.
Which kind of American are you?
Waking Up ~ Slowly
People who grew up under totalitarian regimes (or whose relatives did) and those who have studied history understand the urgency of what has happened to America.
Those who grew up in a “soft” America with government benefits, video games, cell phones, non-stop entertainment, junk food, social and “mainstream” media, non-classical education, and hands-off, compliant, or fearful parents don’t seem to get it — yet. Instead, they ignore what’s all around them and go on with their lives as if nothing will change.
Well, everything has changed, and everything has been changing for decades at every level — family, local, state, and federal. Many of us didn’t see it before the COVID Era, many haven’t seen it yet, but all will see it soon!
We have tried to show the good, the bad, and the ugly, but sometimes we feel as though we are spitting into the wind (such spitting can get very messy — try it sometime!). Maybe we’re doing it wrong. Or maybe people just don’t care yet, are afraid of being censored or shunned, are too dang busy trying to keep their heads above water, or feel demoralized and just cannot see their way to independent thought and action.
So, What Can You Do?
All the heavy lifting cannot be done by just a few isolated people. Apathy, complaining, and inaction must be replaced by positive action. Everyone can pitch in and help at least a little. Here’s what you can do:
Vote BUT vote wisely. The vote NOT cast will NEVER be counted (assuming fair elections; then it may be counted multiple times). The UNINFORMED, MISINFORMED or EMOTIONALLY cast vote is worse than no vote at all. Think for yourself, ask questions, and don’t accept third-party or hearsay answers.
Meet and talk in person! Get off social media and “mainstream media” where lies and half-truths abound. Do your own research! Share truth bravely, face-to-face, even if it’s painful for you or the listener. Truth-telling gets easier over time.
Call, write, and meet with your elected representatives, candidates, and public servants — especially the local ones. Some will ignore you. But some will pay attention, especially if enough citizens PEACEFULLY, RESPECTFULLY, and FIRMLY expect action and are specific in their requests.
Think globally, act locally. What happens in your family, hometown, county, and state will trickle up to the rest of the country and the world.
Work together from the bottom up to make a real difference. Pick issues that are important to you. Create or join a local team. Donate to local candidates. Then stay engaged and helpful.
Remember, your actions matter! Some days, your actions may be small. Other days, they may be big. But every action matters and every action adds up.
Everyone can do SOMETHING. So please, get busy. Do something positive and peaceful to take back America.
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