Keeping IDAHO Conservative Won't Be Easy - Update 11/13/23
We have to STOP doing things that DON'T work and START doing things that DO work (like the Democrats do).
🗣️ Make no mistake—Idaho is at the top of the list for the leftists to take over. ~ State Senator Brian Lenney (Nampa)
Idaho State Senator Brian Lenney, R-Nampa 13, recently posed some questions that all conservatives must ask themselves if they want to prevent the other side from taking Idaho. The following post has Sen. Lenney’s blessing.
SENATE DISTRICT 13: Re-Elect Brian Lenney (R): Campaign Website | Idaho Freedom Foundation Ranking (Lifetime Scores: Freedom 91.1% | Spending 98.8% | Education: 100.0%)
What Do You Think About the Election Results?
If you're like me, you're probably not too thrilled when you take a good look at all the statewide races as a whole.
And here's the next question: If Idaho is such a conservative stronghold, why do conservatives get STOMPED in so many races?
I'll tell you why.
It's exactly because Idaho is so conservative.
That's why we get lazy. We become complacent and don't see the knife coming until it's too late and we feel it in our backs.
Make no mistake—Idaho is at the top of the list for the leftists to take over.
ED NOTE: See “Rocky Mountain Heist - How 4 Rich Liberals Flipped Colorado from a Republican State to a Liberal Stronghold” (45 min video documentary) and related commentary. Watch
If you want to keep Idaho the way it is, you've got to fight for it.
Get off the couch, open your wallet, lace up a sturdy pair of shoes, and start knocking on doors.
Leftists are great at this because they want the state.
We also gotta stop doing stuff that doesn't work.
Watch “So many EXCUSES” by Cliff Maloney (video 1min 28 sec)!
Maloney says:
The real reason Democrats won big elections is they turn out their voters. Period.
His advice:
Do More of What Works
Target registered voters.
Multiple passes.
Do Less of What Doesn’t
Stop trying to register voters.
Stop waving signs.
🗣️The GOP establishment continues to believe that it can simply demand that registered Republicans vote for anyone with an “R” next to their name. Those days are long gone. If you cannot show by your actions that you stand with the MAGA movement, you will be ignored and considered as bad or worse than the Democrat running against you. ~ Sam Faddis (AND Magazine)
AND MAGAZINE: The Democrats May or May Not Win the Next Election - But the Republicans Show Every Indication They Will Lose It. By SAM FADDIS (11/13/23): Read