For Financial Freedom: Stop CBDCs NOW - Update 05/31/24
CALL & EMAIL your U.S. Representatives. Insist they sponsor and pass H.R. 5403 or similar bills being considered in House and Senate. Insist they reject ALL pro-CBDC bills.
Stay Free - Stop CBDCs NOW
05/31/24 Update from Campaign for Liberty / Choose Liberty:
H.R. 5403 passed the house with a close bipartisan vote 216 – 192. The bill was strengthened with amendments on the House floor, including one to prohibit the Federal Reserve’s CBDC pilot programs. This adds to what the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act was already written to do:
Prohibit the Federal Reserve from issuing CBDCs or anything substantially similar, under any other name or label, directly to an individual;
Prohibit the Fed from indirectly issuing a CBDC;
Prohibit the Fed from using a CBDC for monetary policy;
Prohibit the Board of Governors of the Fed from issuing a CBDC;
Clear language that this does not apply to open, permissionless, private currencies (i.e. crypto).
Campaign for Liberty / Choose Liberty's petition here. A slightly revised version of the script is just below:
SAMPLE SCRIPT: Please customize with your own ideas (05/31/24):
Subject: 🚫BAN the CBDC
Dear US Senator [name]
The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will enable massive spying on American's private financial transactions and usher in Chinese-style social credit controls that will dictate what we can buy and what politics or policies we can support.
With the government already having broken the public trust by unlawfully spying on and manipulating the public, we must stop CBDCs — and all other forms of financial control on American citizens — before they rob us of our liberty and sovereignty.
Please SUPPORT and co-sponsor a Senate version of the CBDC Anti-Surveillance Act, HR 5403. This bill just passed the House and would prohibit the Federal Reserve from implementing and issuing a CBDC.
Thank you!
Rep. Tom Emmer’s Bill H.R. 5403 Offers a Solution. Other bills do as well: Search Bills for ‘CBDC’.
CALL & EMAIL your U.S. Representatives. Insist they sponsor and pass this bill (or similar). To date, no Idaho Representatives have cosponsored this bill.
You also might want to call Rep. Emmer to thank him for introducing H.R. 5403. His number in Washington is (202) 225-2331.
Below is a phone and email script you can tailor for your message.
Email & Phone Script
What’s the big deal with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and the push for digital assets?
They will strip us of our assets. They will strip us of our freedoms. They are the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) social credit system, globalist style.
The federal administration, World Economic Forum, and other Un-American forces are doing all they can to bring CBDCs to America. They must be stopped!
Finally, some brave U.S. House members, including sponsor Majority Whip Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN), have written H.R. 5403 to stop CBDCs. PLEASE join them.
Take Action: Cosponsor and pass H.R. 5403 CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act and create a Senate companion bill (none exists to date).
Do not relegate America to a CCP style digital gulag. Keep cash and American sovereignty alive. Stop CBDCs NOW before it’s too late.
🆕 Practical Solutions: Keep Cash Alive Website
Contact elected officials: Find & Contact Them
Text, Tracking & Cosponsors of H.R.5403:
Library of Congress: H.R.5403 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act: Read
Full link:
Videos, Articles and Press Releases:
CBDC Ban in Congress 9.20/23 (video 4 min): Watch
Rep. Emmer Press Release 9/12/23: Read
Congressional committee passes bill to thwart CBDC, by Payments Dive 9/25/23: Read
Currency of Control: How CBDC Implementation Is Leading to Global Tyranny–Aaron Day. American Thought Leaders 10/10/23 (podcast 52 min): Listen
David Webb’s research explains the financial underpinnings of the Great Reset. Individuals and organizations with debt could lose everything: Read
ICAN Directs Its Attorneys to Dig Into the Plans for Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Announced After G20 Summit. Central Bank Digital Currency and digital health passports appear to be well within reach — they MUST be stopped: Read
State of Control documentary (1 hr 14 min). Watch
Complete Loss of Privacy, Freedom & Sovereignty: BRICS-11 + The Corporate Coup. CHD’s Shabnam Palesa Mohamed and Carolyn Betts discuss the “The Predatory Class’s” untold incentives for UN/WHO centralization. Topics include the impact of BRICS-11+ on our lives, the economy, and the US Dollar as multinational corporations seek to control the financial system and the world’s privacy, health, sovereignty, and freedom. SOLUTION: Tell State and Federal Legislators to reject Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and exit the WHO and UN or forever lose American sovereignty and their decision-making power (video 52 min): Watch
James Corbett: The global uprising against CBDCs has begun. They (the banksters) can tout the benefits of their digital slave tokens all they want, but if we refuse to use them, then the CBDC world order will not come to fruition: Read
American Thought Leaders: Is ESG Illegal? Kevin Stocklin on the New 'High Priests of Society' Transforming Corporate America. How does the ESG mechanism work? Who are the players involved? And is there a way to push back? (podcast 1 hr): Listen
Documentary: All Wars Are Bankers Wars (video 43 min). This video from Feb 4, 2013, contains some excellent information. History is not what we have been told: Watch
CBDC Background Information:
Children's Health Defense extensive library of information): Search
The ECASH Act (H.R. 5410 - Tracking Info) introduced by Stephen F Lynch (D-MA) is another scheme to implement Central Digital Bank Currency (CBDC) and to abolish financial freedom in America. The Atlantic Council — a strong proponent of CBDC — recently wrote this article: Central bank digital currency evolution in 2023: From investigation to preparation" explaining the intentions of this bill (11/06/23): Read.
You can voice your objections to this bill. Here are two methods:
Use Campaign for Liberty / Choose Liberty's petition (donation requested after you complete the form): Petition
Call or write your own message to your representatives: Contact Info
Slightly edited email script suggested by Campaign for Liberty:
To: My U.S. Representative
Re: Oppose the ECASH Act, H.R. 5410 and all "Digital Dollar" / CBDC Schemes
The ECASH Act, H.R. 5410 ( is another scheme to push America closer to implementing a Central Bank Digital (CBDC). Among its many bad effects, CBDC could implement massive spying on Americans' private financial transactions, opening the door for crackdowns on what we choose to buy and what politics we choose to support.
The government already has broken the public trust to unlawfully spy and manipulate the public. Moreover, this scheme proposes to use a payments card and a secured chip environment on a cell phone similar to the offline-capable smart payments card China introduced in 2021 as part of its digital Yuan rollout (see FAQs at
We do not want Chinese-style government and control anywhere in America.
We call on you to OPPOSE the ECASH Act and any scheme to move a CBDC forward, and instead support legislation to PROHIBIT the Federal Reserve from taking any action to implement a CBDC. You can find such prohibitive legislation with this search:
Signed ______________________, your constituent.
Shorter script for phone message:
Vote NO on ECASH Act, H.R. 5410
The ECASH Act, H.R. 5410 is another scheme to push America closer to implementing a Central Bank Digital (CBDC). Among its many bad effects, CBDC could implement massive spying on Americans' private financial transactions, opening the door for crackdowns on what we choose to buy and what politics we choose to support. We call on you to OPPOSE the ECASH Act and any scheme to move a CBDC forward, and instead support legislation to PROHIBIT the Federal Reserve from taking any action to implement a CBDC.
The ECASH Act:
The Bill:
Press Release:
Fact Sheet:
FAQ: (Note that China uses the hardware devices for its digital yuan -- no thanks!)
Other Resources:
In the Media:
Tracking info:
Central bank digital currency evolution in 2023: From investigation to preparation - Atlantic Council:
CBDC Tracker:
Call your legislators and tell them NO CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency! Legislator Contact Information